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Topics - Mauve Shirt

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DFRPG / Precognition but not tragic
« on: May 15, 2014, 09:10:40 PM »
So I'm trying to build a minor talent character with precognition. If you've read many Grimm's Fairy Tales, I basically want this guy to be Clever Hans, whom everyone mocks but is always right in the end. Precognizant with high deceit. A good person for trolling internet Paranet forums and conning some provincial king out of his money.
How far ahead would he have to see to 1. be correct about any given situation (if the dice and DM allow it), and 2. not be a crazy lawbreaker of some sort? If all I wanted was a bonus to dodge I'd make it 3 seconds, but it would take probably 2 to 5 minutes of foresight to accurately guess the contents of a scene.

I don't want strict disbelief as with Cassandra's Tears, because I don't want him to be embittered and hate or be hated by the party. It's just not fun roleplaying. The rulebook has no ideas for just future sight, though.


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