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Topics - Roaram

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / More Info Please
« on: December 09, 2008, 08:47:46 PM »
I am an aspiring writer, and have been reading every article that I can get my hands on aboout what new writers do wrong. I have seen many article that say don't tell show, beware the info dump, and don't jump point of view too much or eratically.

And I get it too. The problem is, as I see it, all my favorite Authors change point of view. now I see info dumps and say "yeesh", and I notice when the writing retreats into blurred motion, when I would love to see the action (even Jim sometimes) but the POV I don't get.
I was wondering if anyone had professional examples or knew where to get them of awell written scene(s) vs the same scene done poorly?  I just want examples, either from a publisher or published writer so I know what not to do, thanks.

Author Craft / overlapping story ides
« on: September 24, 2008, 08:42:29 PM »
Before I get to the topic, let me first say I am a big believer in world/universe building. I think that any fantasy/sci-fi is better off for it, and that the stories seem more realistic if the world is comprehensive.

so my topic is this- I have multiple story ideas that all share a common element, but can not necessarily coexsist in the same universe. for example two stories about nanotech that create same type characters, set in different times, with entirely uncompatible story arcs.
or a fantasy character that could easliy be made into a sci-fi character,

my question is does this happen to you? and if so, what do you do? write both? pick one?
just wondering how other peoples heads work on this one

Author Craft / Common knowledge in fantasy
« on: April 05, 2008, 07:17:18 AM »
I have never seen this really addressed in the boards, so I thoought I would bring it up.

when writing a story set in a fantasy world, or reading, how do you do common knowledge stuff like measuring time, or days of the week. or distance. and how much gold/silver/copper/seashells does it take to buy a horse anyways? I have seen it done a lot of ways, but I find that my friends and I differ a lot with how we like to read it. for example I would be completely thrown off if some arcane text told the wizard hhe would need to open the portal to the demon plane TUESDAY after next(unless humor was the object) while at the same time I hate it when armies march for ten leagues, because leagues is  so over used in actual distances I never know if its a mile or three or something completely different. and if you do create something different, how should you catch the reader up without making the characteers discuss plain knowledge? any thoughts

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