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Topics - kloud213

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Author Craft / Looking for some input
« on: September 09, 2009, 10:20:57 PM »
Well here is some of my writing. I would like some honest feedback. It's really short at this point, still working out the plot and what not. Formatting might get screwed up a little.

"What the hell was that Draven?" Exclaimed Roger as the television clicked on and off a few times, then went dead. "I was just about to kill that damned zombie vampire."
    "I'll go check the breaker in the utility closet." I said, "This is an old building and we're using top of the line gaming gear. Shits bound to go screwy sometimes."
    I walked down the hall of my little one bedroom apartment I shared with Roger. It was small, cramped, and Roger was a pig, but times were tough. And bills came first. When I flipped the light switch nothing happened.
    "Shit.... Hey Rog have you seen the flashlight?" I looked back and my friend gave me a guilty look.
    "Umm, I kinda left it on all night and killed the batteries, I fell asleep reading the new Butcher Novel." Roger said sheepishly.
    "You know your insufferable at times." Annoyance creeping at the edge of my voice.
    Oh well, worst things could happen, there should be enough open space so i won't tri.... " Damn you Roger, can't you pick up your flipp'n stuff sometimes." Roger made a non-committal noise.
    When the door opened to the bedroom where the closet was located I was overwhelmed by a musky body-odor that could only mean I  skipped laundry day again. Trudging through my stacks and piles of dirty clothing on the floor, I finally made it to the closet with the breaker panel.
    Well hell, I thought to myself, the power should still be on. When I went to the window every light in the city seemed to be dead. I ran out to the living room to find Roger staring out the window at the total darkness.
    "Maybe a transformer went out." I said casually, even though things felt a bit odd.
    Roger looked at me then, "Dude I think we might be starring in our own video game."
    Roger was on many levels simple. He was a good guy, but he believed in boogeymen and the guy on the grassy-knoll. I would say he was two short steps from running and making a tin-foil hat. The lights are out nothing more, right?
    "Roger stop being a tool, and go get the candles out of the top cabinet in the kitchen." I said trying to stay calm. But what Roger didn't notice was ALL the lights were out including emergency backup lights.
    When Roger brought me matches and the candles I lit a few and placed them scattered about the living room. " Hey Roger I'm gonna go dig out the emergency radio, why don't you check the phones and see if you can get a dial tone."
    Going back to my musky bedroom, I started digging through boxes on the top shelves in the closet. Before I got down the third, Roger came running back going on about how the phones didn't work. Well shit, that's odd isn't it. Instead of panicking I started digging again.
    Why is it every time you look for something particular you can't find it till you you've spent 45 minutes digging though every other possible location. I found the Emergency radio right where the matches and candles were. At this point Roger was wearing on my last nerve, but i held my anger in check.
    Winding up the crank arm is a task for someone like Roger so I let him at it while I tried to think what this all could mean. During my pondering I went from alien invasion to some practical joke. none of my thoughts seemed likely.
    When Roger got the radio charged enough to get a signal, the emergency broadcast system was playing a standard message. Everyone stay calm, we are working on the power problems. We expect power should be on by morning. Everyone stay calm.....
    And on and on the radio went, telling us to stay calm, but I felt a nervousness to the air. Things seemed wrong, my body itched with tension. Roger was the complete opposite, immediately he calmed from the voice on the radio and announced he was going to bed. I agreed with him since there seemed little I could do, so I went to the bathroom and took some Xannax. On my way to my bedroom I thought I felt the tension building.
    As I got to my bed and laid down, I felt as if I were falling through time and space.

    "Draven, listen to my voice" a mystical and seductive voice "We are at an impasse, The world is changing the power is out across the globe. The powers that are being unleashed in our world are unstoppable. And when you wake up you will be different, you will have powers beyond imagining. But there will be others, and some will go crazy with it. Others will become allies and even if they are good they will be your enemies. Many will die from the onslaught as some with unlocked powers will not be able to control themselves. I will speak to you again, now wake up."

    Groggy from the meds I took the night before, I rolled over wondering what the hell that dream was about. Oh well, I don't feel different, just a dream. As I lay in my bed watching the sun come over the tall city buildings, I saw my alarm clock flashing 12:00. At least the power is back on.
    I got out of bed and grabbed my plaid pajama pants, and an old work shirt. I walked out to the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal, and then something happened. My head went to throbbing, like my brain was trying to escape from my brain. As I reached to my face to wipe away the tears I found my eyes, ears, and nose were bleeding.
    Roger found me an indescribable amount of time and pain later. I reached out to grab his leg pleading for him to help, I didn't care how just HELP. And then the he recoiled away from me. He started tearing at his pant leg like they were on fire. As his pain got worse, my head began to feel better. I watched him until he was in complete agony. But my body was to drained to even try to help. Then roger fell over dead.
    As I lay on the floor watching my dead friend, I finally gave into exhaustion, and passed out.

Author Craft / Can i post a little bit of my writing
« on: September 09, 2009, 02:45:44 AM »
Well i was just looking for some input on a little bit of writing im working on. It's only about a thousand words worth.

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