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Topics - cunningrat

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DFRPG / Confused about the Second Law
« on: November 28, 2017, 08:01:31 PM »
I'm getting ready to start a DFRPG game. I was re-reading all the novels as part of the prep, and ran across the following bit in chapter 7 of _Fool Moon_:

“What are we doing, now?” Bob sniggered. “More weight-loss potions?”
“Look, Bob,” I said. “That was only to get me through a rough month. Someone’s got to pay the rent around here.”
“All right,” Bob said smugly. “You going to get into breast enhancement, then? I’m telling you, that’s where the money is.”

How are these NOT a violation of the Second Law? They are both transformations, and (as per the thaumaturgy section in Paranet Papers) transforming the body in even minor ways skirts afoul of the Second Law. And yet, here is Harry, still with the Doom of Damocles upon him at this point, blithely making weight-loss potions to pay the rent.

What am I missing?

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