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Topics - tagancalera

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Player Character Balance Issue
« on: June 20, 2017, 11:59:35 PM »
Hi all, I'm running a game in DFRPG for the first time and I'm trying to figure out how to handle a specific request from one of my players.

I'm starting off everyone at the same power level in the game, for game balance purposes. But, one of my players wants to have a Dire Wolf (a scion of Fenrir) in the same capacity that Harry has Mouse.

Do I count this Dire Wolf as a separate character? If I do, then the player gets to build a character just at the same power level as everyone else, but now ALSO has a Dire Wolf.

Do I count the Dire Wolf into their total "pool of resources" that make up there character? If I do, how do I call out this animal companion and what do I put on the character sheet?

I'm a very stat-system experienced GM, using the likes of GURPS, and trying to "story stat" this Fate system is proving challenging.

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