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Topics - Diceling

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DFRPG / How would you model this specific magic from Dr. Strange?
« on: November 14, 2016, 01:26:09 PM »
DISCLAIMER: If you have not seen Marvel's Dr. Strange yet and would like to avoid spoilers, I suggest you stop reading now!

Still here? Good.

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Say I have a character in Dresdens Files RPG who would like to construct such a "device". Would you consider that possible and, if so, how would you model it?

DFRPG / Help my GM with Compels!
« on: September 07, 2016, 08:51:35 AM »
Hey Guys!

The GM in my current campaign is new to both DFRPG and Fate (but an avid reader and scholar of The Dresden Files) and he's struggling with compels: having a hard time figuring out how and when to use them.

I figured that, instead of me telling tim how to compel the aspects of my character, I'd look to you, fellow DFRPG-enarians, for suggestions, thoughts and ideas. Below is a list of my characters aspects and the stories that spawned them. I'd love it if you could come up with one or more good compels for each of them.

Oh, and by all means, if you think an Aspect is bad and/or "uncompellable", please let me know!

Thanks in advance!

High Concept: Blackstaff Wannabe

Trouble: Keeper of Bad Company
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Background: Born to be Wizard
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Rising Conflict: Lifting, no, Shredding the Veil
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The Story: Once more into the Breach
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Guest Star: White Court Meddler
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Guest Star Redux: Unwilling Mentor
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DFRPG / Ask a simple Question, get a simple Answer!
« on: August 16, 2016, 04:02:31 PM »
Inspired by a thread on a forum for another RPG, this thread is meant to house all those question that need answering, but aren't advanced or complex enough to warrant their own thread.

Ask your question and, hopefully, someone will come right along with the answer! Everyone is encouraged to ask and everyone is encouraged to answer. If you're in doubt whether or not this thread is the right fit for your question, you can go either way: start a thread, not harm in that (I think), or ask here. If it seems that there will be discussion, I'm sure that the awesome moderator can sort it out.

Ask away!

DFRPG / Building/Crafting/Forging a sword?
« on: August 09, 2016, 12:53:49 PM »
Hey guys!

I'm new to the forum (registered yesterday), to DFRPG (currently playing/administrating my first campaign) and to Fate (first encounter), so please forgive any mistakes or oversights I may have made due to my noobishness.

Alright, enough of that, on to my question.

How would a character (or a bunch of them) go about creating (building/crafting/forging) a Weapon:3 sword within DFRPG? Let's, for simplicity's sake, say that we want to create a new Warden Sword (Weapon:3 standard, Weapon:6 3/session, Fantastic (+6) counterspell 3/session). Enchanting the Sword is one part (in and of itself a laborious process), but crafting it is another (at least to my mind).

So, first step in creating a Warden Sword from scratch would be to forge a Weapon:3 sword. How would I do that?

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