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Topics - zenten

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DFRPG / Looking for an odd "mission" from the fae
« on: June 22, 2011, 04:28:33 PM »
So I'm thinking for the next session to have some sort of "mission" that the changeling PC would be taking up to earn a favour from another fae.  It should be something that the whole group (who's at Submerged level) would be able to get involved in.  One of the PCs is a cop, so it shouldn't be anything illegal.  I'm getting a bit stumped on specifically what to have it be though.

DFRPG / Trying to stat up a shadow
« on: June 05, 2011, 02:11:43 AM »
I have an idea for a Walker that is basically just a shadow that takes people over.  It's easy enough to figure out how hurting it works with Immunity and catches and whatnot, but what I'm having trouble with mechanically is how to handle seeing it.  I want it to be something that you can see if there's enough light (with there being a bonus for the Walker to hide in existing shadows) but it's basically impossible to see it if it's dark enough.  How would I stat that as a power, and what would the refresh cost be?

So, I'm plotting something (I'm the GM) that may result in a PC picking up a Denarian coin.  What I'm trying to see is if I understand exactly what this will mean.

From my understanding:

Picking up the coin doesn't in itself force any powers to be taken, but the Player can easily use it to justify things like Hellfire and super strength/speed/endurance.  I'm trying to go down the dark temptation path, as opposed to the "now the PC doesn't have any Refresh and is thus an NPC right away" path.

There will be a passenger in your head, but you might not realize it right away.  This passenger can warp your perceptions at will, without any counter to it.

Getting rid of the passenger requires giving up the coin, and since the PC in question is a Sorcerer it would also require her to give up all her magical power.

Am I getting all that right?  Am I missing anything?

DFRPG / Do individual Aspects matter?
« on: May 02, 2011, 09:22:31 PM »
Between personal, scene and aspects created through maneuvers my players never run out of aspects to spend their fate points on.  They've never even thought of using campaign aspects.  Is this typical?  If not, just how many fate points are being spent on a single roll to get to that point?

My game is at submerged +1 refresh if that helps. 

DFRPG / A question on mass compels
« on: April 22, 2011, 04:30:59 PM »
So I'm thinking of introducing a plot point that would require a mass compel against all the PCs (they each have at least one appropriate Aspect).  The question is, what happens if only some PCs buy it off?

DFRPG / Figuring out the power level of an NPC
« on: March 27, 2011, 09:22:26 PM »
So I have an ogre that's being lured into a trap by the PCs.  This ogre is meant to be the big bad, and defeating him will mark a Significant Milestone.  There will be seven submerged level PCs at the fight, including a knight of the cross and two very combat capable true mortals with cold iron in their shotguns.  The ogre is more skilled and much smarter than a typical ogre, but has no minions.  How many Fate points should I have the ogre start the fight with?

DFRPG / Difficulty of casting out a Denarian "shadow"?
« on: March 15, 2011, 12:00:25 AM »
I have a PC exorcist (focused practitioner) whom will be trying to get the little voice inside an innocent's head from a coin out.  I know the coin can always be called if it's not in use, but surely the voice and whatnot can be removed until it is, right?  If so, what would the complexity of the ritual be?

DFRPG / Full stats for Tessa?
« on: March 14, 2011, 12:53:06 AM »
So I'm going to have Tessa as the big bad in the next storyline for the submerged game I'm running, and I really don't think her stats are good enough as written to be the sort of antagonist that will seriously challenge the PCs.  Since she is said to be so lowballed in her writeup I was wondering if anyone had tried doing "full" stats for her, or at least might have some advice on how to upgrade things?

DFRPG / How useful is Lawbreaker?
« on: March 05, 2011, 11:45:34 PM »
Supposing you want to break a specific Law a bunch of times, and are able to avoid the Wardens finding out.  Is Lawbreaker worth the refresh?

DFRPG / PDF character sheets with derived stats on them?
« on: February 28, 2011, 03:48:30 PM »
I find that I end up forgetting to use various bonuses from powers for the NPCs in my game, and I think something like this would help out a lot for me remembering.  Has anyone made something like this?  I'm talking about things like initiative, armor, damage bonuses, etc.

DFRPG / Where does the system break down in terms of power level
« on: February 20, 2011, 12:51:54 PM »
So any game system I've used/studied before in depth has a "sweet spot" where it works best, and if you get too far beyond that (or beneath that) things start to break down.  Where does that tend to happen in FATE (specifically the version that Dresden Files uses)?  I'd imagine there's a point based on skill cap, and a point based on base refresh, but I really can't tell where that is.  I know that the stuff outlined in Our World doesn't seem to be powerful enough for my Submerged PCs as a group, but that could just be not making NPC stats for that, instead of reflecting some truth of the system.

DFRPG / Faerie Residue
« on: February 18, 2011, 09:05:02 PM »
So we know what happens when a troll is killed.  How about a gruff, or a nixie?

DFRPG / Trying to understand social "combat"
« on: February 17, 2011, 09:06:34 PM »
So this is how social rolls have been used for the most part in game.

There are generally just two or three characters involved total, with the PC (or sometimes two PCs) going up against an NPC.  Manoeuvres are used to generate temporary aspects to be tagged for invoking on social attacks.  There are also assessment actions being used.  The main rolls however are social attacks.

How we've been handling them is you roll the relevant skill, roll a relevant skill to resist (usually discipline), and then this gets applied (usually as mental instead of social stress), or the target has the option to do a minor concession to the roll, but the social combat continues.  From reading over the book this doesn't seem to be right though.  Can someone help me figure this out?

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