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Topics - meg_evonne

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Author Craft / Series Title Tips
« on: February 10, 2012, 04:30:53 PM »
Hadn't thought of the first one.... dah....

Author Craft / The I'm Writing Thread.... Celebrate your pages written etc
« on: February 08, 2012, 01:27:31 PM »
This dropped off and I've brought it back from the dead.

I've had a great five days of good solid production of original pages spread over two projects. Better yet? I'm charted for another two weeks of already to go new scene work.

Author Craft / Villain discussion - Justified
« on: January 25, 2012, 05:54:45 AM »
Do you watch Justified? It's something that I really admire: the writing, the complexity of the characters and the acting.

If you get a chance, get Season 2: Disc 2 and after watching the story arc, check out the special feature called Clans, Fueds and Apple Pie. It is an exemplatory discussion on villains.

This isn't something that I'm capable of doing, but it is the level of complexity and riveting interaction that I'm striving to reach with my writing.

At one point, an actor or writer says, "I don't know where this character is going, but it is going to be exciting."  they said it better. That's one reason that I don't think we can chart out where our villains are going in their journey, because we haven't seen how the plot is going to take them and how they might change as we take them through the story. I think we need to keep that sketchy, allowing them to evolve toward the end point.

It isn't that we can't chart out what that last climax is going to look like, but that how the characters act when they get there needs to be fluid enough to allow what we create to mature.

If you get a chnce to see it, let me know what you think.


Author Craft / 50 years??? Challenges
« on: January 21, 2012, 03:26:05 PM »
If this is correct, then I read my 1st completely-love book at age 8? That can't be right. (And yes, I am that old---waiting for the 'age' snark to begin.

L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time.  And it is science fiction. It was her death that drove me to pick up those, years and years of writing for myself, books and head out into the real world. I am a far better writer now. So once more, thank you to the author of my favorite book.

SO the challenge is to list your single writer who most influenced your writing and your life. Please do not list Jim, obviously he has had a huge impact on all of us or we wouldn't be here.

Author Craft / Blasted format question help?
« on: December 28, 2011, 10:30:00 PM »
query and 15 pages... why can't the blasted thing drop in consistently. Some of it is single space, some of it is double space with absolutely no rhyme or reason? What do you think I'm doing? Suggestions?

Query isn't the problem. I used the copy and paste from the manuscript, does contr c/v work better? Frustrating thing is I emailed it from gmail to my yahoo and it worked decently, not perfect but acceptable, but when I opened the yahoo on a different computer it went ape-sh**...  And yes, it's from PC not Mac. I've heard that Macs never have that problem.

This is the reason that I don't send anything into Ms Snark's First Victim anymore...  I can't stand that it doesn't arrive as neat and clean as I sent.  Plus, it then makes me worry about other query submissions. One reason I haven't done this for a year or more. So much easier to just keep it all to myself.

And a huge thank you in advance if you think you know what I'm doing. As a test, i'd be glad to email to you and you can report back how horrid it looks.

Author Craft / Edit help word starter 2010.. find and replace
« on: December 17, 2011, 02:01:39 PM »
I need to remove the double space between sentences. Yeah, I know that is old school, but I'm old. I learned. It's now automatic to only put in one space.

My problem: I'm working on a complete manuscript that uses the two spaces.  In older versions of Word, I could go into a manuscript, find double spaces and then replace with single space. I need to do that, but the 'find' feature comes up as a side bar with the manuscript highlighting the spots. I've used help key, but cannot find out how to 'replace' the double with single.

Although I have paid for Microsoft Office on all of my computers, this doc comes up as word start 2010. I'm afraid that it might be a feature that isn't available unless I convert over to the other format? What a pain...

Anyone a wiz at this and can help me?

And... I've my granddaughter overnight. How do you young people with kids manage to write at all? No wonder I had to wait until they were in high school etc...  I admire you who do!

Miss Snark's First Victim just sent out an e-mail on Dragon Moon Press calling for submissions.

SO, do not abuse. Follow the guidelines. Do not query if your manuscript isn't ready--that means only edited completely  perfected manuscripts. Get to know the press before you rocket off a query. Investigate the other authors to see if you are a match. Do not kid yourself and waste their time until you are ready or submit if they are not the right mix for you.


Author Craft / New inspiring KIB (kick in butt) post from Jim!
« on: December 09, 2011, 05:01:25 AM »
Thank you, Jim. It's beyond wonderful to see you write again on the craft. Also thank you USMCWolf, because of you I dropped back to get the link and found it.  Nov. 3rd, 2011

Author Craft / Given Penny's post, here is another pet peeve of mine...
« on: December 04, 2011, 04:23:11 PM »
Why would a writer use, "seems"? Why would any writer do that, and we ALL do it in first drafts and even in final copy edits!  How can reporting a feeling or an action rather than giving the reader that same thing directly?

As the frustrated reader, the writer is cheating me and putting up a barrier between me and the character or the action. Even when a writer wants to distance the reader from a particular character for some great reason, I can't be satisfied until you SHOW me why I'm distanced rather than TELLING me.

Please don't ever TELL me. I'm a bright intelligent reader, and I don't want you to TELL me anything--SHOW me!

OK, that was harsh for a Sunday morning. It must be my hungry stomach...  Sorry, but I'll post it anyway, because it is true. Never talk down to your reader, whether they are ten or ninety.

Author Craft / Writer Checklists....
« on: October 30, 2011, 02:49:41 PM »
This blogger is well known in the children's lit world.

She has listed several author checklists and I confess that these things do give me a way and reminder to read my work with a fresh eye.

1st link I posted dropped into my e-mail.... this one should be better for you and for me. If it has been replaced with newer blogs, do a search for "12 writing checklists"

Congrats Mischell and sympathies Breandon  (forgive my spelllings.  in a rush...) 

reopening thread. Continue to report!

Author Craft / Who got me hooked on Smashing Lists....
« on: August 19, 2011, 03:07:01 PM »
I don't know if I should hate you or hug you, but I do know that I'm hooked on them. They spark my brain cells. I even save the links on several occasions, just in case I need to find that perfect dagger or trivia science information.

Was it The Duck? Craig? anyway...thank you for a probable wasted five minutes out of my day when the e-mail arrives.   

Author Craft / FREE! FREE! FREE! starts Sept 15th
« on: August 17, 2011, 07:25:06 PM »
I would be remiss if I failed to mention that a great writer's online conference will happen next week. Stop in at and check out the offerings. Many of the people involved are literary agents. You can register or lurk, whichever you feel most comfortable doing. You may also ask questions while lurking. 

Author Craft / jim on writer craft
« on: August 03, 2011, 12:34:36 PM »
Who besides me missed the Aug 1st afternoon writer's craft session with Jim? Anyone take notes? I haven't had time to see if there is a transcript on the site that was offering it.  Dang it, dang it, dang it. 

Note to self, read the announcements.... Dang it, dang it, dang it!

I must have dropped off the announcement e-mail list...  Yeah, gotta fix that.

Author Craft / iGoogle learning/writing possibilities
« on: July 29, 2011, 11:17:30 PM »
I'm looking forward to fiddling with the iGoogle Facebook alternative. As my daughter tells me, you can have several people working on one document at a time, or over a space of time.  If I get it figured out, is anyone interested in coming up with some shared writing? Nothing planned for publishing, but more as an educational experiment? It is also locked, so only those wanting to participate may access it so our work would be better protected perhaps.

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