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Topics - Thrythlind

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DFRPG / Character Crafting Suggestions
« on: August 02, 2010, 08:31:18 PM »
...yes, I love making (or adapting in this case) characters...sorry about that....

Character: Heigou (real name is Tse).  Heigou was one of two sisters, daughters of an 18th century Chinese aristocrat, who decided to go into the haunted woods near their manse.  They'd been drawn there by an insane witch.  The elder sister, about ten years old, died trying to escape, while the younger was made to survive a mad ritual that the witch believed would make her into the witch's daughter.  In truth, another power was using the witch to create a weapon, transforming the human girl into...something else.

The ritual was partially successful and the girl's blood was drained and replaced with some sort of shadowy stuff.  In between life and death, Tse had a choice: continue on to death and whatever lay beyond, or listen to one of two voices in the darkness about her.  One voice encouraged her to choose life under its service, insisting that there was no other choice and the best way for her to get vengeance on the witch that had killed her sister and put her through this torture.  The other voice encouraged her that she had a choice and that she could choose to live and reject the sinister voice, keeping her human soul, or she could choose to follow it, or she could choose to die.

If she chose to live and follow the sinister voice, then she would be it's tool and servant until eternity had passed or she had died.  And it would be unlikely that she would ever get another chance to turn away and free herself.

If she chose to die, the sinister voice would have lost a tool and be free to attempt the same thing again.

If she chose to live and reject the voice, then her existence would keep a measure of power away from the sinister voice and make it her own, to chose to use for good or evil and to keep the sinister voice incapable of inflicting the same torment on another child.

She was an eight year old girl....she chose to live....but she was also full of anger and wrath and she turned away from the sinister voice to turn to her own path.

The insane witch never realized quite what happened once the girl woke up, but kept her contained and controlled for many years, using a device to store her, a sort of spirit trap for the creature that Tse had become.  Eventually, the witch was hunted down and her lair attacked (she might have survived, however, shrug) and the spirit trap that held Tse, a delicate-seeming sculpture of an egg, left the witch's control.  It changed hands over many years, acquiring a reputation for being haunted (people would see the image of a morose and silent chinese girl, sometimes bloody and torn to shreds, sometimes whole, sometimes in between) as various owners were seemingly driven insane in its ownership.

Eventually, the egg reached an antique shop that had no idea of what it was or its value.  A child and his mother were in the store and the bloody ghost appeared at just the right point for the boy flinch away and cause the egg to fall to the ground and shatter.

Tse was freed in that point and immediately started running out into the night.  She eventually took shelter on the grounds of a church, unable to get in past the threshold herself, until some of the priests took her in.

Tse is something between human and spirit, a rather severe victim of a breach of the Second Law.  She looks human for the most part, and has a human will, however, she is tattooed from neck to ankle and wrist with black images of darkness that seem to change when people look away.  Some of the "tattoos" appear over what seem to be severe scars from where Tse has tried to remove them.

The images on the Tattoos fluctuate based on Tse's attitudes or mental state.  For the most part, due to the fact that she sees herself as a corrupted and unholy creature, they appear as horrid scenes of depravity and terror.  However, the tattoos closer to her heart show a ring of black warriors, usually Chinese soldiers or Christian shield-bearing knights, and in between them, there are other images of peaceful, soothing darkness, usually with Christian symbolism given her having been cared for by Catholic priests for the last few years.  Dependent on her own self-image, the knights are confident and pushing forward or else pressed and falling back.  This section, representing all together her self-confidence, free will and morality, is rather small given her own self-hating nature.

Tse refuses to give anyone (even the priests that raised her after her escape from the egg) her birth name.  She went by no name for a bit, and then chose the name "Heigou" after hearing about the dread "Black Dogs" of some myths.

Tse is still haunted/protected by her elder sister's ghost, though she herself does not know that.  Apparently, the other ghost can't manifest if Tse is watching.  However, the ghost is old and powerful, a match for some demons, and she cares only about "protecting" her sister, which can sometimes be troublesome for others.

Powers: Heigou is a creature of shadow and wrath.  She is physically more powerful than she appears and tends to blend into shadows as if she were part of them. 

I'm thinking:

Cloak of Shadows (-1)
Inhuman Strength (-2)
Inhuman Speed (-2)
Inhuman Toughness (-2)
Inhuman Recovery (-2)
Catch: Toughness and Recovery don't operate in bright light (+2)

does that sound appropriate for powers?

DFRPG / What is and isn't a Lawbreaker?
« on: August 01, 2010, 05:57:49 AM »
I have a tea mistress in a game...that's going to be mostly potions (teas held in thermoses) and ceremonies

my general feeling is the sort of magic is very subtle and prodding, but some of the sort of magics I'd use in other games seem to tread close to the fourth law...

okay, the lust potion is not a fourth law breaker....nor is the sleep spell Harry used on Murphy in Grave Peril....

but the "don't touch" Molly put on her friends is....ugly....

so let's see some of what I'd expect:

Tea Ceremony is performed when things are being perhaps a sense of focus or clarity...would that just be sharpening the senses rather than messing with minds....also, would a sense of peace be accomplished by inducing a relaxed say you get from a mild sedative

an encouragement rather than an outright "You WILL do this"?

Is that the border?

A spell that encourages the participants of the ceremony to be calm, but doesn't force it is good, but one which makes it impossible for them to behave violently is bad?

DFRPG / Unholy Stuff as a Catch
« on: July 30, 2010, 09:30:07 PM »
I wrote up my girl Mara as a demonic scion who switched sides, so her catch would be Unholy Stuff

I statted that as +1? (it can't be more than that really, since she only has inhuman recovery, nothing else..but if she did)

I figure unholy stuff would cover anything that is a perversion of faith such as the upside down cross, the swastika, some satanic variations of the pentacle that Harry's faith is in...sound write?

DFRPG / Lamia - Another Optional Vampire Type
« on: July 26, 2010, 07:38:07 AM »
My concept of the lamia is that they're the result of a Roman/Byzantine-era magical experiment.  They can be considered another sort of vampire, or else a pseudo-vampire.  They were basically made to be the leaders of a small group of supernatural shock troops.

There are three varieties of lamia, based on philosophies.

Predators/Stalkers - simply hunt for their food and kill pretty much the way other vampires do

Lords/Ladies - perceive themselves as superior to humanity, but avoid unnecessary slaughter out of a claimed sense of noblese oblige, others might consider it instead to be a veiled sense of fear of what humanity as a whole could do to them

Grooms/Brides - consider themselves partners to humanity, and equals, seek to either live normal lives or actively protect humanity.

Most Lamia fall in between Lord/Ladies and Grooms/Brides, not completely fitting either ideal.  very few are stalkers.

Lamia feed on human blood and require enough that one lamia would have to severely weaken seven or more mortal humans in one night to sate their own hunger, or else kill one or two.  Most lamia get around this by investing humans with a hint of their power.  The resulting creature is known by different names from one lamia family to the next, but "thrall" and "guardian" are common.

The relationship between a lamia and his/her guardians is two way, though the lamia usually has most of the edge.  First, once becoming a guardian, the mortal must be provided with a lamia's blood at least once a week.  Second, there is an emotional and semi-telepathic bond between the two.  Guardians will almost always try to act in the lamia's best interests.  The lamia and guardian will not always agree on what is in the lamia's best interest.

For the lamia, the guardian provides two benefits, the first is protection.  An altered human is stronger and faster than the lamia herself.  And the second is feeding.  "Guardians" are better able to survive feeding than humans and a lamia with a small number of guardians can live without having to feed on normal humans.

The average lamia requires at least three guardians in order to be able to feed without either severely weakening her guardians or threatening human population in the area.  Three, however, is pushing it in terms of health and safety.  Most lamia are not able to support more seven guardians without putting themselves at risk. 

Lamia themselves have an ability to produce a trance like state of euphoria in humans, attributed to a willfully released pheromone, and each family line is associated with one particular power.  Stalkers and predators are sometimes known to be physically more powerful than their kin.

Guardians are created by a lamia feeding upon them and then feeding them in return.  Apparently both have to be done for the change to occur.  If the lamia only bites but does not provide blood, then no change is wrought.  If they provide blood without drawing blood then any change is both temporary and mild.  Guardians are marked on the site of the bite that was part of their transformation with a skin coloration that indicates which family changed them and they are bound to.



Musts: Must have a high concept that shows what they are such as "Lamia Bride" or "Lamia War Lord"

Blood Drinker (-1)
Feeding Dependency (+1)
Channeling (-2) - not true magic, but the magic rules can represent the unique powers of each bloodline
Incite Sedate Euphoria: at Range (-2)
Pack Instincts (-1)


Some few also have Inhuman Speed, Strength, Recovery or Toughness.  In general, Lords/Ladies have more inhuman abilities than Brides/Grooms and Predators/Stalkers often have so many such abilities that they are unacceptable as PCs.

Important Skills: Discipline, Conviction, Lore, Presence

Minimum Refresh: -5


Must: Must have a high concept suited to their status as a lamia guardian.  "Lamia Blood Doll"  "Protector of the Bride" "Thrall to my Lord" etc.

Inhuman Recovery (-2)
Inhuman Toughness (-2)
Pack Instincts (-1)
At Least one of:
Inhuman Speed (-2)
Inhuman Strength (-2)

Blood is the Life (+1) - have to feed from their master/mistress once or twice a week, or else they die

Options: Some exotic guardians might also have claws or other features dependent on the effects of their beholden lamia's bloodline on their change.

Minimum Refresh: -6, can be -8 if takes both speed and strength

Important Skills: Endurance, Athletics and either Fists or Weapons


It would be most difficult to play a lamia PC due to the dependence on multiple other characters, but it is possible.  One could also play a guardian with the lamia in question an NPC.

DFRPG / Rituals and Potions for a Tea Mistress
« on: July 25, 2010, 12:45:44 AM »
So, I need some idea for my half-oni tea mistress, I have a Lore of Fair, so that means 2 rituals and I left open 4 slots for potions and kinda like some ideas

She specializes in weak, easily cast ceremonies that provide minor blessings, stuff she could hide in the normal duties of being a Tea Mistress at a tea house.

DFRPG / Sisterhood of the Waves
« on: July 24, 2010, 02:02:06 AM »
Partially to help me develop an idea, partially to practice with a know, as much as I love this little group, I should probably eventually do a story with things first

Sisterhood of the Waves

There is a small woman's martial arts/health and fitness group that meets somewhere on the East Coast (haven't decided where yet) known as the sisterhood of the waves that primarily is known for picking up water-related sports as a lifestyle choice.  Swimming, especially endurance swimming, is one of their particular interests.  For the most part, these are entirely normal women, though more dedicated than most toward the ideas of making health and fitness a lifestyle they choose to follow.  However, at their core is a small knot of women that have successfully learned or started to learn to become wereforms.

Specifically sharks.

For the most part, the Sisterhood of the Waves tends to have little to no impact on the area they are in.  They are, mostly, not true magi.  Their wereform is limited to the ocean and they have shown little to no interest in terrorizing the surf.  About the only impact they have is that beaches frequented by one of the core sisters tend to be remarkably free of dangerous fish compared to neighboring regions.  Whether this is because the Sisterhood hunts such fish or simply convinces them to go away is unknown.  For the most part, they simply use the magic because they enjoy using the magic.  For all intents and purposes, they're mostly kitchen witches.

Full wereforms of the Sisterhood can sometimes be characterized by a calm or even serene attitude and slow, energy efficient motion.  This can switch to a flash of sudden and violent motion at anytime that they perceive the need.  It is uncertain whether such an attitude is necessary to learn the magical skills involved or if the practice of becoming a shark eventually hones such personality traits.  Likely, it is a combination of the two.

All in all, these would be minor-league players in the Dresdenverse.

Their shark forms do not neatly fit in with specific species.  The original Sister and most of her first students prefer a sleek mako-ish form.  Colorations are usually mirrored by the individuals skin and hair colors.  Tattoos and hair-dye (for some reason) can affect the shark form's color patterns.  However, clothes and jewelry do not shift with the shark.


Initiate in the Waves

These women have accomplished some minimal change in themselves but are not yet full wereforms.  Of those that do reach some of level of ability, most don't seem to get past this point.  Usually by this point, a woman will have stopped swimming in chlorinated pools and have started eating larger amounts of meat, often less cooked.  Their health is definitely better on average than most women their age, and they tend to be attractive.

Musts: Aquatic(-1), Echoes of the Beast(-1)

Options: Some few may have already developed a variation of the Wizard's Constitution by this point.  Call it Shark's Fortitude.

Shark's Fortitude (-1) - a Sister with this power does not sleep (though can be knocked unconscious or sedated), in addition, like wizards they will eventually heal up from most injuries.  However, while they heal completely, they do acquire scars (can be quite proud of them actually). (increased to -1 because of the no need to sleep thing...think that is day-to-day important)

Important Skills: varies, but most have high scores in Athletics and Endurance with fair to decent levels of Conviction and Discipline.

Minimum Refresh Cost: -2, these are not exactly magical heavyweights


Sister of the Waves

At this point they have become full wereforms.  Most acquire scars of a sort not long after becoming wereforms, these are usually acquired from instances of hunting in the waves.  The bites of other sharks are not uncommon, nor are harpoon scars or injuries from other such devices or animals.  Sisters are usually blithely unconcerned with displaying their scars and often maintain a instinctual level of attraction in spite (or perhaps) because of the injuries.


Aquatic (-1)
Echoes of the Beast (-1)
Shark's Fortitude (-1)
Beast's Change (-1)

Human Form (+1) affecting the following:
Claws (-1)

and choose at least one:
Inhuman Speed (-2)
Inhuman Recovery (-2)
Inhuman Strength (-2)
Inhuman Toughness (-2)

Options: Some of the original Sisters also take Pack(School?) Instincts (-1) due to emulating sharks with cooperative hunting habits.

Important Skills: Varies, but most hit higher levels of Athletics, Endurance, Conviction and Discipline

Minimum Refresh: -6


Other options: Maybe one or more of the packs has more diverse powers?  However I doubt this.

Lt Kuwiko Schmidt
High Concept: Wereshark Sensai
Trouble: Military Career
Background Aspect: Ringing Neptune's Doorbell
Rising Conflict: Self-Taught Shapeshifter
Story Aspect: Anybody's Pheromones Will Do

Aquatic (-1)
Echoes of the Beast (-1)
Shark's Constitution (-1)
Beast Change (-1)
Pack Instincts (-1)
Human Form (+1)
Claws/Bite (-1)
Inhuman Speed (-2)

Superb: Conviction, Presence
Great: Discipline, Fists
Good: Athletics, Alertness
Fair: Scholarship, Survival
Average: Stealth, Endurance

(note, if the beast change skill shift allows you to change skills completely, then Kuwiko's human form would look like this)
Superb: Conviction
Great: Presence, Discipline
Good:  Weapons, Athletics
Fair: Scholarship, Survival, Fists
Average: Stealth, Endurance, Rapport, Driving, Lore

As Shark:

Superb: Endurance, Fists
Great: Conviction, Alertness
Good: Athletics, Survival
Fair: Stealth, Discipline
Average: Scholarship, Presence

Refresh: 1

The first of the Sisters, and the one that taught the others, Kuwiko has been learning since before the double digits to become a shapeshifter.  Ever since a shark pulled her out of an undertow and saved her life (apparently inadvertently).  She has a large bite-scar on her torso that has stretched and smoothed over time and aging to look something like a large birthmark on first glance.

Do have Kuwi's origin story:

Author Craft / What would you think about these Metaphysics
« on: July 22, 2010, 05:50:54 PM »


The body, or shell, is the physical component of the being and is how they interact with the world at large.  There are widely accepted to be two types of shells: material and energetic.  This labeling is moderately misleading as both types require some use of both matter and energy.  The difference is in which the particular being uses as building material and which it uses as fuel.

Material beings, mortals, primarily build themselves a matter-based shell that is powered by the energy produced in various chemical interactions.   For the most part they are built to perceive and understand material events and interactions while the activity of energy is generally only indirectly perceptible to them: they see the results of the energetic actions as it affects the matter around them.

Energetic beings, spirits, primarily build themselves an energy-based shell that is kept sustained by consumption of matter going on around and within them.  They, like the mortals, are generally only capable of directly perceiving energy while the existence of and activities of matter can only be indirectly determined by observing its effect on the energy surrounding them.

In essence, a mortal will see an apple, consume it, taking some of it for building material and convert the rest into the energy necessary for its survival.  Meanwhile, a spirit will see a handful of heat or motion and consume that, using some for building material and converting the rest into matter.  The process of the mortal eating is perceptible to the spirit in terms of the heat produced and the matter produced by the spirit might be perceptible as a ripple of sound or mirage or a speck of dust.


Contrary to what many think, the mind is not actually the thoughts and personalities of the being, but is more akin to a very complex program, or series of programs, through which the soul interacts with the body and therefore the physical world.

Everything the body sees or feels is processed through the mind to the soul, and all the soul’s intents and actions are processed through the mind back to the body.  This extends even to the soul’s image of what the body is or should appear to be.  

When there are faults in the mind, then information is improperly carried between the soul and the body.  This is most obvious with extreme faults, such as mental delusions that relate to complete breaks from the reality the body exists in, but is equally dangerous with small faults.  An example of such a fault could be found in an urge to finish reading anything you start to read, a fault that can lead you to potentially dangerous habits, such as looking away from the road to finish reading a billboard while you are driving.

The mind is constantly being refined, or corrupted, over the course of a person’s life.  As new capabilities are learned, the soul essentially writes new programs to initiate the body into using those skills.  For example, most people would have a mind fragment devoted to drawing, however, for most of us, that fragment’s instructions results in an automatic process to produce a rough outline of what we are trying to create.  For a master artist, there is not just one fragment that can generally be called “drawing”, there are instead many mind fragments that might easily be labeled “perspective”, “angles”, “proportion”, “hand coordination”, “tool choice” and the like.  

This is because the common person, who has never developed their artistic abilities, generally makes only one real decision: “I want to draw such and such.”  The master artist, by comparison makes several decisions before he or she even puts their tools to their medium and they continue to make several decisions as they draw the first line.  There is a great deal more will and choice involved than in the common wish to draw a general picture.  Their “program” is much less user friendly from an outsider’s perspective, it looks almost like magic to them, while producing much more quality results.

Mortals and spirits alike go through most of their lives trusting many decisions to mind fragments designed to deal with specific situations.  These fragments are often called “instinct” or “habits”.  For example, most people will wake up each day and do pretty much exactly what they did the day before with very little variation.  The amount of actual decision making is usually pretty minimal.  Life presents a situation and the mind has a fragment already in place to deal with that situation.

When previously unknown situations arise, the being either does nothing while the mind tries to formulate the nearest response that seems appropriate, or else the soul starts taking more direct action in the course of the situation.


The soul is a much more mysterious aspect of the sentient.  Those aware of “mana” know that it exists, but have very little idea of what it actually is.  Many mistake the aura of a being for the soul.  All things seem to have a soul, though the soul of a sentient is much more thoroughly a part of the whole than it is with non-sentient life.

For example, a common cat’s soul could almost be likened to person with a remote control device running primarily through instinct and making only a few really general decisions overall.  By comparison, a human being’s soul is actually wrapped up within the mind and body.

While most sorts of aberrant behavior can be traced to gross imperfections in the mind, there are souls that willfully make decisions that could be called evil.


A theory exists that there is a third type of being, one that has two interwoven bodies.  This has been faked in the past by the use of Comergeance, but a true dual shell would not be a mortal and spirit sharing the same space while within either the Mortal (corporeal/incorporeal) or Spirit (astral/ethereal), but would be a single soul with a shell that existed within both parts of its current world at one time.

A dual shell living in the Mortal world, for example, would have equal presence in both the corporeal and incorporeal parts of that world.  

The immediate benefit of this is the ability to interact with pretty much anything.  

A mortal sorcerer might be able to shift his body out of the corporeal into the incorporeal, for instance, and an avatar from the spirit world might also observe from that facet.  Both would be untouchable by mortals within the corporeal and, likewise, neither would be able affect any of the said mortals without making use of some other mana-related power.  In addition, while mortals occasionally perceive the incorporeal, they usually do not, so, unless they wish it, both the sorcerer and the avatar would be invisible most of the time.

A dual-shell, however, could touch either individual with no problem, possibly without even being aware that they are doing anything special.

This also means that they are unable to ever become insubstantial to mortals at the same time that they are able to perceive them.  The dual shell would have to cross the Mirror completely into the Spirit in order to become insubstantial to mortals.  However, in so doing, they would lose all contact with the Mortal.

In addition, the dual shell is likely to be find themselves obstructed by things that others simply are not aware of.  For example, an electrified fence would not likely electrocute the dual-shell but it might act like a solid wall of painful thorns, cutting the spirit body of the dual shell.  In Comergeance this would cause cuts to appear on the partner of the spirit as well, as such, on lookers would see the individual reach out to touch the wire and then start to bleed rather than jerk about.

As there has never been a proven dual-shell, further discussion of their abilities and limits is largely theoretical.


The world is separated into two parts collectively called the Mortal and the Spirit.  The division between these two parts is largely called the Mirror.  The division is largely one of perception.  Mortals and spirits exist within the same space but rarely if ever become aware of each other.


The mortal world is split into two parts itself: the corporeal and the incorporeal.  The corporeal is encompassed by all the matter that people commonly see every day.  Dirt, trees, brick, clouds and so forth.  The incorporeal is encompassed by rare interactions of energy.

For the most part, the incorporeal is uninhabited, though spirits aware of able to move to the mortal realm often take up residence in that part of it.

Technically, as the incorporeal is energy rather than matter, it should be completely imperceptible to most mortals while visible to most spirits.  However, there is something about the energies of the incorporeal that is somehow out of sync with the energies of the astral and more in sync with matter.  As such, mortals, even those unable to use mana or shift their perceptions, see the incorporeal much more frequently than spirits.  Of course, since there is so often nothing there to see, hardly anybody is aware that they are seeing anything at all.


The spirit world, like the mortal, is split into two parts as well: the astral and the ethereal.  The astral world is encompassed by a large variety of energies that we have only abstract terms for.  Emotions, events, intentions, actions, life and natural processes all produce their own unique energies which are often used to build cities and the like amongst the spirits.

The ethereal is quite similar to the incorporeal in that it is primarily matter that is somehow out of sync with the vast majority of matter but closer in sync with much of the astral.  Like the incorporeal, most spirits, if they observe a patch of perceptible ethereal matter, see nothing because there’s usually nothing there substantial enough for them to perceive.


Some few mana-users have managed to draw out the process of shifting their perceptions and body from mortal to spirit and witnessed the Mirror enough to know that it is its own region with its own rules.  Spirits and mortals of particularly strong will have even been able to stay within the Mirror for extended periods of time, though that can be considered dangerous.

Being in the Mirror is almost the same as being both everywhere and nowhere.

When one is in the Mirror, their perceptions are focused on neither matter nor energy but rather on what many believe is possibility.

The dreams, wishes and memories of the world at large have an impact on the Mirror, creating distinct sub-realms that follow no logical physical geometry the way that the Spirit and Mortal worlds do.  Many Mortal legends of the various spirit worlds, and likewise legends within the Spirit, actually seem to more discuss the Mirror.

In the Mirror, for instance, it is entirely possible to have a battle with a beast or a conversation with a famous, long dead historical individual.  However, the beast is likely to be an amalgam of the subconscious fears and anxieties of a large number of people.  For example, all the arachnophobes in the world have spawned entire regions of the Mirror strung in monstrous webs.  Likewise the historical figure is also an amalgam of the stories, memories and legends collected around that person.

Most of the things met in the Mirror are simply projections of the massive, shared subconscious of both Spirit and Mortal, but ever since beings started to become aware of and manipulate mana, thus allowing them to cross their perceptions and bodies from Mortal to Spirit, there have been mortals and spirits inside the Mirror.

For the most part a Mortal or Spirit spends so little time in the Mirror that it is only a flicker of perception that is quickly forgotten.   However, some take prolonged trips into the Mirror and come out either enlightened or deceived dependent on how well they are aware that what they see is merely an accumulation of individual perceptions.

Perception Shifts

The most common way that an individual shifts is to change only their perceptions.  Every individual does this to some degree unconsciously every so often.  Mortal perception shifts into the incorporeal naturally and spirit perception shifts into the ethereal naturally, as previously described.  However, with training or an innate talent, the shift can be done deliberately.  In fact, it is possible to shift all the way through the mirror into the other side of the world.

In a perception shift, the overall body remains in the same facet of the world that it started in.  There may be some physical signs that the shift happens, commonly in humans this involves changes in the eyes as vision is the dominant human sense.  For the normal, unconscious shift these signs are both minimal and short in duration, most would never notice them.

When a perception shift extends only into the facet paired with the one currently resided in, the individual remains able to perceive the world about them, though it might be fuzzy and sound somehow hollow.  When a perception shift extends all the way into the opposite pair, then perception of the world around is usually lost for at least one sense.  Again, in mortals, this usually means that they can see into the astral and ethereal while hearing the corporeal and incorporeal.  

This is not the same as clairvoyance or other such distance sensing abilities.  A perception shift only shows the individual what is going on in the other facet of the world in space immediately surrounding them.  Distance sensing requires projection.

Body Shift

A body shift is much more rare and only happens in mana-active individuals.  The most basic form of this is generally regarded as the ability to become insubstantial.  For mortals, this means shifting one’s body into an energy shell that matches the sync of the incorporeal facet.  For spirits, it means becoming ethereal matter.  This means the ability to walk through walls and other such structures.

The more complete body shift comes when an individual shifts completely from the Mortal to the Spirit and starts walking amongst the other beings.

Any time a spirit or mortal knowingly interact, at least one of them has to be able to have shifted completely from one world to the other.  This fact tends to make it seem as if this were a very common ability amongst spirits, however, the spirits that are able to come into and live in the Mortal are only a small fraction of the percentage of spirits that live in the Spirit.  Likewise, those mortals able to cross over to the spirit make up the barest fraction of a percentage of the mortal population.


Comergeance occurs when two beings in the same world, but different facets share the same space in a manner more than temporary or accidental.  It is more commonly known as “possession”.

For example, a spirit or incorporeal mortal might comerge with a corporeal mortal and allow the beings to at least simulate having a dual shell.  This allows for protection from more variety of attacks and makes it easier to protect and aid each other.  In this application, the beings blend their minds in order to be more fully aware of what their partner is aware of and better able to blend their powers.

The most sinister and famous application, as previously stated, is possession.  Possession occurs when the second being is not entering as a willing and equal partner, but is shifting into the victim and supplanting their mind in to control the other’s.  In this way, the possessing individual is staying within the victim and using them as a shield and power source.  

Mortals most commonly believe that the only way possession happens is when a spirit, usually a demon, possesses a mortal, however, just as many mortal self-styled sorcerers have passed over to the Spirit and taken possession of a spirit.

Possession has long term consequences for the victim even after the possessing entity is removed.  Amongst other things, they will almost always be mana-active afterwards due to their mind duplicating various fragments of their attacker’s mind.  This can also mean a duplication of behavior patterns that can seem like a return of the possessing entity.  In either case, without training or working through things, the sudden acquisition of new behaviors and abilities is a dangerous combination.

Loss of power can always be repaired.  New and sudden power can be incredibly self-destructive without help.

Responsible exorcists should take in former victims and help them adapt to new abilities and eliminate unwanted involuntary behaviors.

DFRPG / How would you do this concept:
« on: July 21, 2010, 09:38:12 PM »
Endcaller Mara:

Power-wise, she's a city of heroes Dark/Elec/Elec defender, so seems pretty easy to be a Wizard with familiarity with Darkness and Lightning...though she's also a devout believer in God (though somewhat irreverent about it) as well...

However, there's her backstory:

Mara is the survivor of a collapsed universe...somehow, she figured out what was coming and led some survivors through a the places between universes until they found another place to live...Mara herself got found and recruited by a group claiming to be angels since she'd seen the warning signs.   So while she looks not human, she's essentially the base mortal race of a world that no longer exists.

Her job: someone that's seen an apocalypse coming, she's sort of touched by that, she is drawn to things that might literally bring about the end of the world...her job is to stop that before it happens

she's a somewhat low ranked Endcaller and considered to be a loose cannon, currently assigned to a world that has plenty of supernatural defenses of its own so they don't need someone strong to protect it (in CoH, it's Paragon and other DFRPG...well...obvious).  Her immediate supervisor, actually, is Saint George (of Saint George and the Dragon fame)...George de Lydda

DFRPG / Just beginning a campaign...
« on: July 21, 2010, 09:30:01 PM »
...with some friends, and I believe we've screwed ourselves up royally.

for whatever reason, in building the city we now have (Byzantine, Turkey):

Queen Mab and Queen Titania around for "games"
A Danarian demon at a cursed church
A gateway to the underworld guarded by Charon (an inherited position)
A cult trying to rouse up enough hatred and racism in the world so that they can harvest that power and let the Outsiders in
a nuclear weapons de-arming/disposal facility
a college somehow littered with magical texts and items with people who are smart/talented enough to activate them but ignorant enough not to realize they're real

as for characters we have:
the pharoah reborn (scion)
a half-ogre who was supposed to die as part of an agreement (was resuscitated by science)
a wereraven thief whose gotten Loki mad at him
an ectomancer death seer who's the half-Greek daughter of a Japanese woman turned mob boss and assassin's guild founder
a sorcerer
a True Believer monster hunter family man

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