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Messages - Dayna Barter

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: The Illusion of Danger
« on: July 13, 2006, 09:27:31 PM »
I think my enjoyment would depend on the overall story.  If done well, the fact that the character's immortal need not lessen any suspense in the story.  The trick is to still provide the character with a risk of losing something important.  If not his life, then another person, or an enterprise he's built, or a reputation... something that matters to him.

Author Craft / Re: Beginnings
« on: July 13, 2006, 06:34:08 PM »
I think that a killer opening line can go a long way toward encouraging me to read the rest of the book, but what follows needs to be good as well.  I'll usually give a book the first chapter.  If it hasn't hooked me by then, I put it down.

Having said that, I do think that the killer first line is WAY more important to a first novel than it is to later books in a series or from an established author.  Good authors build up an account of "good author credit" with me.  I'll spot them a slower opening if I've already read several of their books and enjoyed them.  But for a freshman author, a boring first chapter is the kiss of death.

Author Craft / Re: In Line With Outlines?
« on: July 13, 2006, 06:27:14 PM »
I don't do a detailed outline, but I try to at least have a bullet list of important events, in the order in which they'll appear in the story.  It helps keep me on track.  I'm always open to a better idea if it comes along, but having a list of bullet points helps me focus on whether the new thought really is a better idea and, if so, why.

Author Craft / Re: On-line writers groups
« on: July 13, 2006, 06:24:04 PM »
I belong to the Online Writers Workshop for sci-fi/fantasy.  I only signed up recently, but just the act of critiquing other authors' works is helpful in and of itself.  I haven't posted any work of my own for critique yet, so I can't speak to that experience, but based on the reviews of others' work, it looks very helpful.  Several of the critiques are very comprehensive.

*waiting for someone to suggest a writer's group being formed from these boards*

<g>  Well hey, that wouldn't suck.   ;D

Author Craft / Re: Fanfiction - Good or Evil?
« on: July 13, 2006, 06:12:23 PM »
Hi all, first time post, so hopefully I won't inadvertently break any forum laws or anything.

Fanfiction is something you should write, you should cherish, then keep to yourself that you ever wrote it and likely burn it, just to make sure. Sometimes having a platform to start from is a great spring board into writing. But never let fanfics see the light of day. Please. Won't somebody think of the children?

This is pretty much where I come down on it too, ethyachk.  I'm not a published author (yet, hopefully) either.  What writing a fanfic did for me was to reawaken a passion for writing that I had let fall by the wayside in the rush to make a living, etc.  Through writing that, I got the blood flowing to those writing muscles again, and I experienced the rush of not only starting a piece, but actually finishing it.  It was a wonderful experience.

That having been said, I agree that those things don't really need to see the light of day.  The fanfic served its purpose, and now it can rest on its laurels and gather dust and not go out in public to embarrass me or the poor author whose yard I played in.

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