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Messages - Venexea

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: November 08, 2008, 12:35:56 AM »
I'm rather a hard ass about my CG, shows and especailly supernatural & fantasy type shows as this was. I had been meaning to see if the library had them (was pretty sure they wouldn't since the library here in Niagara Falls bites more then a vampire at a blood bank) and it wasn't till my spouse was driving his father about to fix the 'Gremline's Touch' I did with his computer that I wandered over to check it out. Hubby had been ribbing me to just go since he's the ubber reader in our family since I was nit-picking the show pretty bad and knowing the marvels of books...

I ended up falling hard for The Dresden Files Series, absorbing them in 3 days, where any other book I might finish it in 10yrs if ever. Believe me - I've pretty much go on a tingget about the series and how obsessed I am about the world. It's made a HUGE deal for me to finally find series, a genre that I so enjoy ... even though I kick myself not finding them in school years for book reports. If I had I might be a better (and published) writer now if I had found the books earlier then my early 30s.

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