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Messages - He Who Walks Backwards

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Okay new game: hooked or not hooked.....
« on: June 24, 2009, 05:08:58 AM »
Can't really tell yet... :(

Well here's mine.  Its a short story start.  Let me know!

   Derek and I are, well, different.  He’s tall, dark, and handsome, and everybody loves him.  I am the Biology and Chemistry Major finishing my senior year of college. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not repulsive or a hermit or anything, but people are just drawn to him.  He’s just shy of six feet, with raven hair and bright green eyes.  I’m five-eight, with sandy hair and blue eyes.
   Oh, and perhaps the biggest difference between us is that I am not a vampire.
   Derek moved into the apartment a little over two years ago, answering an ad that I had placed in the local newspaper when I was looking for a new roommate.  He was the only one to answer the ad, and, to be honest, I needed the help on the rent, so he moved in shortly after.
   It took me a while before I found out his secret.  He came home every night just before dawn.  I caught him one time and asked why he kept going out so late and coming back so early.  He avoided me for a couple of days and eventually, we sat down and talked.
   He explained everything to me.  He said that he had lived for nearly three hundred years.  He told me about other vampires and other creatures of the night.  He explained vampiric Laws to me, and he told me about their ruling body, the Imperion.  Ever since then, we have been good friends.  He had taken me to popular vampire clubs and we had partied together.  All in all, my nightlife had improved since Derek moved in.
   It was because of these night trips that my life, and ultimately Derek’s, would be changed forever.

Site Suggestions & Support / Just a question
« on: January 15, 2009, 07:04:51 PM »
Please message me with the reply:

The ranking goes like this:

Mortal - New Member (0 posts)
Apprentice - Posting Member (10 posts)
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The Merlin - Site Administrator

How do you become a moderator or administrator?

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