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Messages - JourneyingMoon

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: June 02, 2008, 06:57:42 PM »
Hi all,  E. Jay here :D

I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. I even completed a science fiction novel. I keep it in a drawer as proof that I can finish. I used to be able to just write and write, without thinking, without that voice that tells me every word sucks. Then I went to school for writing and sort of lost my voice and gained that monster that looks over my shoulder and points out what’s wrong with every word that hits the page. I spent years trying to find my voice again and to silence my monster.

I’ve read every book on craft and a psychotic amount of blogs and I seem to be stuck in a bit of a rut, like research has replaced actual writing. Once the research is done (for the day) there is the preparation, set up, lots and lots of outlining, and the reading of what I already wrote—so that I am refreshed and in the zone. But then the day is gone and I fool myself into thinking that tomorrow the real work begins. Months pass with lots of tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and few pages of actual written work.

This is not to say actual writing never gets done. When I do get to the page, after cranking out a few, I get stuck in an editing loop where I basically beat the life out of the writing. Or I’m always starting something new.
Now, I’m trying to force myself to finish the two novels most taking my attention. I’m trying to ride a wave of: the writing comes to life in the editing. I’m trying to push forward and not look back. But it seems near impossible because of voice in my head that screams: This is boring, try it in first person, actually third person is better, you’re telling not showing, nothing is happening, who cares this story sucks (under all that pressure I often forget how to write even the most basic sentence).

The two novels I am currently focusing on are 1) BSR. An urban fantasy with vampires, psychics, and witches (oh my!) . 2) BEAUTY. Sci-fi with a horror twist. BSR is outlined as a series. I have books 2 and 3 all plotted out. Beauty is stand alone.

The hard part is pushing myself forward. Moving from one page to the next without second guessing myself or looking back. And trying to remember that this is a first draft, that it doesn’t have to be perfect. When I wrote my first novel my hands were possessed. I wish I could get there again.

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