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Messages - Thaumatist

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Contemporary Fantasy markets
« on: March 13, 2008, 09:33:48 PM »
Hi all, I'm quite new here, though I've been a HUGE Jim/Dresden fan since I first picked up Fool Moon a year and a half ago.

So here's my issue.  I've currently got a short story I'm trying to get published.  It's a stand alone story that's part of a world I'm working for a book series.  The genre can most accurately be described as Dresden Files meets House MD.  The setting is one in which the supernatural is much more commonplace and has many parallel's to real-world diseases.  The story, being a short 5k word piece, reads a lot like an episode of a TV show.

I've submitted to Realms of Fantasy, Strange Horizons, FSF mag, and Fantasy Magazine, all of which I thought were good fits for this story.  Evidently not.  There's been no feedback, so I don't think it has to do with my writing, characters, etc, I just think the style and genre aren't fitting what editors are expecting

So does anyone know of magazines looking for this kind of story?  It's basically a supernatural medical mystery.


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