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Messages - Datakim

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it is possible that the last Starborn was a fluke,  unplanned,  unexpected.  By the time the Great Powers realized what they had,  it was too late to use it/him.

Presumably the knowledge on how to create Starborn had to come from somewhere. I cannot recall the WoJ exactly, but was it not said that the previous Starborn was running around when one of the Ladies died? Maybe that Starborn was an unplanned accident, but proved powerfull and usefull, and now people are trying to actively create more based on the knowledge gained from the previous one?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Reviving my Major Lash theory post
« on: July 13, 2011, 04:21:26 AM »
Now I'm going to wonder if Dresden will give Bob a little unwelcome gift later on.

Should bob not already have free will then to some extent atleast? Afterall, Harry gave Bob a name too. If Harry giving Lash her name gave her free will, then why is the same not true for Bob. For that matter, it is kinda strange that this was not brought up in the dialog you quoted such as Harry mentioning to Bob that when it comes to names, his situation is rather similar to Lash.

Maybe Bob does not really THINK of himself as Bob, even if he responds to that name, but Lash did at the end. Or something like that? Maybe Bob would have to somehow embrace the name and the identity/free will that comes with it, and thats what happened with Lash at the end.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Dragon*Con 2010
« on: September 24, 2010, 11:30:22 PM »
A little late coming into this thread, but just wanted to say that I was at D*C and Jim was beyond amazing. :) he was everything I thought he'd be and more - so funny and anecdotal, I wish I could have seen EVERY single panel he was in. And SO incredibly personable! There were a bunch of us that came to a panel he was on, Saturday night, 10:30 PM  "Beyond Binaries 101" and he agreed to sign stuff after it was over, and took the time to really /talk/ to each of us. It was wonderful. *.*

Now, I videotaped him in 2 different panels. One was the aforementioned "Beyond Binaries 101" panel, and the other was his solo panel Sunday morning. If anyone is interested, I can put them up on YouTube for folks to watch and enjoy.  ;D

Please do! I am very interested atleast, and I figure so are others here.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: April 14: Q&A
« on: April 14, 2010, 05:26:57 PM »
How many questions does Jim intend to answer anyway? That is to say is it permissible to ask more than 1 question or is one per person a limit?

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