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Messages - Conor

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DFRPG / Re: What Exactly Is A Freeholding Lord?
« on: April 06, 2014, 04:42:10 PM »
Thanks folks, those are really useful responses.

I'll have to pick up Dark and Stormy Knights, I haven't read that one yet!

DFRPG / What Exactly Is A Freeholding Lord?
« on: April 06, 2014, 02:39:55 PM »
Hi folks,

I'm aware of a certain NPC who is a Freeholding Lord in Our World and it lists who signed him in (And I remember same from the novels) but where I'm a bit sketchy is exactly what rights and responsibilities being a Freeholding Lord would grant a character.

Can anyone give any advice or suggestions on this?

Some questions I have:

How is the "territory" of a Freeholding Lord determined? How large is it? Presumably it would be a small section of the city they are based in?

What authority does a Freeholding Lord have?

What responsibilities?

If anyone would like to chime in and chat about this one I'd really appreciate it!


DFRPG / Re: Thoughts on new vs old wardens
« on: July 01, 2013, 12:34:52 AM »
It's not just non-magical morality, but morality period. As Luccio pointed out, the Laws Of Magic aren't primarily about right and wrong, but about control, binding wizards and limiting their danger. The Council stands neutral on matters of right and wrong because it's the only way they know to prevent civil war.


DFRPG / Re: Thoughts on new vs old wardens
« on: June 30, 2013, 09:04:03 PM »
I would think that the Wardens would not be particularly fond of slavery, on the whole, since it's not a long step from owning slaves to making them with black magic. That said, they wouldn't have enforced it since it was a matter for mortal politics.

I think that's a logically sound argument but I disagree with it just the same, on the basis that The White Council doesn't really care about things outside magic, by and large. If Harry Dresden had killed a mortal with an icepick for no discernable reason rather than kill Justin DuMorne with magic in self defense, he wouldn't have found himself under the Doom of Damocles.

I think non-magical morality seems to be something they're fairly disinterested in, as unpleasant as the implications of that are sometimes.

DFRPG / Re: Organizing an DF RPG Online Game
« on: May 16, 2013, 05:02:16 PM »
are you all still looking for people/ if not can i read in on the progress thus far?

Hey Lowellwashere, I'll echo what Patch said and say you're very welcome to come over and get involved, either as player or by applying to GM!

Either way, look forward to seeing you over there, thanks for asking about it.

Cool, thanks folks, that all makes sense!

Someone was asking this in the foyer over on the Ragnarok NYC chat yesterday, it sparked some discussion but I thought I'd take it here too and see what you folks think.

The question is: if a person with inhuman toughness is hit by something that fulfils their catch, obvioiusly it bypasses their armor. But does it also bypass their extra stress boxes? Does The Catch make it as if they just don't have Inhuman Toughness on their sheet?

 One person mentioned it might be a bit of a book-keeping pain, as now the player has essentially two physical stress tracks to keep an eye on.

I've been wondering and I see both sides of the question.

What's the thinking on it around here?


DFRPG / Re: Tazer/stun gun ??
« on: May 10, 2013, 02:07:49 PM »
Tasers are non-lethal in intent, but I think in games they tend to be used as a fast forward button to instantly ending the fight. That's cinematic, it's certainly how they're used in movies and TV but in games it's probably a bit broken (if used by pcs) and infuriating (if used ON pcs).

This problem often comes up when Saps and the like are used in games too.

If the taser has some special advantage of incapacitating the target, that leads to a more immediate Taken Out effect, which in a game like this is the ultimate end of any combat anyway.

Because of all the above, I like the answer of just using the taser as a weapon to inflict stress, maybe with some descriptive fluff to differentiate it from a more lethal weapon, the ability to place maneuvers on the target within reason.

DFRPG / Re: Game-Breaking Powers To Worry About?
« on: May 10, 2013, 02:00:24 PM »
Things that break your game's skill cap on attacks are probably a dumb idea. Things that can get you an entire combat's worth of attacks at double your game's skill cap (Oh hi, focus items!) are a super dumb idea.

Be upfront with people about what you're going to let them do with thaumaturgy. The ability to do anything with essentially one skill, especially where one of the explicitly listed uses is 'Do impossible things',  has the potential to get way out of hand. :-)

If your group has a 'that guy', maybe encourage him to not be a wizard.

That's one issue Bedurndurn, out group is going to be a large-scale online chat with a high number of players and multiple GMs, we haven't opened yet and we already have 30-something registered users, that number is only going to grow. I'm inclined to trust everyone but in a group that big you can't keep an eye out for 'that guy' as easily as you can in tabletop.

Thanks for the advice so far everyone, if anyone has more to add please do.

I found that discussion about shifters interesting, their disadvantage of having to shift form really is a nice inbuilt limitation.

Evocation with Focus Items is still one of the biggest worries, yeah. But the more time passes, the more I'm inclined to let things go as they are in the books in most cases and watch how things develop for the first few weeks of the game.

DFRPG / Re: Game-Breaking Powers To Worry About?
« on: May 09, 2013, 11:42:24 PM »
The only thing I would outright suggest barring is mental damage evocation attacks. It is a matter of some debate here whether or not spirit would let you do it. I tend to think it is probably legal by the book, but it gets stupid really quickly.

A new wizard can one shot kill the vast majority of bad guys with it. (If you are already concerned about the strength of normal evocation, this is that only it bypasses all the toughness powers. Unless of course all the baddies start inexplicably showing up with inhuman stoicism, etc.)

Thanks Polkaneverdies, also I only realized what your username is when I had to type it out!

DFRPG / Game-Breaking Powers To Worry About?
« on: May 09, 2013, 10:09:17 PM »
Hey folks,

One thing that comes up from time to time in discussion as we build Ragnarok NYC is: are there any powers etc we need to house rule so they don't break the game?

Things I've heard people be worried about so far:

Higher levels of Incite Emotion

And then things like combination of Evocation and Enchanted Items for incredible Defense, stuff like that.

I'm generally pretty easy on this stuff and my default position is to not want to limit whatever's in the book, but I thought I'd invite people here to comment to get the benefit of your experience.

Thanks a lot!

DFRPG / Re: Organizing an DF RPG Online Game
« on: May 09, 2013, 03:06:57 PM »
Woo-hoo! Heading towards Ragnarok (to check things out)!

Hey 4thWorlder, thanks for your contributions already, I love your NYC locations post. Appreciate you coming over!

LMage, I'm sorry I missed your post at the time, I hope Troy's response was helpful.

If you want to ask any questions about how joining the game works feel free to drop me an email to conor at gamingsandbox dot com or click the email link here, or drop by the site and jump on the forums.

We haven't got to the point where we're putting any characters in play yet but people are on the forums talking out character ideas, putting together some hooks etc.

DFRPG / Re: Factions For An Online DFRPG Chat
« on: May 05, 2013, 02:32:18 PM »
Nice DMS, actually we're actually thinking our setting will probably have a lot of the big hitters like Vadderung out of the picture, with lesser gods taking up the slack. Providing a bit more upward mobility potential for pcs, making the npcs a bit more relatable for a -8 refresh game.

DFRPG / Re: Organizing an DF RPG Online Game
« on: May 03, 2013, 03:01:49 PM »
Thanks everyone who's recommending roll20, it seems like a great site.
JeffV is building everything we need though, what we're really interested in is inviting players and GMs to come over and be part of the game.

DFRPG / Re: Organizing an DF RPG Online Game
« on: May 01, 2013, 09:35:00 PM »
Hey folks,
Thanks for all your posts so far, cold_breaker, thanks for the thoughts, sounds like you're speaking from a lot of experience.

Our forums are now up, you can register and post there if you're interested in getting involved!

We're interested in finding some GMs to volunteer on the site, if that sounds like your cup of tea you could email me or post here or whatever you like.

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