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Messages - The Architect

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: What would u be?
« on: September 08, 2007, 04:24:45 AM »
Assuming the game were delivered into my hands right this minute (Get a move on Fred) I'd have to go with an (Almost) Gifted Mortal. Dan Russell, aka Russell the Hustle, a cop (or ex-cop depending of the game) with a checkered and starred history. Bounced from department after department for his unorthodox methods, hired by department after department for his conviction rate. Russell makes deals. All sorts of deals. A bust for Attempted Murder may get written up as Aggravated Assault if the suspect can help Russell close a Homicide case. 'Got a friend in prison looking at parole? Tell me who knocked over the liquor store on 5th St. and I'll do what I can for your buddy.' Russell has contacts with criminals and cops and government agents across the country, so when he ran into the Jeebie-makers of the Nevernever, what does he do? What he does best, he made deals.

Sort of a bright reflection to Marcone.

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