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Messages - Sandor Clegane

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Dresden vs everyone in the Genre
« on: October 24, 2007, 01:36:03 AM »
Ignores last 17 posts... ::)

Rob Thurman is a pretty good read. I didn't like Caliban as he was in the first book, he just didn't impress me, but that is okay because it was still a great read. I liked him more in Moonshine anyway.

Oh and Glen Cook's Black Company Series, very intersting characters, very gray morals, very real and gritty characters and scenes. Yep The Black Company rules. How are his other series?

Author Craft / Re: Dresden vs everyone in the Genre
« on: October 20, 2007, 03:21:24 AM »
I picked up a Kim Harrison book the other day, after hearing that it was sort of like the Dresden Files. Well it is, sort of. The plot is advancing sort of slowly and I guess it doesn't help that I managed to pick up the 4th book in the series and not say the 1st.

Anyway it just doesn't seem to read as fast, as for Rachel Morgan being 3d, I haven't read enough to be sure, but she is pretty clumsy, and has made several mistakes already by saying the wrong thing  a la Dresden and doesn't epict herself as extremely intelligent. The thing is it isn't as compelling as DF is, it isn't like I'm struggling through it, I'm just don't get the can't put this book down feeling like I get from DF, ASoIaF, SoT, Codex Alera.

Still it is a good read, just not great IMHO.

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