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Messages - romuloht

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I would just like to point out that if Titania had succeeded in killing Harry with the first Gruff attack, Ivy wouldn't have been called in.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Unsolved Mysteries Version II
« on: April 15, 2012, 07:06:31 PM »
What proof do we have that Harry's father was human? Ebenazar says he is mortal but we don't really know if he ever met Malcom. Yes, in Blood Rites he says something about Malcom having a good heart, and that would mean that he met him, but if he knew about Harry and Malcom wouldn't he have adopted Harry after Malcom died? Instead of leaving him alone to later be adopted by someone like Justin. And we can't really trust Harry's memories about his father, he was 6 years old when his father died, his memories have to be fuzzy, or they could have been tampered with. Another thing that bugs me is the knowledge that Malcom implies to have in Dead Beat about the things that were happening and what would still happen. I also found it strange that he could contact Harry in his dreams, no spirit (or is it ghost?) has this ability in the DV (as far as I know). There's also the fact that Harry could see him in the end of Dead Beat, if he can't see spirits without using his Sight, how could he see Malcom?

Hey guys! First post!

About the parasite. I think that it is possible that the parasite was Lash. In WN, Bob says that Lash took a piece of Harry's soul to free herself. Going from the theory that Harry's headaches in TC were happening because his brain was healing (or that Mab healed it at some point) and that his body couldn't survive without a soul, it is possible that Lash was helping keep him alive since she has a soul (at least I think she does) that she gained from Harry.

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