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Messages - karlmaier

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DF Reference Collection / Re: The YLC (Why Little Chicago) thread
« on: November 05, 2012, 09:08:08 PM »
We have seen this before with the belt buckle power-up, Harry creates a tool and then never uses it again. I think the reason Jim got rid of Little Chicago is because it is too time consuming to maintain in a similar way to the belt buckle, both require Harry's consciously pouring power into them every day, unlike his rings which he just has to wear. For this reason I don't think we will see the crystal shield we saw in TC which we saw Molly use to protect herself from Thomas. As far as who fixed LC I think the only one who could have done so had to come in through from the Never Never, and Harry's Godmother has that end covered, so either she or Mab are the only ones who could have got in behind Harry's wards and fixed it.

Consider how many times people have messed with Harry's head or tried to reduce it to mush.
That seems insufficient to explain the severity of his headaches, when he heals so quickly and completely that broken bone scars disappear in a couple of years. I think instead that the prominence of Harry's headaches in the books, is Jim's way of telling us there is something going on in Harry's head, and I think it's repressed memories like the memory he recalls of the fight with He who walks behind in Ghost Story.
No, it was Morgan le fay's Athame.
The only le fay I remember from the books is Margaret le fay Harry's mother. Where is Morgan le fay mentioned?
WoJ and possibly her acting as the Parasite.
So Jim has stated categorically that it was Lash? That seems unlikely, Bob said she was gone, that the soul Harry had given her was no longer in Harry's head didn't he?
Harry and Ebenezar for starters, we've also apparently been introduced to 6 of the people who showed up at Chichen Itza with grey hoods (excluding Harry, Ebenezar and Vadderung).
I believe I remember Harry stating that 13 (a coven) showed up, so that leaves 5 we don't know, but of the other 6 that we do know, who are they? Injun Joe was supposed to be sick. Martha Liberty? The Gate Keeper? The young wardens had been captured along with Captain Lucio, only Chandler was still free and in hidding, and none of them would I consider a Heavy Hitter anyway. The presence of Vadderung indicates that not all of them are necessarily from the White Council, but I can't think of anyone else we've been introduced to that can fling heavy magic around as they were, except for faeries and with Winter already there would Summer have shown up. So some of the older stronger wardens that apparently hate Harry? Hans the Toymaker was considered strong enough for the Senior Council maybe him? I'm stumped to think of who is on the Grey Council.

I have been reading the series for a long time and I have a few questions that maybe someone here can answer.
Who is Cowl? In DB where he is introduced, it is mentioned that his speech sounds inhuman gurgled like he's talking underwater, does he have gills?
What is the Parasite that is spoken of at the end of Ghost Story, as replacing Harry's heart, which was shot with a high power rifle? Are they speaking about the vines/roots inserted into Harry's veins? Or is there something actually replacing Harry's Heart?
Does Harry have repressed memories? Are these why he has such terrible headaches? Or did someone use black magic to redecorated Harry's mind when he was a youngster, and his mind is fighting it?
I have read that Mab was wounded, and that is why she is so angry. What could wound Mab? Was it the Athame that hurt Harry's godmother? Or was it the attack on Arctis Tor?
Was that Kimmler's Athame?
What evidence is there that Lash is still around, and still inside Harry's head? 
Is the Merlin Black Council? He certainly sucks as a war leader, and Cowl said that the White Council was rotting from within. That seems to indicate that several White Council members, even Senior Council members are Black Council.
What is the prophesy associated with Harry's birth?
What is the history of Demonreach, and who was its previous custodian? And what does Harry custodian there? Are there mops and brooms involved?
In the battle of Chichien Itza in Changes, the Grey Council showed up to fight with Odin, one of the Old Gods. Is Odin one of its members? Who are the other obviously heavy hitters on the Grey Council?

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