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Messages - metrunui

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Okay, from what I have read so far, i need to apologize again to you guys. When designing these I must have looked too hard at the theme that i am trying to set for the character and not enough at the rules themselves. I also must thank everyone who has read or posted because this is my first time working with the crafting rules and i am still trying to get them all figured out.

First off from i need to say that currently the character's Lore is at 4. The only powers currently that the character has is Ritual (Crafting) and Refinement x1 for some more Enchanted (potion) item slots. After thinking about it I have noticed that i have, more likely out of habit, created a cross of the Pathfinder Alchamist and one of the Ascending Ones from Hunter the Vigil (White wolf) ::) .

Now to see if i have things sorted out currently:
Dragon's Breath: From what i have read and am understanding with my Lore 4 i COULD technically make this potion. I understand and acknowledge what sinker is saying and i think i will tone it back to just a Weapon:6 flame evocation that has a compel attached to it, probably the "Acceptable Risk" one in this instance. Just to be sure, am i missing something that i could do to improve the potion more? If so than what? (Besides upping my Lore)

Crocodile Tears:
Seems fine. Compel any local predators to come after you... may backfire, but I get the idea.
This is the only comment that i am seeing currently on this potion. At this point I'm figuring that either people think i am crazy or stupid (maybe both) for coming up with this one ;)

Redthorn, you were correct i designed the Corrosion Ointment off of aim was to make a "one shot" use of it that was something like what most people would call a "last ditch effort". I tried to balence it out by making the effect fading, instead of with Poison that it stays until you get medical attention or you get taken out. Making it powerful enough to be noticeable, but have a drawback that would make most people respond with "ARE YOU INSANE?". I can scrap this potion though.

With thaumaturgy potion you could arguably use the thaumaturgical timescales starting at a few moment (equivalent to a round) and if you spend 4-5 shifts moving up to 15 minutes to half an hour (1 or two scenes) this seems to make sense for some of the more long lived potions which hang about a while (super coffee, Rashids eye rub) .  Running with the thaumaturgy timescale Steeled Heart could be provide Armour 3 for 15 minutes for a total of 10 shifts of power (6 in strength 4 or duration).       
Steeled Heart:
Looks like you're setting up a block vs Intimidate here- and it would be a bit stronger than that... Not sure where the half Lore comes from.
If you're halving an item's effect to make it permanent (semi-perm in this case?), that went the way of the water buffalo in the final release, if that's what you're trying to do, so you'll have to pay the potion's shifts to get it to last the hard way.
If you're halving the effect to try and describe armor, then that's what you need to describe it as. It would reduce any social stress for the duration rather than oppose the roll.

Assuming you're able to make a potion that goes all the way up to double your Lore, and you have a Lore of 5... you could make a potion that provides 3 Social Armor for 9 rounds, which is pretty spiffy. (3*2 = 6 shifts. 4 remaining shifts go to duration at a 2:1 rate like an enchanted item, which I assume is correct, for a total of 9 rounds, which is plenty long for most situations you think you'll need this in).
I think i know what you guys are saying. From what i am reading you are both saying approximately the same thing. Again I'm sorry I am still learning the system, but i am confused as to where you got the different time frames rounds vs min...

Parkour in a Bottle i am being told does not function as is within the mechanics. I am still watching the discussion of the mechanics to make a similar potion, and after i have re-read the books i might end up figuring out another way to do so.

I thank all who have helped me to this point. To be completely frank about it I am still edging my way through the mechanics of this and will probably need help in the future, and all assistance is much appreciated.

Okay i have a series of some homebrew potions that i would like to use in play for the game that is coming up. I have talked with a couple other people who play the game and I am looking for more opinions on them. I am looking to see if i have properly balanced out the potions or if i have under/overpowered them. Please, if you think i have made a mistake let me know, I look forward to your feedback. Keep in mind that the Trouble of the character that is going to be making them is "An Acceptable Risk", so i am trying to make them so that my ST can compel that aspect.

>> Dragon's Breath: Grants a fire evocation strike that has a Weapons score equal to Lore that is aimed by Discipline. Also places a temporary aspect on target based on fire. When potion is consumed the character MUST take a mild physical consequence.

>> Crocodile Tears: This potion grants the imbiber the temporary aspect of "Apparent Prey" for one scene. This is suggested as a plot device to be invoked by supernatural monsters, but mortal "monsters" are also an option.

>> Steeled Heart: This potion grants a bonus of half the makers Lore (Rounded down) to resist mundane and magical (Ex: Incite Emotion) uses of Intimidate for one scene.

>> Bottled Parkour: This potion allows a character to ignore up to *Lore* points of difficulty when moving between or through zones that are caused by physical objects (fences, doors, exc). This can be broken into smaller bonuses as needed. If the bonuses are not all used by the end of a scene the unused negations are lost.

>> Corrosion Ointment: The user of this potion smears it on their hands, and makes the natural acids on them extremely potent. With a successful Fists maneuver you place the temporary aspect of "Smeared with Acid" on a character. In the next number of turns equal to the Lore of the creator the target must roll Endurance to defend against an attack from the acid equal to your Lore minus one per exchange after the first. This subtraction happens regardless of the resolution of the prior Endurance defense(s). The user of this potion must take a mild physical consequense when they use the potion.

((Afternote to the Mods: If i have placed this in the wrong section i apologize, just move it and send me a pm as to where it has been moved please and thank you. ))

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