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Messages - craigallen

Pages: [1]
DF Reference Collection / Re: Crazy HWWB theory revisited [CD SPOILERS]
« on: November 30, 2012, 05:52:40 PM »
Some thoughts on the Lash being the parasite theory.

Lash was a piece of Lasciel, not Lasciel itself, in much the same way a branch cut from a tree is not the tree, but only part of it. We extend this metaphor to a cutting of grape roots that were taken to France when a plague of aphids hit many of France's vineyards nearly decimating their wine industry. If not for the rootstock of American grape varieties grafted to the french vines it would have been very bad. Now the American grape roots and the French grape vines are growing together to form something new. neither wholly one or the other original. So then, Lash is "grafted" onto Harry and Harry changes her to the point that she rebels against her Lasciel induced instincts and saves Harry's life, thereby "taking a bullet" for Harry as Michael points out later. Is Lash dead? Apparently not if JB says she showed up slightly changed in GS.

My thoughts are that Lash if JB says Lash is around then she is not in Harry anymore. Harry allowed her to become her own entity (perhaps this is how baby mantles are born) and now she is free, both of Harry's head (a pretty scary place to be I'm sure) and Lasciel's influence. She has, in essence, tasted of the fruit of the tree of Good and Evil.

As to the parasite itself, if could be the contagion of the Nemesis (as Blackblade intimates). If true, that puts a slightly different spin on DR saying it would "explode out of" Harry's head. This could be not so much in the Alien-out-of-the-doomed-astronaut's-stomach kind of explosion, but more like what happened to Cat Sith when the contagion (parasite?) completely took over on the barge. It "exploded" out of Sith's head, as it were, completely subsuming Sith (I so hope Sith is not dead and that the contagion can be gotten out, hopefully by Harry thereby making the Malk indebted to him for its life and wouldn't that be just grand... and I wonder how Mister and Sith will get along). And if Molly holds the key to getting the parasite out, I'm sure her abilities to do so will now be enhanced considerably by her now being the Winter Lady. But methinks the clock is ticking for Harry and his Harrisite.


DF Reference Collection / Re: [CD spoilers] Cowl = Simon reference thread
« on: November 30, 2012, 12:31:53 PM »
So wait a minute... you are all saying that Harry is going to end up on American Idol fighting Simon Cowl?


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