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Messages - jb5357

Pages: [1]
  Then we get a little bit of Thomas, near the end of the book, and it's good. However, I don't understand why he will be able to make love to Justine just because she's going to make love to someone else, first? Why wouldn't they have done this long before? Maybe I'm just missing something. I'm not the brightest bulb on the block.:-D. Anyway, I was sort of hoping that Thomas would offer to be the Next Summer Knight in return for being able to make love to Justine.

What i have gathered from earlier books is that this thought has occurred to them before, but they never acted to protect justine. as long as justine was poison to thomas, she was untouchable by ANY white court vamp.  therefore no one could use her against thomas, which will now be ineveitable.  this leads me to believe that in a book in the near future harry will have to help thomas rescue justine to redress the imbalance his death caused.

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