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Messages - Pinky Narfanek

Pages: [1]
Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Did The Ad Clicks Go Away
« on: January 31, 2009, 10:29:54 PM »
But wasn't clicking on them a good thing?
From the point of the site, it's good because it generates more revenue which helps control the costs of running the board.

From the point of the advertisers, it's not so good.  You get a spike in your costs (the company pays google which then pays the board as well as your increased bandwidth, etc.), but see less than your expected revenue return because people aren't buying anything from your site--which then lessens the effectiveness of your advertising dollars.

I'm just making sure here, but arre you making sure to hit the "Mark all messages as read" tab after you open/read all the threads you think will be interesting?

Since I only ever read a couple threads here (too much spamming), it's an invaluable tool.

Author Craft / Re: Editing tip? Ever heard of this? It works!
« on: May 14, 2008, 12:56:15 AM »
It jumbles the expectations.  Since you don't have the framework of the preceding information, you're better able to focus on the bit in front of you.

I use that trick when checking paragraphs for spelling (at work--unfortunately y'all are left with my actual capabilities in my off hours).  I read the sentence backwards.  It allows you to see the actual word and not what you're expecting to see.

Author Craft / Re: Any help for SERIOUS writers block?
« on: July 31, 2007, 02:59:01 AM »
Sometimes if you know what happens after the part that's causing the block and try to write a bit about that, that can stir things up enough to get you going again.

Author Craft / Re: Why Do You Write?
« on: July 03, 2007, 01:08:45 AM »
I write (what little I do manage to get down) because otherwise the ideas go running amok in my head.  I'll be obsessed with them for weeks until I finally "forget" (i.e. give up on) them.  And then I get mad at myself for not writing it down.

Besides, when I'm drifting off to sleep at night, I like to tell myself stories.  And when I write it gives me more of a story.

Author Craft / Re: Is your character a Mary Sue?
« on: June 02, 2007, 10:27:16 PM »
Maybe A) you're a better writer than you think?

Or B) the folks reading are getting the same wish-fulfillment that you are writing about?

I'd say it's probably more of the former than the latter, but I don't have more than a hunch to base that opinion on.  Besides, even a no-talent-hack such as myself has heard the phrase "write what you know" (which is why I'm a no-talent-hack--I know nothing about being a psuedo-immortal-Viking-inspired-general).  Emotions and enthusiasm do come through the writing.

Author Craft / Re: Is your character a Mary Sue?
« on: May 31, 2007, 03:39:20 AM »
Funny thing is, I did this for a character from my story My Ideal - in which the character, Misty, is a total Mary Sue. She's my physical description, my tastes in music, movies, my beliefs, ect. A lot of my stories lately are Mary Sues, in fact, especially the romantic ones because I have no romance in my life and have given up all hope of ever finding true love. So I live it out in short stories instead.
As an odd note, I had to do that [give up hope] to find myself in my current situation (getting married in just over seven months)...

Anywho...To the point of the matter.  Well, one of the characters that I've created scored me a nice number in the mid-40s.  Which strikes me as odd.  Sure he's a great warrior and immortal.  He chose immortality to serve his country and king along with a group of four other individuals, he's not naturally an immortal.  He can be killed, at least temporarily, and if the ritual is no longer performed he stays inbetween this world and the afterlife.  After a few lifetimes of battle, you're going to be good at it and people will know who you are.   :-\  Should he still not know the business end of a sword, axe or maul?  Should he not try to find a couple hobbies to relieve the stress of all that carnage (again, with all that time to practice some folks are bound to know your skill level even if you have a wide variety of hobbies)?  Now, what happens if the ritual is misperformed or corrupted somehow? 

And he is responsible for thousands of deaths both directly and indirectly.  The last time I checked, that was part of being a General/Warleader.  It's going to be kind of tough to not think about things like that from time to time.


He should be a completely inept warrior that feels no guilt for the lives he has taken or led to their dooms!  And he should completely suck at anything else he does (but especially combat), because after a few centuries of making jewelry, gardening or learning the occassional language, he's not going to remember any of it...

Right? ???

But then I suck as a writer.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Personal Avatars???
« on: May 09, 2007, 02:29:56 AM »
Reading tag-lines helps, too.  I had figured that I was safe with my choice of avatar only to discover that someone else was already using it.

I'll have my own, and very easily identifiable, avatar soon enough that I won't be causing any more confusion with 'howls.

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