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Messages - firedragon

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Shirt Quotes: Buy Dresden Stuff!
« on: May 15, 2007, 03:37:01 PM »

*briefly mourns the loss of a nonexistent "The bag is devoid of cats" shirt*

I'm better now. :)

i thought  one of those cloth carry bags with "devoid of cats" printed on it would be cute.

i REALLY want a shirt with the paranoia quote on it.

i like the inspected by bob ones but i'd rather it have it as a camisol with "inspected by bob" in the  front and the skull in the back.  in something bigger than a size 12.  they dont fit in a 12  :'(

DFRPG / Re: Very small peek
« on: April 23, 2007, 06:44:07 PM »
Yeah, it's going to be a little expensive I suspect, but we're thinking there might be some demand for the product. :>

i mentioned that there was going to be a rpg and my bf immediatly asked me if i knew when it was going to be released :)  apparently he's going to have the guy at the game store keep an eye out for it and than (if its not TOO expensive) buy me a present. LOL

ah......some guys buy girls flowers......mine buys me books ;D

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