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Messages - Arcmagik

Pages: [1]
Actually I have read the concession and taken out rules several times, and I do not believe that saying once a roll is made you can't concede is accurate. I would like to see something to back that up, because from what I read of Conceding and Taken Out is that you can Concede at any point as opposed to taking damage as long as that damage would not force you to be "Taken Out" and therefore concede the fight, offering your version of the effect and entering into a type of "negotiation" with the person you conceded too. If you  have no choice left to you and the damage would still "Take You Out" of the fight because you can't soak it effectively with consequences then you are forced out of the combat by the Victor's choice.

Based on my experiences with the system so far and that is by no means extensive... but you can play an Intimidation three different ways, the first method is using it to play a maneuver on the thugs we will call it "Riddled with Fear" that she could tag for free on any of the thugs or pass to the Wizard.  The second way and the one I believe you used is intimidating them so badly that they have to roll to even act against the character, and that is a Block, with the Block Strength being what they have to roll again.

The last method and the one that seems most supported by the rules is that Intimidate is a Social Attack (See the Intimidate skill and the Social Attack trappings). It does Social Stress. They would have likely been taken out all the same as if it was a Mental conflict, and if they were taken out then the Meteomancer gets to describe (with approval from GM as its a give and take thing) how they were taken out.

Also... everyone always has 2 stress boxes for each physical, mental, and social if they are low-threat thugs and don't take consequences then any attacks over 2 stress will take them out. They get more for having a higher skill in Endurance, Disciple, and Presence.

As for the zone-wide effect I would follow the rules under magic!

DFRPG / Re: Virginia groups?
« on: August 04, 2011, 02:43:20 AM »
I run a game at Towers Mall in Cosmic Castle on Monday Nights, but it is pretty packed right now unfortunately. (We have 10 players).

DFRPG / Re: FPs used for Evocation Casting are twice as good...?
« on: August 02, 2011, 04:18:00 AM »
Fate Points in general spent for combat are just crazy. I have a Pure Mortal character in my game... he has 3 stunts and 9 fate points... tonight he told an big gruff not to start a fight in the middle of the street (not the elder gruff but the big ones right before him)... the gruff did not listen an smacked at the Champion of God for retribution for one of his brothers... he stabbed him with iron knife for a 2-stress attack in response, the Gruff turned on him and told him that he would dance with the little mortal, and so the character pulled out his .44 revolver and tagged every one of his aspects using 5 fate points... his guns is +5, +12 for aspects, and +2 roll... 19-effort attack vs the gruffs +2-effort defense roll... 20-stress damage from a Pure Mortal!!!... all my PCs fear the Pure Mortal because of the amount of Fate Points he has...

DFRPG / Re: [Aspects] A Wizard Apprentice With Control Issues
« on: July 31, 2011, 07:50:22 AM »
My "Wizard Apprentice" has the trouble aspect "Holy Friggin Crap I am a Wizard." and it comes into play must often with wizarding magic because he is not comfortable with his powers and is not always in control.

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