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Messages - Gnome

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: What would u be?
« on: April 15, 2007, 03:22:54 AM »
Id be a Gnome

a magical gnome.

Author Craft / Re: A small snag
« on: April 13, 2007, 12:35:17 AM »
Thanks guys, those are good ideas.  Now to go find a cafe.

Author Craft / A small snag
« on: April 11, 2007, 09:41:32 PM »
I cannot write unless im alone

Does anyone else have this problem?  It drives me insane when i even THINK someones watching me write and i cant function properly.  As a result, i cant write anything at all until everyone else is out of the house.  That leaves me a very short window of time to get anything done.  Any solutions?  or do i just deal with it?   Help?

The Gnome

DFRPG / Re: What would u be?
« on: April 11, 2007, 08:31:50 PM »
A Wizard that casts spells in jibberish rather than latin.  There would be nothing more satisfying for me than screaming RAKANISHOO and having a ridiculously large fireball erupt from my palm.

The Gnome

Author Craft / Re: plot issues
« on: April 11, 2007, 08:02:37 PM »
Plot= Characters Characters Characters!!!  Any good plot has characters that are endearing and that your readers fall in love with, or love to hate.  Princess of Pique makes an excellent point, its always best to withhold information on characters than dump it on people, look what Jim did with Araris and Aldrick, hes withholding information on their past and its got a whole forum swimming with speculation from eager fans.  And the crucial part of any plot is the main character, this may sound obvious, but if hes boring noone will read the book, gotta make him dynamic and changing throughout the book, but keep his attitude consistent.

I hope that helped and didnt seem too rambling and incoherent

The Gnome 

Author Craft / Re: help..someone...please....
« on: April 11, 2007, 07:49:19 PM »
You and me have alot in common my friend. 

Sometimes i can just be sitting there doing nothing and i find myself creating 10 fantasy worlds at the same time.  Its enough to make me wanna go camatose when i try and write.  So heres what i do, even tho i doubt it will work for you.  I snap my fingers, alot.  Hear me out on this.  Ever since i was a kid i could snap every finger on my right hand, so i make a little beat with my fingers, interpose another beat in my head and lo and behold im creating musiQ....atleast in my head.  It probably just sounds like random finger snapping to anyone else but to me its musiQ. Annoys the hell out of friends, aquaintances, and random people on the street.  But helps me focus.
It takes me forever to write, because i gotta take breaks to re order my thoughts, but hey its beats a coma..right?  ;D

The Gnome

Pages: [1]