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Messages - boredstephanie

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: I now have a publishing contract!
« on: May 05, 2011, 05:30:46 AM »
congrats =D

Author Craft / Re: San Francisco sci-fi...location help needed!!
« on: May 05, 2011, 05:30:12 AM »
1) which area of San Fran would clubs (night clubs) be likely to be located in?
um no idea, I'm not 21 yet so I can't get into any good clubs xP Look on yelp for nightclubs!
2) which is an area where the poorer people live (one of the characters is unemployed, where would he be likely to live?)
hmmm hunters point or the tenderloin
3) which is an area that you would NEVER walk through after dark, even if someone PAID you, because chances are you would get mugged. And re-mugged. And maybe mugged some more. Like rough neighborhoods are what I'm after.
hunter's point xP
4) which is a more suburban-y place where you see nice houses with four floors and an attic, and a nice front yard, and driveway and all. I'm hoping for somewhere slightly secluded, too. Don't worry about the price range--the characters are rich, they can afford it
St. Francis Woods is surrounded by kind of poor places but once you go into St. Francis woods theres a lot of beautiful trees, every house has a front lawn with flowers. High ceilings and some of the houses have beautiful gates in front of their huge front lawn. Theres a fountain in the middle of the community too. I don't think if its that suburbany (its a bit more extravagent) but thats the best I can think of
5) a nice coffee shop that most people would know and go to (and please not $tarbucks. Please)
no idea, I would refer to yelp
6) a mall or shopping area located close to the place where the poorer people live (I know, why would someone build a mall near people who don't have the cash to buy stuff? But just close-ish would be good enough. Maybe biking distance?)
ummm honestly I don't know but SF has a good public transportation system so really anyone can get to any part of the city fairly easily through muni/bart.
7) and, not really a location question, more of a culture question--is Wiccan/magic type of stuff widely accepted in San Francisco?
Honestly I don't know anyone who is Wiccan but I think in SF, these kind of things are generally more accepted than in other places since SF and the bay area in general is very liberal. If I had to guess, I would say the Castro might be the most liberal part of the city since that is where it is most gay-friendly.

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