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Messages - SuperBunnyBun

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DFRPG / Re: Hampton Roads Setting - Milestone Help!
« on: January 13, 2011, 04:04:33 AM »
a friend who is also a fan of dresden suggested that the towncenter tower should be a black court location.  the top of the tower has a 3-story penthouse that tends to be shrouded in mystery when people live there.

DFRPG / Re: 1st Law of Magic Canundrum
« on: December 29, 2010, 12:19:47 AM »
I don't have a group.  Besides, debating what may or may not be the case was my intention for asking it in the first place.
I would LOVE to hear Butcher's view on the question, but I highly doubt he'd show up to give it.

Also, I believe a book stated the enchantements on the warden swords are intended for negating and dispelling magics.  Possibly others to enhance durability.  No real offensive spells on it though.  So it can't really be a proper example of this canundrum.

Same with the reference earlier to Changes about taking down wards.  Harry doesn't want to kill people.  He even states in that scene they're innocent and just doing their job, pushed on them by an idiot.  So that too can't be an explanation towards if a taint would trace back to Harry or not for such a thing.

It is difficult to figure out though, as very few magic items appear in the books that aren't either non-offensive, or focus items that merely channel power through it.  Apart from Dresden's force rings, I can't think of any examples.

DFRPG / Re: Online Game
« on: December 29, 2010, 12:08:50 AM »
Take a look here. I think all of the games are full right now, but this forum has a lot going on at one time.

Yes, I noticed.  I did check for other requests or openings, but there haven't been any in the last few months.

Hopefully if anyone is in need of extra players they'll notice my post.

DFRPG / Re: Online Game
« on: December 28, 2010, 06:45:13 AM »
*pout*  can't afford to even if I thought the program was worth the price (which it isn't)

DFRPG / Re: Hampton Roads Setting - Milestone Help!
« on: December 28, 2010, 06:42:07 AM »
Mostly-Mundane situations involving only slight delving into the mystical world would work.  Such as a Changeling causing havock as they start slipping towards accepting their Fae side, or hauntings like near the opening of book 2.

And good luck with it.  I'm over in Virginia Beach myself.  If you have the setting set locally, I'd love to hear what you've done to local landmarks.

DFRPG / Online Game
« on: December 28, 2010, 05:02:41 AM »
Yet another seek-out for an active Dresden RPG campaign run via the internet.  openrpg, irc, skype, whatever.  (though not play-by-email/forum.  hard to get into those)

Also, if anyone has any other locations to search for groups, I'm eager to hear of them.  I have very few locations to search for gaming options.

DFRPG / 1st Law of Magic Canundrum
« on: December 28, 2010, 04:58:05 AM »
I've a question about the first rule of magic a few people have said is intriguing.

Law one, don't kill with magic.  Simple enough.  Doing so places a taint on your spirit that doesn't go away.

Well, what if you killed someone with an enchanted item?  Such as Dresden's force rings as an example.

Who would be at fault with such an act?  The wearer of the ring?  the one who enchanted the ring? (if different)  Or would the ring itself be blamed?

Also, would any taint (ie, requiring to purchase the law breaker) come from the act as well?  like trace back to the one who cast the original spell in it, or into the one wearing it, or possibly corrupt the item itself.

Also, one thing to take into account when pondering this is, what about protective wards?  They can easily be strong enough to kill, and yet are accepted.  so...

DFRPG / Re: Advice on a character concept. Speedster Mage.
« on: September 27, 2010, 07:32:13 PM »
If you built the character as a focused practitioner, it would give you more options to power the speed rather than just eating up your life. You could expand and contract time instead of spending it. For example, you compress the time that you need compressed so you get your speed boost, and later on you pay for it by letting time snap back into place, lengthening time around you when it won't get you killed, just make you really bored. But you run into the problem of external time magic, and the potential problems mentioned with that earlier. But you could use the ritual ability pay for your time in advance, sticking to your sanctum and waiting out the expanded time to limit potential effect on the outside world.

That's pretty much what I was intending when I mentioned that he would slow his own time down.  he would make up for any time used up by speeding by slowing his aging, and thus, make the world move fast-forward to him.  Preferably this would happen when at home or as he slept.  Kind of like recharging the batteries of his life.

A question: are you planning on statting this character by giving him one of the Speed powers, then flavor-texting it by claiming that it is a function of magic?  Or are you planning on giving him some form of magic (Chronomancy, ie Time Channeling) and using *that* to grant you speed abilities?  If it's the former, then it would probably avoid the downsides described by Crimson (excellent ideas, by the way!) because the magic used is assumed to be heavily refined and at least largely invariable.

I'm still debating this.  I don't know if I should go simple and just a flat-out -4 or -6 speed, or that approach like Billy turning into a werewolf.  I'm still new to the system, never played Fate before this game.

Thinking about it, probably the wolf-like way.  it would save me trouble of trying to figure out how to even it out using aspects or such as the only way to limit the power

DFRPG / Re: Advice on a character concept. Speedster Mage.
« on: September 27, 2010, 08:41:34 AM »
The big problem with this perspective on time magic is going to be fallout from spell disruption, overuse, or outright failure. At some point in time, a creative (and slightly cruel) GM is going to throw some rapids into your metaphor and send you into the rocks.

For example: Your constant expanding and contracting of the local space-time starts to leave warped areas behind, making spacetime hang...funny. Deja vu, lost time incidents, random pre- or post- cognitive events in bystanders are just a few of the minor problems that could be set into motion.  Dresdenverse metaphysics describe many types of magic gaining physics based momentum of their own, e.g. earth magic, after being set into motion by the initial spellcraft. The same could be said with time, albeit with less predictable effects. Even if the magic is only following pseudo-scientific Star Trek science rules, you are still going to run into problems. Ripples spread, no matter how large, and an object moving in a stream leaves a wake. Those ripples interact in complex and unforeseen ways, and that is what is going to get you into trouble.

It's the side effects that are going to attract the attention of the Wardens, or other Chronomancers who are less heavy handed in their temporal magics. Those who already use temporal magics for whatever reason will be more likely to detect your meddling before anyone else. Individuals are unpredictable, so who knows what their response is going to be-anything from a friendly warning to instadeath. Wardens who are eventually pointed to previously mentioned side effects will come in for a quick kill-it is unwise to mess with anyone you suspect can time travel, lest they go back and smother you in your crib.

The best part about all of this, of course, is the fun that you would have with all of these problems. The amount of trouble that a character gets into is directly proportional to their power level. At least you would have a lot of Fate points coming at you from all sides.

I'm not so sure about temporal ripples.  It's an internal effect for the time altering, so any bad effects from doing it alot would happen to him, not an area.  So he could sometimes suffer from memory gaps, or age, or just freeze in place and no respond to anyone for a minute or longer.  Possibly go into a form of coma, where his mind would be trapped between seconds.  IE, to us, weeks, or possibly years, could go by, while to him it would be an instant.

I agree with it catching the attention of those who are used to temporal magic though.  I'm sure some are out there.  And one particular one I'm sure who he would have to interact with in one way or another would be the gatekeeper.  I'm pretty sure he's the white council's specialist in time magic (or is at least the only one allowed to use it)

DFRPG / Re: More Spell help... water
« on: September 26, 2010, 05:44:44 AM »
If I were to make a spell using water to ground someone, it would probably involve more the wind element.  And would require an ample water supply nearby.  A pool, river, fire hydrant, what have you.  And would basicly just scoop a large bit of water, and drop itself ontop of the wizard.

basicly would create a water-tight shield around water, move it through the air, and then basicly drop it over the wizard so he would then be within the barrier.  not only should this greatly reduce any magical abilities, but you get to drown them too!

Course the barrier would require a great deal of concentration, so the caster would be completely open to attack, and the barrier would only be solid to water, so other physical objects could pass right through it. (leaving gunfire a viable option to the target)

DFRPG / Re: Preferred Power Level for DFRPG Modules?
« on: September 26, 2010, 05:32:47 AM »
I voted up-to-your-waist.  It's a good starter level to give room to the players to spread.  Eventually it could be upgraded to chest-deep.

When you look at the dresden books themselves they seem to gradually increase from this level into submerged.

DFRPG / Re: Advice on a character concept. Speedster Mage.
« on: September 24, 2010, 05:38:53 PM »
I'm totally noob to RPG so feel free to disregard my comments:

Instead of having him be super-sleep, I think it could be a fun thing to toy with instead to have him be like the 'drunken uncle' of the group.  he's (seemingly) slow witted and slow moving, even to the point where he appears clumsy most of the time because he's 'saving up' his life-span to use in combat when it's a huge advantage to be a fraction of a second faster than everyone else.  He'd almost be a panderan monk of sorts.  I think this would be more fun to work with than a super-sleepy mage.

And to clarify what i think SBB means with the speed stuff is kind of like a windcrafter.  Amara would speed up her own personal reaction times, so while everyone else is moving at full tempo, she's doing half-time.  This is a lot like what SBB is wanting his character to acheive using time magic on itself.

I have thought of this, yes.  a kinda Clark Kent-like exterior most of the time.  slow, clumbsy, like only working at 0.8 speed to everyone else.  I haven't fully developed the character's personal life yet, not sure what he does as a career.  The drunken uncle bit would lie heavily on what his job would be.

And yes, exactly.  I didn't think of a crafting simile.  The world seems to slow down to Amara when she does that, while she still has free movement.  Allowing her to move quicker and have more time to react to things.  Exactly the same as my concept.

DFRPG / Re: Creating a "Dead Like Me" Grim Reaper style character
« on: September 24, 2010, 05:28:04 PM »
I like this idea!  A pity the show didn't catch on.

I would use the term Re-Animated instead of undead, I imagine.  Undead involves a living/moving dead body, but their bodies are still alive.  And something as simple as an exorcism wouldn't depossess them.

The Catch could possibly be like a soulgaze.

DFRPG / Re: Advice on a character concept. Speedster Mage.
« on: September 24, 2010, 05:21:31 PM »
And I don't have a gaming group.  I posted a topic in hopes of finding one in the area, but doubtful it'll catch anything.  I have no contacts at local colleges or gaming societies to find one that way.

I just like to create characters.

Another one I'm working on is a heavy-hitter type, like a rival towards The Archive.  The Namekeeper.  A protector of the knowledge of true names, human and non.

DFRPG / Re: Advice on a character concept. Speedster Mage.
« on: September 24, 2010, 05:12:04 PM »
Quote from: Papa Gruff
First of all: Welcome to the community.
Thank you

If I have understood everything correctly, your wizard/practitioner can/does only alter time where he and he alone is concerned, right? Compared with time travel this seems like a minor thing to me. He bends the flow of time around him and this more or less is only apparent to him? Cool idea!

Now: where the laws are concerned any kind of time magic automatically enters a very grey area of magic. Some things of the character concepts seem to be more greyish then others. The sixth law dictates: Don't swim against the currents of time. I'm quite sure when it comes to speeding up the time around your practitioner you are save. You are not exactly swimming against anything really, it's more like you are surfing on the currents. When it comes to slowing it down, now thats a horse of a different color and might be considered swimming against the current.

At least in my game the wardens would be very curious about these time manipulations and your guy would probably end up under constant supervision. I'm not talking "Doom of Damocles" here, it would be more like the council keeping an eye on Margret LeFey who danced around the edges of the laws all her life.

This doesn't have to be the case in your game though. All depends on what you and your group decide. If everybody is cool with your concept. No problems...

No, not when alone.  In the same way how a vampire/half-turned would activate their speed.  Course if the campaign involved stronger characters, I'd make his speed Mythic (-6), so it doesn't have to be a minor thing.  As for the speed-downs, it's just the other side of the coin.  He would sacrifice a few hours of his day to replenish some of the lost time the usage of his power would have taken from him. I think it would also lead to some possible plot situations as well.  He's pretty much helpless in this state.  If he's slowed down his own time, he can't instantly deactivate it if someone comes up to kill him.  Someone could have broke into his house, stabbed him 12 times, robbed the place, and left before he would have time to react to the first bit (and of course die) and make time normal for him again.

And I feel the same with the warden's reaction.  The character himself would be rather weary of letting anyone find out how he can do what he can to avoid the council looming over him.  Since he has no evocation ability, he'd never be council material, so would at most be a member of the Paranet.  And might lie, claiming to be a changeling or something so no one finds out (Course the sight might have him surrounded by clocks or something.)  I think it would all rely on his actions with his abilities, on the consequences for them

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