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Messages - bjh31

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Mechanics of the Mark of Cain
« on: December 13, 2012, 05:59:55 AM »
I agree with Taran. Reworded "Righteousness" & "Marked by Power" + relevant High Concept seem to be the way to go

DFRPG / Re: A (nearly) conflict free scenario?
« on: September 07, 2012, 05:40:43 PM »
Funny enough I'm inadvertantly already doing that.  I felt the need to give my players a heads up that this scenario is a little different and more "sand box" in design.  But I've been telling each of them the same thing in slightly different ways.  I may also send each player a unique email from an in game character to initiate the whole thing.  So each of them has a slightly different take on it.

Also one of my players loves breaking "rule zero".  Which is "don't go giving the GM more ideas!  You will regret it." xD

Sound like fun, tell us how the night turn out.

DFRPG / Re: ????mancer
« on: September 07, 2012, 05:34:51 PM »
Here a few  ;)

Cryptomancers (Cryptos, meaning secret) - Someone who practices divining secrets, or creating them.

Bibliomancers (Biblio, meaning book) - Someone who practices divining from the Bible.

DFRPG / Re: Stats for Zats
« on: July 18, 2012, 01:21:49 AM »
Wow, thank for all the feedback guys. You guys done 3/4 of my work here, great job guys.

Maybe I'm crazy, but one of the things I like most about this system is how un-complicated it is. Making something more complicated on purpose when the rules already are adequate is just...does not compute.

I know, that what I like about the game to. The main reason that I want something a bit more... crunchy is that our group come from playing MERP and D&D. So while they taken to FATE with great gusto, they still used to clear, detail, and precise rules. Plus, I kind of new to GMing and would like some set rules lay down, more for my peace of mind.

With that out of the way, let see what we, i.e everyone else but me, have come up with.

Description: Commonly referred to as a "Zat" or "Zat gun," the Goa'uld Zat'nik'tel is a common Jaffa sidearm. A weapon using a different form of energy, less powerful than that of a staff weapon. Less destructive, but still quite deadly.
Short Ranged: Due to the unstable nature of the energy field fired by the Zat gun, the effective target range is limited to 1 zone.
One To Stun, Two To Kill: A Zat gun fire a charged energy field, much like a taser, stunning a target by overriding his bio-electrical system and causing brief, painful spasms. An attack against a organic target is treated as a Maneuver to place the Aspect "Zatted" on the target. Successive shots from a Zat while the Aspect in place typically disrupts a target bio-electrical and synaptic activity, treated as an attack with Weapon:3

What do you guys think? I try to make it sound more formal and rule-like.

DFRPG / Re: A More Detailed Medieval Weapons List
« on: July 16, 2012, 08:56:54 PM »
Too many extra rules.  I dislike that.

Agree. I dislike this list

Have you consider taking a page out of Strands of Fate and just give each weapon and armor their own Aspect . You can then just invoked or compelled them while you're using them, just like normal Aspect. So if you‘re using a dagger, and you get into close combat with a great sword wielder, you might invoke their sword’s Huge Aspect to get a bonus to attack or defend against them.

DFRPG / Re: Stats for Zats
« on: July 16, 2012, 08:34:38 PM »
Thanks for all the feedback guys, it really helping me out here ;D

I think the OP wanted stats that accurately portrayed the mythology of the show. The weapon would be fairly balanced if someone wanted to use it in tandem with characters using reular guns.

Right on the money. That is my ideal goal.

That's...pretty much how every weapon works. When you roll a successful hit with a sword and cause 2 stress, you're not whacking him with the blade and it bounces off. Any weapon with lethal potential (read: Every weapon) works that way--you only take a narrative 'hit' when you choose to.

That true, Stress is not so much like health as it more like plot armor, but then how would I treat consequences?

I'll write up a rouge daft either latter on today or tomorrows.

DFRPG / Stats for Zats
« on: July 15, 2012, 01:56:06 PM »
So I'm been thinking of doing a Stargate Roleplay using DFRPG, and for the most part I can run it out of the box with no trouble with only some minor reflavouring. The only snag I run into is this.

Zat'nik'tel. A.K.A Zats.

You knows, one shot stun, two shots kills, three shots Disintegrate.

I have no clue how to write it up gameplay wise. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.  ;D

DFRPG / Re: Need help writing up Percy Jackson Post LO
« on: December 22, 2011, 06:56:59 AM »
Whoops, didn't notice that. Fixed now

DFRPG / Re: Need help writing up Percy Jackson Post LO
« on: December 21, 2011, 03:41:55 PM »
Read another person take on Percy Jackson over at spacebattles, which help me alot. So the final draft here, let me know what you think.

Name: Percy Jackson

High Concept: Favour Son of Poseidon
Trouble: “To save a friend, you would sacrifice the world”

Other Aspects:
Am I a troubled kid?
Rebellion Against Injustice
Curse of Achilles
In love with a Wise Girl
Sandmanning with the Lord of the Wild (Need a better name for this)

Superb: Fists, Might, Weapons
Great: Alertness, Athletics, Presence
Good: Conviction, Intimidation, Rapport, Stealth, Survival
Fair: Discipline, Driving, Empathy, Endurance, Investigation, Lore, Scholarship
Average: Burglary, Contacts, Craftsmanship, Deceit, Guns, Performance, Resources

- Animal Handler (Horses)

- Infuriate

- Riposte

- Wall of Death

- Aquatic [–1]

- Human Form[+1] (this is basically for his Water-Induced Abilities)
-- Supernatural Recovery [-6]
-- Mythic Speed [-2]
-- Mythic Strength [-2]
-- Supernatural Toughness [-4]

- Marked by Power [-1]

- Physical Immunity [-8]
-- the catch [+2] would be his Achilles heel

- Sponsored Magic (Poseidon) [-4]

- Supernatural Speed [-4]

- Supernatural Strength [-4]

Edit: Sorry about that. Late night, brain half asleep

DFRPG / Re: Need help writing up Percy Jackson Post LO
« on: December 15, 2011, 05:40:22 AM »
Thank you for the feedback  ;D it been really helpful

*I read the RPGs and ran a couple of games with then (since the other had no clue about fate or DF, I had to GM). It part of the reason why I doing this, so I can fully get my head around the rules.

*the reason why his powers are so high is because I writing him after "The Last Olympian" where he gotten some major upgrade (Curse of Achilles). This is basically Dresden after becoming the Winter Knight. If it was at the start, his powers would look something like this

Skills and Power:
- Aquatic [–1]

- Human Form[+1]
-- Supernatural Recovery [-4]
-- Supernatural Speed [-2]
-- Supernatural Strength [-2]
-- Supernatural Toughness [-2]

- Marked by Power [-1]

- Sponsored Magic (Poseidon) [-4]

- Inhuman Speed [-2]

- Inhuman Strength [-2]

- Inhuman Toughness [-2]

*the reason for the overlap is to represent two different powers
 - the first is the Curse of Achilles, which make the user nearly invulnerable, except in one weak point. They also gains extreme physical powers - heightened strength and reflexes - and a body that almost automatically fights. However, this places an enormous amount of stress on the body, requiring a warrior under the curse to be careful not to over-exert himself, which happens more quickly than before. this is the main reason why his inhuman skills get upgraded to supernatural, and his supernatural to Mythic

- the second is his Water-Induced Abilities, which boost his physical powers to godlike levels while he in contact with or in the presence of water. However, this only lasts for a limited amount of time unless he is completely submerged in water. Hence the human form (when he near water, he transform into a god, otherwise he human) . He also drawn in power to heal and sustain himself.

*the Sponsored Magic basically represent his control over his father domain (Storms, earth-quacks, water)

as for rip-tide, I haven't got a clue how to stat that up. same with stunts

DFRPG / Need help writing up Percy Jackson Post LO
« on: December 14, 2011, 02:29:46 AM »
Hello, first time Poster, long time Lurker

Recently, I been trying to write up some of the characters from the Percy Jackson series, but I get the feeling that I doing something wrong. Here what I written up so far, any feedback would be welcome. I not worry if they playable or not.

Percy Jackson

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