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Messages - Janathian

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: How to not suck at writing.
« on: April 22, 2010, 04:50:08 AM »
Another option for character Development/RP is the Red Dragon Inn:

Formerly part of AOL's Free Form Gaming Forum, it is a chat room based Free Form roleplaying game. Free Form meaning you could run into a World of Darkness Werewolf enjoying a meal with a D&D Based Wizard, or a Vulcan in Starfleet, or a dragon or a typical Stokeresque Vampire.

Free Form does have its share of eyebrow raising players, but all in all, if you don't want to interact with someone, you just ignore them.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: April 18, 2010, 05:32:50 AM »
I'm sure you've already thought of it, but it's probably safe to put Aftermath right next to changes in the timeline ;)

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Possibility for active chat on Forums
« on: April 29, 2008, 12:52:19 AM »
Still doesn't work at work. Stupid corporate firewalls.

Well that sucks, I figured the Javascript would overrule that, but i guess not.

There may be no solution for people who surf while they're at work. :-/

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Possibility for active chat on Forums
« on: April 29, 2008, 12:06:08 AM »
That doesn't look right, John. For one thing, there's no place to register. Take a look.

You should not need to register. Just type the nickname you want in the box and press connect. That's all i did and it took me right into the room. If it gives you an error about not being registered or something, let me know.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Possibility for active chat on Forums
« on: April 28, 2008, 11:47:50 PM »
I created and uploaded this to my webspace, it's Java based IRC, all my website does is hold the code which runs off's servers. It's the closest thing to free IRC I can find, and doesn't require you to download a IRC client, just to be able to open this webpage and have Java Running.

Give it a shot, if it works and you like it, bookmark it. :)

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Possibility for active chat on Forums
« on: April 26, 2008, 04:01:31 AM »
If someone can find a free, not-hosted-on-this-site chat service that does these things, I'll happily *link* to it from here, but I think that's about as far as we can go with our current server solution.

Looking into it, I'll get back to you. a quick google search turned this up:

When you hit 100 posts, you get to choose your own avatar.  Start posting!

ah, ok. it'll be a while. I never have a lot to say :P

There's actually a thread on this, and if I could remember the name, I'd send you there, but here's the short form.

host your pic on something like photo bucket. Once it's there, they'll give you code which you copy and paste into the "I've got my own photo on the internet" section of your profile. Post it there, and viola! Personal avatar.

Is there a certain post count you have to hit before this is available? I have looked on every single page I could find and have not seen this option anywhere.

All i have is Personal picture, and to chose from the preset avatars, and personal text below that.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Possibility for active chat on Forums
« on: April 26, 2008, 12:48:01 AM »
Are we talking like, a javascript chat room? Dunno if that would be easy to implement or not.

DFRPG / Re: Alternate Locations for Dresden RPGs
« on: April 22, 2008, 10:05:25 PM »
FL could be used for the pirates, fountain of youth myth, native American stories...

Pennsylvania has Native Americans too, something I'm definitely taking into consideration for any future games and my in-the-works stories.

Pennsylvania would, i think, end up being a lot more fae and nature based. Florida I could see being based a whole lot more around vamps - especially reds and whites. Palm Beach and Miami practically scream White Court HQ, very close behind Los Angeles. THAT would probably be choice #1 for them.

DFRPG / Re: Alternate Locations for Dresden RPGs
« on: April 22, 2008, 07:42:44 PM »
That said I have nothing too concrete overall storywise as I want to get my hands on the official RPG stuff for background and work it in before planning, although I will only be using the Dresden Files RPG as a guide and using the d20 system as it is the only system the group I play with will use.

If you're going to be doing d20 - I highly recommend picking up Monte Cook's World of Darkness. He's already done a fantastic job of converting the Mage magic system to d20. He also has some really great spins on Vampires and werewolves that could fit into a Dresden game as a new, previously unknown supernatural baddy. While reading through it I saw that the magic system in particular could easily be dropped into a Dresden campaign, almost unaltered. I'm probably going to end up doing the same thing myself.

More in line with the original topic, My Dresden Game will either be in Central Pennsylvania (Outside of Pittsburgh, Altoona, State College, Johnstown - Imagine what the Johnstown Flood did to the supernatural community.) Or West Palm Beach, Florida. Pennsylvania gives me a ton more options than Florida, I think. I don't know of too many paranormal stories that have come out of Florida, but i only lived there for two years. Pennsylvania has loads and loads of Forest, the Appalachian Mountains, leylines for sure, and all kinds of weird stories. Florida has swamps and sand and hurricanes and lots and lots of buildings. (Imagine what Mr. Sells could have done if he pulled magical power from a hurricane instead of a thunderstorm :P)

Author Craft / Need an impartial Opinion
« on: April 16, 2008, 05:18:26 AM »
Ok, so I have roughly 15,000 words of something I've been working on for a while, and I need the opinion of some people who aren't really concerned if I like what they may have to say about what I've written.

I originally worked this as a Short Story to send in to Wizards of the Coast for one of their Forgotten Realms Anthologies. Then decided to hell with them, I'll set it in my own world. So, at present, its still set in the Realms. I've done quite a bit of world building, and I like a lot of the stuff I've come up with.

Things will change from its current form, some not so much, some a lot. The current charracters probly won't change much, mostly the setting... and the magic system is very D&D right now, and that will probably have to change.

So, I figured this would be a good time to get some impartial eyes to give it a read and see what they think.

if you would like to read it and give me your opinion, fire off a personal message to me or reply in this thread with your e-mail or however you prefer to receive it, and I'll send away.

DFRPG / Re: Must... make... Dresden Files... MMORPG...
« on: February 22, 2007, 07:20:18 AM »
A World Of Darkness MMORPG is either currrently, or soon to be, in development by Crowd Crontol Productions, who acquired White Wolf. CCP has one MMO on the market, EVE Online. By all accounts it is the least MMO-like MMO on the market. It's almost entirely based on skills rather than combat.

It sounds promising. Keep in mind though, it will most likely be based on the new World of Darkness and not the old.

And they never specifically say Vampire or Werewolf MMO - it's always been referred to as a World Of Darkness MMO, which leads me to believe all WOD games will be included in the MMO.

On the other hand, White Wolf will be making a table top version of EVE Online.

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