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Messages - RetroGamer

Pages: [1]
Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim at Phoenix ComiCon - June 5-8
« on: May 09, 2014, 02:32:07 AM »
Oh man, I just looked on a whim to see if Jim was going to be anywhere near me any time soon, and he will be two hours north of me, three days before my birthday!  I am so in.  I missed the Tucson Comicon when he was the guest, so I'm getting a party together to head up to Phoenix!

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: March 28, 2012, 10:39:27 PM »
I just read through Ghost Story again, (In one sitting - Work is THAT slow today,) and during the scenes with Uriel for some reason I couldn't get Owen Wilson out of my head for the part.  Weird.  (I also had a moment with Sam Rockwell as Uriel, but the description paints him as more 'down home,' and I had Iron Man 2 Rockwell, which didn't work.

Also: Benedict Cumberbatch as Thomas would be very interesting.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim and Shannon at TusCon in Tucson, AZ
« on: November 14, 2010, 01:13:18 AM »
Thanks for taking video, looking forward to seeing it.  I'm in Tucson, but the fee for the Con was beyond my budget for this year.

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