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Messages - Srenya

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: August 27, 2010, 10:29:12 PM »
My "reading" is largely on audio- so when I look for new authors I'm really looking for good readers.  "Neuromancer" is a good book but listening to William Gibson read it- IMHO- is painful.  Where as I miss Douglas Adams with all my heart.

 I found Jim's books through James Marsters.  I had listened to the first four books before I knew there was a t.v show and the show had already been canceled by then.

DF Books / Re: Shirt Quotes: Buy Dresden Stuff!
« on: August 27, 2010, 09:47:58 PM »
I'm new but this was always one of my favorite quotes-

for the front: "You are, I take it, Harry Dresden?"
for the back: "If I'm not, he's going to be upset with me when he catches me running around in his underpants."

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