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Messages - MsDaywalker

Pages: [1]
DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: February 28, 2007, 05:57:58 AM »
*other* i had heard good things about Jim from other forums and amazon reviews long ago but just got round to reading the book even tho the first 2 where in my TBR pile. then i heard there would be a tv show and i knew i wouldnt be able to NOT watch a new scifi, mystery show about a wizard. so i quickly read the first 2 before the show started so i would know the chracters before. but then i watched the show and  wondered.... is this the same show ?...mostly why Murphy was a brunette ?
i really like the books alot iam finishing the 3rd book now, so i went to my Barnes&noble(b/c i had a gift card) to pick up 4 and 5 they where all out of the books except 7 and 8 ! i was shocked! i hope this means the show is doing good.

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