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Messages - BlahBlah

Pages: [1]
DF Spoilers / Re: Could Mavra be under Eb's control?
« on: June 03, 2018, 05:10:33 AM »
Yes, Mab is almost certainly under Eb's control.

And good job, discovering one of JB's clues.  Although, it's not the biggest one.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dead Horses that have not beenbeaten
« on: October 21, 2017, 03:19:51 AM »
When is PT coming out?  Is there a release date set yet?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: January 19, 2014, 09:55:38 PM »
From Backup, Thomas received his pendant from his mother on his fifth birthday.

I like to think of the Dresdenverse soul as source of light.  A typical mortal's soul shines bright, and is the shape of their body, for lack of a better form.

Like Bob has described, mortals swap bits of their soul's constantly. When they hug, emote, get jiggy, or whatever else brings them close.

I think for beings like Mab, who started out with a mortal soul, their soul slowly fades over time.  Maybe not in size, but in brightness.  Like a light fading.  Eventually, like Butcher describes it, it can seem to completely dissipate, where its no longer there.

I think in Mab's case, and most of the Fae, they still retain their soul initially, but it fades.  But I think there's still enough there to interact with other souls around them.

In this case, Mab has had regular interaction with Sarissa for years, and I'm sure on some level, they've either shared or reflected each other's souls.  Mab has also had more contact with the mortal world through Harry, who we all know is big on soul.  And she's now bonded to Harry through the WK mantle ceremony, and the mantle itself.

So the idea that any remnant soul hasn't been affected by those around her seems unlikely.  It seems more likely that whatever soul she has left has been influenced by Sarissa, Harry, and any other mortals.  And since Sarissa and Harry both seem to be big softies, I'd say that's had a softening affect on Mab.

I don't know that she's gotten her soul 'back', so much as what she had left has been slightly rekindled by her relations with mortals.  I don't think she's going soft and fuzzy on us any time soon, but I'd say it allows her enough to remember the feelings she might once have had.  The light of her soul might still be dim, but it might be brighter than before.

A wonderful theory.  It is also consistent with Odin's conversation with Harry at the bar.  Odin hints that Mantles do not necessarily change their owner, and recommends friendship and spending time outside of Arctis Tor.  I was always a little puzzled by this conversation; it seemed tangent to the discussion about Mantles and DR.  But if friends and human interaction are essential to preserving your soul, then Odin is essentially saying that Harry needs plenty of both.

Note too, how Mab takes Molly to her apartment instead of Arctis Tor after Harry forces her promise on DR. 

DF Reference Collection / Re: PG: combining Neurovore and Knnn.
« on: May 14, 2012, 03:37:33 PM »
Thanks, i forgot that. I knew we had put the archangels, mothers. And ferrovax in the same general weight class but i forgot why..

If Lea is right, then Mab and Titania are in the same weight class as Uriel.  The Mothers are a cut above, at major-god levels.  Seems appropriate, given that they are the heart of faerie.

Ferrovax?  I think there's WoJ on him placing him at archangelic levels, but I can't quote it.

DF Reference Collection / Re: PG: combining Neurovore and Knnn.
« on: May 13, 2012, 10:26:13 PM »
Mab is nowhere near Uriel's power level.  Uriel has full Intellectus (which by definition includes the power to understand what you know) and was described by JB as "an Executive VP of Creation."  It would be a stretch to put Mother Summer and Mother Winter in Uriel's ballpark, and they are both clearly more potent than Mab.

Mab cannot have any sort of general form of Intellectus and simultaneously be unable to lie.  For example, when Marcone gets snatched by the Denarians and Harry asks Mab who took him, she responds, "I don't know."  It's possible for that to be a true statement (in a twisty Sidhe sense) if she believes she has partial knowledge; it is not possible for that to be a true statement from a being with Intellectus.

Took me a while to find the source I was looking for.

In SK Lea states (to Harry after he Sees Seeing Titania and Mab): "They exist in opposition.  Each wields vast power, wizard - power to rival the archangels and lesser gods."


DF Reference Collection / Re: PG: combining Neurovore and Knnn.
« on: May 08, 2012, 05:46:29 PM »
I tend to think of Mab as on par with Uriel, and think of Uriel as a four-dimensional being unconstrained (or less constrained) by time.  He (and she) can see past present and future at the same moment, and so can control the flow of events with a precision that is impossible for mere three-dimensional mortals.

It's a coherent way to justify projecting complex plans into the chaos of PG.  It is consistent with Uriel's known interventions in SmF and his suspected interventions in other books, as well as Mab's admiration for his methods

DF Reference Collection / Re: PG: combining Neurovore and Knnn.
« on: May 08, 2012, 01:59:48 PM »
Which is another supplementary reason to believe the Scarecrow is working at cross-purposes to Mab.
Not really.  She did the same thing with the hobs in SmF.

DF Reference Collection / Re: PG: combining Neurovore and Knnn.
« on: May 06, 2012, 03:48:06 AM »
My problem with the theory that the Outsider needed killing is that Mab was its Queen.  Surely she could have orchestrated his death in many, many ways.  Its possible that the Scarecrow had tricked her into giving it some kind of safe harbor, but this just strikes me as wholly unfounded and conjectural. 

If the WOJ suggests that Mab orchestrated the chain of events, I think that Summer Fire in the Winter Well is still the likeliest desired outcome.  If the athame had infected Winter then perhaps Mab needed Summer's fire to cleanse Winter's well.  Its a purifying force, after all.  In this instance it was wielded by an Outsiderbane, who might have been uniquely effective in remove an Outsider taint.

Wasn't the Stone Table located above Lake Michigan?  I've wondered for a while if it had any relation to the runes at the DR.

We don't, but I suggest you read Codex Alera.
(click to show/hide)

A continent, Chicago ain't.  LC =/= Alera by any stretch.

If Harry decides to recreate it on a grander scale, however, then all bets are off.

He has a gift for this ind of work, ala Bob.  And he has the workers to bring him the necessary ingredients, ala Wee Folk.  And he has the experience, ala LC.  

Little World, anyone?  Purely speculation, alas.

I have also suggested that Mab fixed LC: 

"Mab would probably have the means to recognize the problem in LC.  Mab was motived to protect her future knight because she had assumed Lea's responsibilities in PG.  Finally, Mab had the opportunity to enter and exit Harry's apartment from the NN through Lea's garden."

The only other possibilities imo is Lash working with Id-Harry, else that Harry knew and helped it get fixed but suffered one of his peculiar blackouts and can't remember it.  Neither is nearly as plausible as Mab.

Great minds think alike AA!

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