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Messages - Xian

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Did anyone else notice the typo on page 204?
« on: April 17, 2010, 08:34:48 AM »
I don't know if it's already been addressed, but I'm pretty sure Science isn't a skill anymore.

The book says:
"Some skills (like Science) and supernatural powers (like Inhuman Recovery) can provide easy justification to start the recovery process (for skills) or reduce recovery times for consequences (for powers)."

Somebody's posted a montage pic and a commentary:

Ha! You see the dark blue hat at the bottom of the panoramic? That's the back of my head. =B

It was still awesome, anyway!  ;D

Just be happy it wasn't at City of Books in Portland.

Oh, cool. Good thing I took a look at stuff that was going on. I can go to this after school on Thursday.

DFRPG / Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« on: April 07, 2010, 09:21:29 AM »
The character I've been wanting to make is an ex-Knight of the Cross. In my game-universe this is the guy who had Esperacchius before Sanya did. The basic idea for the character is that he comes across a Denarian, bests him in combat, but is forced to let the Denarian off on mercy in exchange for a piece of silver (if you catch my drift). The Now-Powerless Denarian then breaks into the Knight's house, kills the Knight's lover/partner guy, and ransacks the place looking for the coin (to no avail).

Long story short, the Knight loses his faith because it allows injustice like the one mentioned above to run rampant, so he gives up the whole "nice-guy" way of living, hunts down the Denarian, and uses the Sword of Hope in a act of revenge/despair (I.E. kills the Denarian in cold-blood.) Bada-bing bada-boom, the sword is zapped out of his hands like Harry in Grave Peril, and the Knight just leaves it with the body. Somehow the Sword is reclaimed and handed up the lines until the Angel Michael gives it to Sanya, but that's not important to the character.

I haven't got many of the aspects down yet. Maybe something like "Oh, how the Almighty have fallen." or "He had it coming."

I dunno. Just an idea.

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