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Messages - Odd Man Out

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: DarkHallow Question
« on: July 28, 2010, 04:26:18 PM »
Give him so many Lawbreaker Stunts that his Refresh plummets below 1, he suddenly has massive boosts to multiple fields of spell casting and absolutely no free will. Probably also layers a 'flush with godhood' aspect on him six or seven thousand times.

DFRPG / Re: theoretical powergaming: maxing out an evocator
« on: July 28, 2010, 04:14:29 PM »
DMW; Just kinda curious about where you place Lore versus Conviction in terms of which is better at Superb. Usually I take Discipline and Lore as Superb with Conviction at Great when I do a Submerged Wizard due to the Focus Item Cap. Am I overlooking something in the switch?

DFRPG / Re: Conversions for Old World of Darkness Character Types
« on: July 23, 2010, 01:16:50 AM »
I know, you'd certainly lose the CCG feel of it. It's just the WW property I find most interesting. DFRPG's biggest contribution to any FATExalted conversion would probably be the idea behind spending refresh for powers.

DFRPG / Re: Conversions for Old World of Darkness Character Types
« on: July 22, 2010, 11:01:25 PM »
I find the exercise interesting, although I admit that I'd get more mileage out of other WW stuff; particularly your take on Exalted.

DFRPG / Re: Just beginning a campaign...
« on: July 21, 2010, 11:26:38 PM »
You may have stacked a few too many big names to be around on a semi-regular basis. That having been said, if you keep the powder keg that city looks to be under control people'll take notice.

DFRPG / Re: Aspect Help
« on: July 21, 2010, 11:24:21 PM »
As always, I suggest adding a few more descriptors to the base phrase as a staring point. That gives us things like;
-Reckless Evocation Prodigy
-Timid Evocation Prodigy
-Infamous Evocation Prodigy

For more wide scale changes I think;
-Flood of Power
-Destruction Comes Easy
-I Am Mystic Artillery
-Needs More Dakka
-Kali's Favorite Subject

DFRPG / Re: [Aspects] Compels for Gun-Fu?
« on: July 20, 2010, 11:57:11 PM »
I'd add some descriptor to Gun-Fu if I was going to use it as an Aspect. "Notorious Gun-Fu Expert" or whatever sounds character appropriate offers more varied bonuses and makes compels easier.

Basically if you're Revy from Black Lagoon everyone knows how dangerous you are, so the aspect lets you fight meaner and be scarier when violence is on the table. Conversely, everyone knows how dangerous you are, so if someone goes after you it'll be with a tendency towards very ruthless methods.

DFRPG / Any other settings you're planning to use this system for?
« on: April 25, 2010, 05:50:47 PM »
I love the Dresden Files and have a game set there in the works. Still, the baseline system looks easy enough to tweak for a number of other settings and I'm curious to know which ones people are looking at and why.

Exalted looks like a pretty good match, you'd have to figure out a way to change spell durations and alter some price/benefits on the various forms of magic. Fate Points keeps the resource management alive while Compels/Invocations largely take the place of stunts.

Negima might be a good match; you'd have to increase power and durability but all the base effects are handled by the system.

There's any number of JRPGs that might fit as well; Shadow Hearts, Breath of Fire, and Star Ocean holding dear places. Of the three, Shadow Hearts is almost possible to create without adjusting things all that much; Yuri and Co. just have really high Refresh Costs. Breath of Fire is pretty much the same; older dragons seem to line up in terms of power for each.

So, what would you try to run with it and which parts would you tweak?

A block is more binary. It stops an effect cold or it breaks.

Armor always absorbs some impact.

DFRPG / Re: How Do You Get Effect 'X'?
« on: April 09, 2010, 11:56:00 PM »
I think this is Thaumaturgy and takes the form of enchanted items.

I fully grant Thaumaturgy but, while I like Enchanted Items, they really shouldn't be required for all effects like this. Elaine's Hyperawareness Spell is a good example of the lines I'm thinking along.

The reason why is because without storing the power somewhere it fades away pretty quickly (and remember, you craft as part of Thaumaturgy), so by the time you get to your car (from your magic space)

So if you wanted a "bull strength belt buckle" to function like Inhuman Strength for a few exchanges you probably need to devote 2 strength to the inhuman strength, then another strength for every extra exchange it functions for.  So a 3 exchange belt might require a Lore of 5 (or an extra enchanted item slot per level of Lore under that).

This might work as a good baseline, in fact I'm almost sure it does, but fails to address the point of wanting a similar effect on a briefer time scale. Making every increase an item feels off.

Sounds a lot like the kinetic ring(s).  Only maybe it is a string tied to a key that you keep in a jar (this is a Benjamin Franklin reference).

I'm not thinking as an item. I'm talking a literal hand/focus full of lightning as a spell. Hm, Elaine may offer a starting point of such. It's essentially a more spontaneous version of her chain.

I don't think this would work.  You need something that understands the language to help (Lascial did this for Dresden at least twice).

I can see a ritual to translate something, just not a real time usage.  In this case I would see something like an appropriate dictionary acting as a component.

I think it is easier to just up Scholarship (take a second correspondence course).

Summoning might work, as could a handful of other things. Thought about a desk that, when loaded with proper reference material, could create rough but accurate translations of a work.

Thank you for the input. There's some good food for thought there, but none of them feel quite right so far.

DFRPG / How Do You Get Effect 'X'?
« on: April 09, 2010, 04:41:18 PM »
I've been messing around with magic in a white room style so far and have hit a few concepts that I like but don't have a deep enough understanding to pull off. If anyone else wants to ask questions in a similiar vein, go right ahead.

Alright, scenario number 1; I've got a focussed practitioner who specializes in Biomancy or Self-Enhancement Spells. How do most of these work if I want to; temporarily increase her speed/strength or alter her senses? I can see a few ways to handle short term boosts, what if I want it to last longer?

Scenario number 2; A Sorcerer decides that containing a lightning bolt in his hand for awhile might be more useful than tossing it as a single strike. How could this be played out to; add damage to his Fists/Weapon attacks (would it just be a weapon of the power value, aimed with a relevant skill?) or keep it contained for an exchange or two to be released when the timing is right?

Scenario number 3; Harry gets sick of his poor Latin Skills landing him in awkward situations with the White Council and develops a spell that's literally nothing but a translator. Do I just treat this as a spell that boosts his Scholarship, does it add an Aspect, what?

DFRPG / Re: Questions?
« on: April 06, 2010, 03:45:04 PM »
Fate operates on a tiered skill system. In order to perform a task you add the appropriate skill ranking to a dice roll, largely the same as in D&D 3.5. The difference is that in FATE you use Fudge Dice (or 1d6 - 1d6 if you prefer), meaning the roll can actually be negative and cause you to operate beneath your 'base' skill. Conflicts of most sort are sets of opposed Skill Rolls, shooting someone pitting your Gun Skill against their Dodge Skill for instance.

Aspects are the portion of the system that sets it apart from standard Fudge. These are phrases, descriptions, or concepts that are embedded in a character or scene. Finding, adding, changing, and removing Aspects is one of the best ways to gain an advantage. Each use of an Aspect allows you to add to a dice roll, or reroll all the dice and take the new result. Generally if an Aspect causes you a problem you gain a Fate Point, while if you use it to help you it costs a Fate Point. Conflict often ends when you manage to put severe enough Aspects on a target to 'take them out'.

Stunts are capabilities that are a bit outside the standard Aspect and Skill portion. These are unique or niche tricks; say being able to reload a gun faster then your Gun Skill would indicate, being really good at seduction rather than just Rapport, or having a really good eye for certain details. Powers are a subset of Stunts in the Dresden Files RPG that tend to be less about skill expansion and deal more with supernatural capabilities. This is where you go when you're looking to make the Hulk, learn to toss around fire, turn into a wolf, or anything that normal people simply can't do. Certain Stunts and Powers require you to spend Fate Points; these are usually things that are too strong to be used constantly.

Fate Points are a measure of how much flexibility a character has. You get a certain number at the start of the game, gaining more as Aspects give you problems, and using them as you alter dice rolls, use certain abilities, or cause small bits of luck to happen.

DFRPG / Re: Preorderers: First Impressions?
« on: April 04, 2010, 07:37:34 PM »
That sounds unique to your experience.

It seems to be limited to when I use Foxit to open them. In Adobe the text just looks like someone used a blue highlighter on it. I'll hiss about Adobe being the devil later, book is excellent.

The 'in play' examples as things are introduced is a much better primer than the 'here's the rules, now this is them all being used at once' style some of my other favorite games use. No really arcane terminology and the side-banter is pertinent without being dry.

DFRPG / Re: Preorderers: First Impressions?
« on: April 04, 2010, 06:49:21 PM »
90% of it is great so far, but I've got these weird sections with blue, mirror imaged text that's kinda killing the flow at points. May be a function of using Foxit instead of Adobe to read the pdf. Anyone else having this problem?

That said, loving the content so far.

DFRPG / Re: The Preorder
« on: April 02, 2010, 04:26:01 AM »
So, are we talking like 12:01 AM Monday, noon, what? Because I really need this before heading in to work and if I'm sitting there reading it during the game after work my ST will kill me.

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