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Messages - NothingWicked

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: What's your style?
« on: June 28, 2009, 11:03:11 PM »
wow, thanks! I have not read any Paulo Coelho although I think I'll try out the Alchemist. :)

Author Craft / Re: What's your style?
« on: June 27, 2009, 07:48:20 PM »
I wrote this today as a response to the prompt: write a paragraph describing a place that you consider "heaven on earth." It's fairly typical of my style...

<"Heaven on earth" is a state of mind. Just stopping to sit and imagine a beautiful place or experience can bring it out, no matter where I happen to physically be. In my thoughts heaven is a beautiful, still forest. The silence isn't oppressive there, because the immense beauty surpasses all other senses. Shadow and light play between the giant trees and skip over the surfaces of a multitude of ponds that span, limitless, in every direction. Moss and grass mingle at the roots of the great trees, creating a gentle padding that invites me to stay. The crystalline pools of water reflect the lush leaves of the canopy above me, encasing me in the security of all the many shades of green, and I am happy. My mind is in "heaven on earth.">

Author Craft / Re: Boingy boingy boingy
« on: June 24, 2009, 05:39:02 AM »
Gotta love Mat... anyways. I have to say I just can't really anything really explicit. It just gets annoying and kinda ooky for me. I guess I'm just old fashioned by I like the vague references and fill in you're own blacks scenes in my reading. Although smut does make for some laughs. 

Author Craft / Re: Okay new game: hooked or not hooked.....
« on: June 24, 2009, 04:54:17 AM »
Hooked (I especially like the "Repent Asshole")  ;D...

Ok, here's mine:

"I should have known better. There had been plenty of warning signs. But Bill had sounded so excited and I missed seeing him that way. He's needed a lot of encouragement since the accident and I didn't want to miss the opportunity to be there for him. If only I'd- Well, I guess it doesn't matter now. Whatever he'd given me had begun to kick in and my brain was in no condition to help me get us out of here. Power over life and death he'd said. Power over life and death."   

Author Craft / Re: What do I pick up to work on?
« on: June 24, 2009, 04:25:06 AM »
The quote in my signature is the writing on the gates of hell in the original Italian...

Author Craft / Re: What's your style?
« on: June 24, 2009, 04:19:02 AM »
Depressingly, my voice tends to be matter of fact. There are many styles and stylistic elements I admire, but when I'm writing, it just comes out flat. I re-write over and over and put server conscious effort into every word and phrase and it still sometimes manages to come out sound like some musty librarian giving a utilitarian description of a novel's scene. I'm much better with non-fiction writing and editing. I keep hoping that my style will mature, but I may just be trying too hard.

Author Craft / Re: Chapter Titles yes or no?
« on: June 20, 2009, 07:46:18 PM »
An interesting twist I've encountered on Chapter Titles is having a quote precede a chapter rather than a title. In books like "This Alien Shore" they add a depth and flavor to the novel's world as well as add a commentary on, rather than spoiler for, the following chapter. They also seem to create a universal undercurrent to the themes of the novel as a whole. 

Author Craft / Re: Authors and Procrastination
« on: June 20, 2009, 07:44:04 PM »
An interesting twist I've encountered on Chapter Titles is having a quote precede a chapter rather than a title. In books like "This Alien Shore" they add a depth and flavor to the novel's world as well as add a commentary on, rather than spoiler for, the following chapter. They also seem to create a universal undercurrent to the themes of the novel as a whole. 

edit: that was weird... I was trying to post this in the thread "chapter titles yes or no" and if somehow posted here... not sure what that's about...

Author Craft / Re: Stylistic help!
« on: June 20, 2009, 07:37:38 PM »
This may be a screwball idea that's more difficult than helpful, but since its a war between heaven and hell, you could try telling the story from the point of view of a "neutral" angle or some such that is observing the events and has limited omniscience... Actually... the more I think about the how, the more I think this might be more trouble than its worth...

Author Craft / Re: Attempted Insanity
« on: June 20, 2009, 07:28:27 PM »
I like it and would buy it. I do have some suggestions (I'll send them to you if you want), but I like what you've done so far. Great work, keep at it, and let me know when I can buy it!  :D

Author Craft / Re: New Storyline... authors wanted
« on: June 20, 2009, 06:12:53 PM »
The boy slid across the ground, sending a spray of stale grim into the shadows, and came to an abrupt stop. Gagging on the dirt cloud around him, he got up slowly using the wall he'd crashed into to steady himself.

The girl had stopped swinging and watched the boy's flight, masking her now fading panic with a air of mild concern. She hopped off her seat and started toward the boy, "That was special, you could've actually hurt-"

The boy turned back towards the playground when his grin slid off his face. She was gone. 

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