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Messages - K.Love

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: Feedback Request
« on: July 14, 2009, 12:38:11 AM »
If I post it on say and post the link here would that be ok? (fictionpress is not a fanfiction sit, its where people go to write original stories and get feedback on them. It is however the sibling site of though I don't see why that would matter. lol.)

But thanks for letting me know all the legalities. It was a big help.

Author Craft / Re: Feedback Request
« on: July 12, 2009, 04:24:57 AM »
The only warning along those lines that I have seen was the one that said "Don't post story ideas for Jim to read because he wont read them... blah blah blah".... and well, this isn't FOR Jim. Its for ME.

Author Craft / Re: Feedback Request
« on: June 28, 2009, 06:39:26 AM »

Author Craft / Re: Feedback Request
« on: June 21, 2009, 06:54:57 AM »
No feedback, I just wanted to say great story. I loved Spider Man.

Spider Man?

Author Craft / Feedback Request
« on: June 21, 2009, 04:06:10 AM »
Deleted my writing sample. I'll try and make it avaiable elsewhere and If/When I do, I'll post the link here.

Thanks everyone for your feedback. Means alot.

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: June 19, 2009, 08:08:28 AM »
K.Love here. (smacks own head. "obviously!")
My real name is Kati. I'm 20 years old and I've been writing fiction since... well, for as long as I can remember really. My teacher's have always encouraged me, but none more so than my HS senior English teacher Wes Reid. That man is as crazy and as insanely talented as they come. Not to mention he's a smart ass. Which is no wonder why he and I got along so well (I normally despised teachers.) He really pushed me when I needed to be pushed (went through some stuff and slacked off really badly) and I produced work that I really enjoyed. Mr. Reid seemed to enjoy my writing as well.

So enough jibber jabber.
Here's the 411:

Name: Kati (smacks head again. "Already stated that ya' moron!")
Published?: No. Never. I'm never had the drive to attempt to get published. That is, until last year.
In progress work: Currently 2. A novel (Urban Fantasy) and a book of poetry and short stories (some with a supernatural-esque feeling to them.)
Completed work: Nothing longer than... oh, say..... 500 words. (Ugh, yes I know, thats horrible. I've never thought my writing was good or even alright for that matter, so I usually just dropped it. But now I'm DETERMINED to finish it! I will finish it.... Damn it!)

Hmm... Seems I'm getting a little too excited. :takes deep breath:
Okay. I think I'm ok now.

I really love reading, and I really love to write. I try to write my novel, how I would want to READ a novel. I think about all of the series I enjoy and then think about how they describe things. And what specifically catches my attention. The words they use, How many times they use a phrase (and yes, poor Harry Dresden says "Hell's Bells" too often for my liking, but it still does not take away from Harry at all. I still find him throughly charming and quite funny) and how often the use their "Tag Lines" (Jim explains them on one of his LiveJournal Posts. The Feb 10th post I do believe. If your too involved to look for it Jim states: TAGS are words you hang upon your character when you describe them. When you're putting things together, for each character, pick a word or two or three to use in describing them. Then, every so often, hit on one of those words in reference to them, and avoid using them elsewhere when possible. By doing this, you'll be creating a psychological link between those words and that strong entry image of your character.

For example; Thomas Raith's tag words are pale, beautiful, dark hair, grey eyes. I use them when I introduce him for the first time in each book, and then whenever he shows up on stage again, I remind the reader of who he is by using one or more of those words.

I try to enjoy writing, as much as I would reading.

I've had an account with for years (since I was 13 I think) and I've finally mopped shop so sadly I only have one short story up. But please do comment and let me know what you think.  Its under My Stories at the bottom of the page. It's titled "The Mafia Dame" which is something I wrote for my Senior English Class in HS.

I'm just glad I'm not the only aspiring writer here.  ;D

DF Books / Re: Shirt Quotes: Buy Dresden Stuff!
« on: June 16, 2009, 04:25:31 AM »
Hey! New here so I thought here would be best to make my first contribution.  ;D

I think one of my favorite quotes so far (that has not been listed yet) is:

"You must be Harry Dresden."
"That's what it says on my underwear."

idk, how great that'd be on a shirt. lol.

Just started reading Death Masks today. I'm so addicted to Harry's world.

There's another line I love but I can't remember exactly what it is.... It's somewhere in the last quarter of Summer Knight. idk, when I'm a little less scattered brained, I'll take the time to look for it.  :(

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