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Messages - LaraBeck

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DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months stuck?
« on: June 01, 2024, 02:18:11 AM »
According to a fan who attended Comicpalooza this past weekend, Jim said he's planning to turn the book to the editors by July 1st.

In theory, that could give us a release by the end of the year.

I don't trust him to keep that schedule, personally, but let's hope.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is a Dad...Again..😳
« on: April 10, 2024, 01:48:23 PM »
I think Harry and Lara do marry the wild thing honeymoon...and Lara conceives...just a afterthought twist... besides Maggie needs to be a big sister. 😳😜👍

I think it's unlikely, that's what Thomas' baby will be used for. That'll be the tension between them. If they get married, which is probable, IMO (just so Murph can return and get that funny surprise, lol).

Maggie already is a big sister (sorta). And I hope Jim at least starts writing both Maggie and Bonnie is a way that makes sense before throwing another character with no personality into the story.

Besides, Harry wouldn't want another child, and certainly not like this. I don't think it matters if Mab demands it, he'll find a way around it, it's just too much to ask from him at this point.

Personally, I still doubt anything physical could happen with Lara, there's still the protection from Murphy, and while it's not clear how it works now that she's dead or the influence the wedding could have on it, it just seems kind of silly to establish the protection in one book, just when Harry is going to need it the most being in the White Court, for it to just be swept away by a wedding vow that is going to be, probably, very carefully worded by lawyers, not by feelings/intentions.

I don't think there will be another child. Not with Lara. I kind of hope, he won't marry her, but I admit, if he does, it would definitely make his life even more interesting.
I kind of hope that Murphy will upgrade in Valhalla and come back as a valkyrie during the next 2 or 3 books after 12 Months. Because of how he always saw her with his Sight.

I think there's a fair chance for that. 1. If we're to believe the insinuation that Gard makes in Aftermath, Valkyrie is a state/position that can be obtained, and we all know how Murphy is, she climbed up the ladder pretty fast in her old job, she would at least try to do it in the afterlife as well, if it's remotely possible. 2. Harry is slowly being surrounded by weapons/attributes/allies that he will need for whatever final battle he has to fight, it wouldn't surprise me that what happened to Murph was a strategic play to put her (even if only to play with the myth of it) in place to be the Valkyrie that favors him and accompany him to victory.

DF Spoilers / Re: How Murphy could return to the Dresden Files
« on: March 01, 2024, 06:24:54 PM »
That did backfire on her with the swords, however, since she had been "contaminated" in her faith by hanging out with Odin's people and therefor she did waver in her convictions. Or that's how I interpreted it, I could be quite off here.

That's an interesting take, I personally don't agree about her being "contaminated" in her faith, actually she shows multiple times to try to still hold some faith in her god, she even crosses herself in Battle Ground, something which most Catholics don't just do because, it's a testament of where your faith lies. I honestly think that she just made a mistake, she was scared for Harry, she was angry, that's all that happened. And it was ultimately to serve another purpose, for the right person to have the sword, Butters. (which is not who I'd pick but *shrug*). But it all served a purpose.

And it probably extends to Battle Ground, she had to touch bottom by the time of her death, because obviously she had to die in Battle Ground, I think the fact that Sanya and Butters just happened to arrive that night at Macs, where she was, stay and get "convinced" to take her to Harry that night, is testament enough that the White God, was involved in her death. The knights are always where they are supposed to be.

Let's face it. Murphy is going to return as a Valkyrie.

But, Murphy doesn't fit the physical model of a Valkyrie, you say. We don't know for certain how Valkyries are created in the Dresdenverse.

One-eye has Soulfire. It makes things real. It's how he rejoins the Einherjar's spirits to their bodies. (WOJ, Dresden Files podcast, December, 2020) Soulfire makes things real.

So, Odin makes a Valkyrie statuesque body from clay (plenty of examples from various myths), uses Soulfire to make it real, then uses Soulfire again to fuse Murphy's soul with the new body. Bob's your spirit in a skull, new Valkyrie.

This would also give Jim fertile ground to give a couple of appearances of the "new character" that we could go back after the reveal and say "Oh, Jim. You absolute bastard! You were torturing Murphy and Harry didn't know!"

Which is the most Jim-catnip thing, ever. And that's why he will do it.

Oh, that's just so cruel, it's a great idea. But personally, I like cute, blonde, 5 feet nothing Murph with her pert little nose, though.

But also, Odin took her body. She's not buried underground, her corpse is not rotting, they actually took her body, which tells me that it is needed for whatever is going to happen next to her. So, I doubt Odin has to make her a new body. My guess is that maybe she'll just need some physical therapy, like Harry after Demonreach and the failed suicide. I still do think that Battle Ground is Murphy's version of Changes. She's been following a similar path to Harry's.

Oh, and about the body type, well Gard in Aftermath, when she tells Murph that her boss (Vadderung) might be interested in talking to her, she says "you've even got the hair for it", which means that she has more that one requirement down, the physical aspect of it being the least important one. And most importantly, I think it means means that Valkyries can be "made".

I think maybe it's something that can be offered, maybe it's something that can be obtained. I can imagine that it would make sense that Murph was taken as an Einherjar, but is later offered the opportunity to become a Valkyrie. Of course, there's some challenge, ritual, something that she has to pass, and Murph being Murph of course would take on the challenge, because that woman is not going to wait for eternity to join the fight again, we know her. (also WOJ is that she'd want to survert the rules). We also know that she will want to prove herself. That's how she built up her whole life. It fits her.

Note that the Dr's typically like to leave a cast on broken bones beyond the point that the bones are healed-enough for light-use.

The point of the break will still be very tender (and much more susceptible to being re-broken!) but you can use the limb for most ordinary things.

I was presuming that was the stage Murphy was at, when she took off her own cast.

It is mentioned in Peace Talks that she only had four more days left in the casts when she took them off, so yeah, she was mostly healed, there was nothing miraculous about her taking off the casts when she did and being able to move.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: March 01, 2024, 06:01:35 PM »
IIRC, that's specifically a Faerie/contractual thing (a marriage being (from the Fae POV) a very contractual affair (oaths &c:  "to have and to hold, forsaking all others, from this day forward, 'til death do us part...")).  I'd need to go back and read the story to be sure whether Harry was actually that specific in the exposition.

I doubt the Whampire Hunger is affected by the ceremony either way; I certainly wouldn't expect a loveless political marriage to convey any protections, so I don't see why a political marriage would end them.

I think the stuff from Something Borrowed and the Connie and the Big Foot story do a lot to murky the waters here, I've seen a lot of speculation about how that could affect the True Love protection from Whamps. But it's all that, really, speculation, there's no definitive answers yet.

Something that always seemed important to me, though, in Something Borrowed, is that Will was going to make vows thinking he was marrying Georgia. Regardless the bride not being the real Georgia, Will would have been earnest and honest in his promises. So, maybe, that plays a part in the whole thing.

And thinking about that, I honestly doubt Harry would make those kind of vows to Lara, and I know some people would say "but the word of a wizards matters because of his power", yeah, but that's if he swears on his powers, right? which I doubt will be the case here.

Anyway, we'll have to wait and see, but I sure hope to have a more definitive answer on how the True Love protection works in the Dresdenverse soon.

It'd still be just way too tragic, and kind of pointless, to have Harry adquire the physical protection of True Love with Murphy only to lose it one year later. Unless the point is to torture Harry, because how morally devastating that would be, to lose the only thing left from her to Lara of all beings. But that also sounds like how JB is thinking lately, so *shrug*

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: February 22, 2024, 08:42:36 PM »
So we don't know for sure if Lara still gets burned by his touch. It could be that the protection is gone because Karrin died. And she did die. Valhalla is the afterlife.

That is true, the protection has not been tested after Karrin's death yet. I imagine that is going to be one of the first things that we learn about in Twelve Months.

However, there might some reason to believe that her being dead doesn't really matter. It didn't matter what Susan was doing after she and Harry got separated, it didn't matter what Thomas was doing either for Justine to keep the protection, it only ever mattered what Harry and Justine did themselves to get the protection removed from themselves (sleeping with Luccio and other women, respectively).

I don't think it's 100% clear how the protection works really. I mean, in one book Thomas says Lara has a burn mark from a wedding ring, in Peace Talks it seems like it was only a mild burn what she got from Harry, but also true love is about supposed to be super rare, but Harry gets it twice in his short life (imo, it was ridiculous that he got it from Susan, but ymmv), then you have to add up some of the stuff that's been said in Something Borrowed about true love as well. It's all a bit inconsistent imo. Personally, I wonder how much of all of that is about conscious decisions. But anyway, ymmv about the philosophical concepts of what is love and all of that. I imagine that the next book will bring some clarification over this part of the lore.

One thing that JB has said though, that so far seems consistent through the books, is that the true love protection thing only happens between consenting adults, who mutually love each other and have shared the physicality of it, it doesn't take hold if you don't act on it.

IMO, it seems like a "mark" that is placed on you, that would stay until it gets removed by an act of rejection of it, ie sleeping with another person (because apparently not even time erases it, if we believe White Night).

But yeah, we don't know how death of one of the people involved affects it, my guess though, would be that it doesn't. Harry is still alive, he was already "marked" by true love, he would stay that way until he "rejects it" by being sexual with someone else.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: February 22, 2024, 03:52:35 PM »
And his feelings for Murphy haven changed, even though she is dead.  He is still grieving and hasn't moved on, and until he hooks up with another woman, he will be protected... Or rather any real marital consummation between him and Lara is impossible.  Mab knows this, so what is she really up to?

Yeah, and until the next book comes out and we see the rest of the story, all we do know is that even by Xmas time (which is several months after BG) Harry still grieves Murph.

My theory about the whole wedding situation is that is, like all of Mab's plans, a multi-purpose thing. I think in part it is about making powerful allies, in part is about isolating Harry or changing his focus, maybe about him making other types of allies, in part is about Molly and making her lose all hope of romance bewteen her and Harry, and it might also be about Mab needing something from the Raith's library that by Harry being close he could get for her, or even for himself, there's probably stuff that belonged to Margaret in there. But I really doubt is because there's a need for an "heir" or something as simple as that.

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: February 22, 2024, 02:40:49 AM »
Thank you, I'll check that out ...

as soon as I figure out where my walkabout copy of PT has gotten to...   >:(

No worries, I got you:

...Lara was standing next to me, her bare shoulder against my elbow. My elbow approved, ecstatically—but Lara jumped and let out a little truncated sound of discomfort.
She glanced down at her shoulder, where a patch the shape, I guess, of the end of my elbow was turning red, as though she’d brushed it against a hot pan.
Vampires of the White Court had a severe allergy to sincere love, the way the Black Court doesn’t like sunbathing. Skin-to-skin contact with people who love and who are loved in return is hardest of all on the White Court.
Which meant that …
Well. I hadn’t been thinking about having that aura of protection around me when Karrin and I got busy, but it was nice to have it.
And it was nice to know it was real. Very nice.
“Ouch,” Lara said, her tone annoyed. Then she glanced up at me and her expression became suddenly pleased. “Oh. You and the policewoman? Congratulations, wizard.”
Chapter 25 - Peace Talks

DF Spoilers / Re: Lara and Harry
« on: February 22, 2024, 12:46:39 AM »
We don't know if Harry's relationship with Murphy would have protected him, or if it hadn't gotten deep enough / serious enough.

Actually we do know Harry is protected by the True Love™ that he shared with Murphy.

Lara gets burned by Harry in Peace Talks, not in the scene you mentioned, the one at the dojo, though it should be said that in that scene there's no mention of them making skin to skin contact (so while he already had sexual relationships with Murph at that point, the protection isn't tested yet), but in the scene where Lara and Harry are getting ready to rescue Thomas in the castle, they do touch and she burns. Harry makes explicit mention of it, check out Chapter 25 of Peace Talks.

And at the end of Battle Ground, when Lara and Harry shake hands over their deal, the only reason they can is because Lara is wearing gloves.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dabble Interview 23 August 2023
« on: November 08, 2023, 11:30:43 PM »
Many of us (including me) vastly prefer to read, than be read-to.

Spending $5 on a single short already looks like an expensive way to get our Dresden fix... further reducing the value by making it an audio-only format is ... well... it's insult to injury, honestly.

It's not audio-only, it's a on book (text) format on kindle, audio on audible.

DF Spoilers / Re: New York Comic Con video
« on: October 24, 2023, 02:14:24 AM »
yea nothing good will come from that one lol. My first thought is of the overarching order of Dresden changing... Wouldn't Marcone make an excellent Adversary?
Off topic slightly, but where was Murphy actually shot?🤔 I forget wound placement..

He would, he definitely would. And Dresden already has a lot of problems with Marcone. What he saw in the soulgaze, really disturbed Harry in some really primal level, I think. He's visceral about his hate for Marcone.

Murphy was shot in the neck. Which is, I dunno if on purpose, or Jim being Jim, or what, but, personally, I can't not think about the fact that Susan basically dies the same way, wound to the neck, bleeding to death, in front of Harry.

Heh, the eye patch thing redoubles an old idea for me that karrin is in fact one of the main archetypical characters(starborn?), the eye patch, of course she'd lose an eye on the path to wisdom!

I meant to ask you about this before, but then I forgot as I was doing the transcript. I was just hoping you would elaborate on this? What's your idea here? I'm interesting to hear about that.

I always view Battle Ground as being her Changes, you know, the pivotal moment for her transformation, the same Changes was for Harry. Because I think, in some respects, they follow similar paths.

DF Spoilers / Re: New York Comic Con video
« on: October 23, 2023, 11:59:50 PM »
ah see, yea. I wouldn't have really considered it to be shapeshifting, but coming from the author.. Jim tends to say things that we don't actually have the full context to but can be very good for guesswork and theorizing at what the context we're missing is. He's gotten better at it over the years actually. Last couple years of his he's been dropping subtle but very telling lines in his replies.

What I didn't remember but found interesting now that I've listened to the answer again, is that he also mentions Marcone in this, and how they could work together. Like you say, food for theories...

DF Spoilers / Re: New York Comic Con video
« on: October 23, 2023, 11:13:42 PM »
Thanks for the precis!
VERY much appreciated.  I ... kinda hate getting info from videos; reading it is very, very superior (for me, I know others feel differently).
Most of these items aren't really new, per se... We've heard this about Karrin (tho her eyepatch is new (if that's real)); that TM is next, MM will come after: 25 (total) books now planned; importance of Starborn.

Yeah, we've heard most of this stuff in other Q&As before, but I still see some fans questioning these things sometimes, so that's why I chose to put "confirmation" in the list XD. Plus, the Karrin stuff is relatively new, that especially has been questioned a few times, so I thought it'd be interesting to have the exact quote.

Shapeshifting Nemesis:  I suspect Jim misspoke or someone misunderstood.  Nemesis as an "infection" or "possession" is pretty universally understood within the fandom.  Plus, we have the case of Lea:  Nemfected, then cured/exorcised.

That said, Jim could have been intentionally misleading people

Yeah, that's what I thought too and why I thought his answer was confusing. But since I don't like the video format either, I usually just listen once and take notes as I go. So, for the sake of clarity now, I just went back and re-listened to that part. And here's what I got:

The person says something about Codex Allera, there's applause, Jim says "thank you". Then the person asks "Which character would you personally would be most terrified running to in the street?"

Jim's answer: He says a name that I don't recognize.

But then his son, James (who's in the panel moderating?), asks "Which human?"

Jim's answer: "I'm gonna go with Nemesis, because Nemesis has that whole shapeshifting thing going on, so he can be anybody. Uh, let's see, Marcone would actually, he could get along with Marcone, he could be very reasonable that way. Um, I tell you what, Hannah Asher isn't a very happy camper right now. 'Cause she died, she being a pyromancer and getting hit with fire... You didn't think she was gonna be dead, did you. But yeah, she's definitely not very happy with Dresden at this point. But you know, I have a weird set of values and things to be nervous about."

Reading that again, seems like he mispoke?

Heh, I didn't remember that it was in that moment that he talked about Hannah, or Marcone, btw.

Missed the bit about Nemesis being a shape shifter tho? Where'd that come up?

Anyone got a time stamp for when he mentioned Nemesis and shapeshifting?🤔

Sure, the question where he talks about Nemesis is around min 22:40

And if anyone's curious, the question about Murphy are around min 44:20, and 45:20

Jim repeats the question to the audience, because nobody could hear it. "She was concerned why I did that to Murphy, not just what happened to Murphy but how it happened, where she didn't actually go down in a blaze of glory but it was just like the worst character to have that done to her."

And then he answers: "Yeah, that was sadistic and I would apologize to you but you all paid money for the book. So, I'm not sure I can actually do that and feel sincere about it. But yeah, the whole point was that, you know, sometimes it's not fair. And unfortunately I know friends who lost folks during the pandemic and sometimes it's just it isn't fair."

Which sort of makes it sound like her death was somewhat a product of the context of that time? Which couldn't be, since he planned it 10 years ago and wrote the book before the pandemic, obviously. But I guess he just means that in a sense that maybe her death felt especially unfair in the context of what was happening in 2020.

The follow up question is: "We were wondering if you would bring her back, like if you do alternative universe and she didn't die..."

Jim's answer: "Oh, oh! If I did an alternative universe where she didn't die? You know that if– you know that when– you know that's gonna happen when he (Harry) goes to the alternate universe because she has to be Karrin with an eyepatch. I mean, come on, I don't make the rules here people! (He talked about the Mirror Mirror storyline about min 14:30) But yeah. We may well see her there. And her story is not yet finished. So, well, that's enough, I won't say anymore. But I think you'll appreciate where she goes."

DF Spoilers / Re: New York Comic Con video
« on: October 23, 2023, 08:39:44 AM »
No, it hasn't been posted here yet.

There's a lot of stuff that he's mentioned before, but basically, what we get from this Q&A:

  • Hannah Asher is still around, probably.
  • There might be another short story from Mouse's POV.
  • Confirmation that we will see Karrin again.
    When asked about Karrin showing up in an alternate universe, he said, quote: "you know that's gonna happen when he (Harry) goes to the alternate universe because she has to be Karrin with an eyepatch. I mean, come on, I don't make the rules here people! But yeah. We may well see her there."
    And he continued with, quote: "And her story is not yet finished. So, well, that's enough, I won't say anymore. But I think you'll appreciate where she goes"
  • Confirmation that is 25 books total.
  • Confirmation that Mirror Mirror will be after Twelve Months. That MM will be about one choice that Harry made differently and it had big consequences.
  • Confirmation that yes, the next book is called Twelve Months. And it will cover a whole year of Harry's life (it's not a compilation of short stories, like some fans keep speculating).
  • Confirmation that the Starborn thing is important and it is part of the main arc.

He's engaged with Jennifer Blackstream, an author too. He talks about her series a bit in the video.

He also mentions that Nemesis is a shapeshifter? which I found confusing, personally. I though it possessed people, not that it shifted into people.

There might be more, but these are the things that stood out to me, personally.

DF Spoilers / Re: Q&A Fantasyfestival 2023 in Esbjerg/Denmark
« on: September 28, 2023, 01:07:18 PM »
As we all know, Harry will break all seven laws of magic by the end of the series. I'm pretty sure that he (and Murphy) will be able to circumvent this just made up "cosmic rule" (who made it a "cosmic rule", btw? Or did you just come up with that?) as well.

Gard says it in Battle Ground, but yeah, we still don't know who made the rule.

I think it's possible that they meet again because of something Harry does (which IMO is necessary even for that relationship) but I think it's more likely that JB makes it about Murphy doing most of the work.

At one point it is stated that the Einenjharen have up to four millennia of experience. I find that hard to believe given Odin’s mythological time-line as this would suggest Odin has had Soulfire for 4,000 years, very much pre-Christian. It may suggest that the Einenjharen have returned from the far future when then have been forgotten.

I believe it's in this passage from Changes
The leader of the guards eyed us both suspiciously for a moment, then said something quietly and all the rifles stopped pointing at me. Two guards returned to stand on either side of a doorway. Two more took up a station facing Gard and me, evidently cautious about getting more company through the same Way we'd just used. The rest returned to a couple of card tables and a few sleeping cots.

“Einherjar. Give them a little sip of renewed mortality, and four thousand years of discipline go right out the window”

Now that's an interesting thing, I believe it was in WoJs that we're told one of the uses of soulfire is to bring to life the Einherjar, so, if it's pre-christian, then it doesn't go with another WoJ where he said Odin got the soulfire when the christian god took over or something like that. But I guess it could be questionable since those two tidbits of information are not in the books while the 4000 years thing is on them.

I wonder therefore if Murphy is going to return but more than 2,000 years old. I hope Harry likes older women.

Fair question. I really hope the whole time travel thing doesn't become such a heavy feature of the story, though, but that's personal preference.

About the older women, lol, well, Murph is already aprox 3 years older, then there's Luccio too. Plus, if we ask other fans who believe there is attraction for Lash and Lara, well, those ladies are older too. LOL, actually a 2043 year old Murphy fits better with that group!  ::)

DF Spoilers / Re: Q&A Fantasyfestival 2023 in Esbjerg/Denmark
« on: September 26, 2023, 08:27:20 PM »
Also, Sigrun and Freydis Gard are both pretty cool persons underneath their warrior women role. I don't see how Murphy would not fit right in with them.

Oh, that's another interesting possibility! Considering that Murph is the type of person who might want to subvert the rules as Jim himself said, and that we still don't know for a fact how Valkyries come to be. Heorot hints at them not being the "virgin daughters" (as some myths say, and not even all of them say the same thing), and in Aftermath, Gard suggests that Odin might be interested in offering Murph a position for which she even has the hair for, it wouldn't be outlandish to think that there is a chance that Valkyrie is a "position" one isn't born into but one can access to, so who knows, if it's a promotion from the Einherjar position, Murph would be the kind of person to aspire to it.

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