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Messages - EkkiEkkiEkkiEkkiPtang

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DF Spoilers / (BG Spoiler) Only moment that made me tear up, ever
« on: October 05, 2020, 12:54:35 PM »
So, I have watched a lot of TV and movies and read many, many books. Never in my memory has any sad moment made me well up or brought a tear to my eye.

But this did.


But Murph dying.... wow
I legitimately had to to stop reading. I wasn't bawling, but I had to stop reading because my eyes were blurring and my heart was fluttering.

So my question really is... why? Why did this moment hit me so hard?!?
Was it the fact that this is a character I'd been reading about for 15 books?
Or was it just the writing? I've thought before that Jim's books are extremely good at expressing Harry's emotions, almost simplifying and boiling them down to a mere few sentences that really sum up the human experience.
As someone who has dabbled briefly with writing, why was this the single moment that hit me so hard?
Am I the only one who thought this was the most devastating moment in all of pop culture?

On a personal note to Jim Butcher, thank you for an amazing series and F*** you for making me cry

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