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Messages - Amondrask

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Scion or Emissary of a Dragon
« on: August 07, 2019, 10:10:48 AM »
That would be very helpful, if you don't mind! I'd appreciate it a lot.

DFRPG / Re: Scion or Emissary of a Dragon
« on: August 02, 2019, 12:36:26 AM »
I was considering that, but turning into a dragon is something I'd rather save for much, much later as a Big Gun resort, and it's a tad..Noticeable, haha.

Unless you mean he remains human but manifests the Claws and scales and the like. I'll take a look at Beast Change shortly.

DFRPG / Scion or Emissary of a Dragon
« on: July 30, 2019, 11:08:42 PM »
Hello there!

Longtime fan of the series, and I'm getting the chance to actually play with the RPG, which I'm very excited about!

This is a solo game that's being run for me, and we're going with 'full on power level' as my DM described it.

I've been itching to play a Scion or Emissary of a Dragon,capital D or Western lesser, but I could use some guidance on the mechanics, as I'm still getting through the rulebook and I know that dragons can have a fairly broad spectrum of abilities. I have vague notions of the scion of a capital D dragon not being ludicrously, overwhelmingly powerful via either still being young and growing into his power, or having the bulk of his power locked away by his parent until he can be trusted to use it wisely.

I'd like the character to be physically formidable, but not completely focused on it to the exclusion of all else - some sort of energy projection would be nice, maybe better senses or the like, more utility since I'll be working solo. I am visualising him being able to manifest thick scales along his body for protection, as well as claws.

Suggestions are welcome!

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