
The Dresden Files => DF Spoilers => Topic started by: Conspiracy Theorist on July 25, 2020, 12:13:49 PM

Title: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Conspiracy Theorist on July 25, 2020, 12:13:49 PM
Jim is asked “what is the first frivolous thing Harry buys with his gym sock full of diamonds”

Jim’s reply.

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This appears to confirm fan theories following
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Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: ClintACK on July 25, 2020, 12:43:18 PM
Unless by "the great hall" he means the giant living room of Molly's svartalf apartment. It's described in Cold Days as:
The living room was the size of a basketball court, and it had eleven-foot ceilings.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Conspiracy Theorist on July 25, 2020, 01:00:19 PM
Somehow I think neither Harry, nor the Swartalves are going to be happy to see him back in residence, and it just doesn’t feel like home to Harry, whereas the Munstermobile is already ‘his’ car. Probably because it is as idiosyncratic as the Blue Beetle. Mab knew what she was doing.

The Swartalves are also sticklers for people not making their own modifications to their property. Woe betide the person who puts up posters in their place with pins, it’s blu tac or nothing, and it has to be the type of blu tac which doesn’t leave marks. Gedwig would check. YOU KNOW HE WOULD.

With modifications and repairs it is likely that the property wouldn’t be ready to move in for several months. Harry would want to make it more well, like Harry, and a lot less like it’s previous owner, hence the  purchase. It explains why he is at the Carpenters on Christmas Eve.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Grifter on July 25, 2020, 02:39:42 PM
Is this a good place to bring up (once again) that the size of Marcone's castle seems to exceed the size of the old house Harry lived under?
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Mira on July 25, 2020, 03:09:14 PM
Is this a good place to bring up (once again) that the size of Marcone's castle seems to exceed the size of the old house Harry lived under?

  His Brownie cleaning service is going to demand more payment... 
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Conspiracy Theorist on July 25, 2020, 03:28:29 PM
Harry can have a TARDIS if he wants one.

Seriously the mini castle takes up virtually the entire footprint of the old plot, not just the footprint of the old building, and there were gardens because part had been set aside for Mouse’s various transactions, and paths for Harry ti shovel. The castle goes to 6 inches of the sidewalk, and we don’t know if Marcone bought land from adjacent owners, he could have done so on three sides. People don’t say no to him, and he would likely buy those buildings anyhow to obtain control of the immediate environment. There is no on-site parking.

It is three story’s with a basement and of course a sub-basement, the basement is likely to be much larger than the previous basement, we know that the basement contains the laundry room and a corridor with doors leading off from each side leading to the sub basement trap door. Most likely the Einenjaren quarters

First Floor is the Great Hall,  through a guard post and double doors taking up most of the building footprint. There is a store room on this floor. Second Floor is the gym large enough for a boxing ring and the corridor leading to the conference room. Second Floor we get no details in PT, GS or SG but is presumably the residential part of the building where the families stay.

The roof is flat and accessible providing a further space for use.

My guess is Harry would have the basement converted into an apartment, two bigger bedrooms, bigger kitchen and bathroom, retain the laundry room separate for the entire building. The remainder of the building would likely be used for Warden and Paranet business, after repair and the Great Hall when empty for 1 on 1 with the GateKeeper, Vadderung or Irwin Pounder, but not Murphy. She cheats.

Harry is likely to need staff, Paranetters probably for a building that size in such use. I kind of think Abbey would make an excellent Reception Manager, with Toto in tow. He would need housekeeping staff (the Brownies would unionise if they had to do the entire building)  say a custodian and a housekeeper.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Mira on July 25, 2020, 03:33:34 PM

 Pizza ovens,  he has to include a special kitchen to accommodate the mass production of pizza for  Major-general Toot and his army.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Conspiracy Theorist on July 25, 2020, 03:45:10 PM
Pizza Oven on the roof, with a barbecue for summer entertaining.

The only problem is that it might become a shrine to the Za Lord.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Grifter on July 25, 2020, 03:45:32 PM
They also say in Ghost Story that people are living there, paranetters passing through, venatori, etc, etc.  There are apartments, a day care, armory, and jail (which appears to be the subbasement).

With it being used by such a large number of people, I can't see Harry just taking over sole ownership, Marcone aside.  If anything he'd move in and have a space for himself and Maggie in the basement, but I doubt he'd evict anyone.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Grifter on July 25, 2020, 04:30:45 PM
Another thought: Butcher has previously been noted as liking the old Gargoyles cartoon.  In it, a castle was relocated from the old world to New York and rebuilt as it was. Now we've seen Marcone do the same, and his castle even has Gargoyles.

So at what point does someone dub it with the nickname Castle Wyvern?
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Mira on July 25, 2020, 04:36:19 PM
They also say in Ghost Story that people are living there, paranetters passing through, venatori, etc, etc.  There are apartments, a day care, armory, and jail (which appears to be the subbasement).

With it being used by such a large number of people, I can't see Harry just taking over sole ownership, Marcone aside.  If anything he'd move in and have a space for himself and Maggie in the basement, but I doubt he'd evict anyone.

Since Harry will have realized by this time that he is a real target and considering what happened to the first apartment building, I just cannot see him moving in and putting others in danger.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Conspiracy Theorist on July 25, 2020, 06:25:45 PM
He is a target, but the Castle is well protected and I can see him adding to it’s protection. In the old house he got terribly afraid of fire being used against the house and this was borne out. The castle is stone, that won’t happen. I can see it being used by wardens and trainees, venatori and those Paranetters aware of the risk. Marcone himself was no small target.

Harry isn’t really a people person as he says himself, with one exception, he enjoys teaching. Here he would have the facilities to teach, Wardens, trainees, Paranetters even vanilla mortals. Forget Castle Wyvern, everyone is going to call it Hogwarts.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: kel0700 on July 25, 2020, 09:05:31 PM
Jim said harry would be getting a new position of authority.
There's only around 50 old guard wardens left. If they get killed in battle ground and harry successfully destroys or locks up the titan, I reckon harry will be made captain of the wardens. The great hall Jim is referring to could be at Edinburgh.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Conspiracy Theorist on July 25, 2020, 10:19:55 PM
Harry wouldn’t leave Chicago, his family are there his friends are there and Demonreach is there. His trapdoor is there. He loves that trapdoor. More importantly Mab wants him there. He is there at Christmas Eve. More likely he would move a lot of Warden operations to Chicago, it is a much bigger transport hub than Edinburgh, meaning it has more connections with the Never Never allowing for better Warden deployment and the three largest problems in the last few decades have been the Red Court based in South America, the heirs of Kemmler (Chicago) and the Titan attack (also Chicago). Edinburgh not so much unless you count the problems building the tram system. If Luccio is tapped for the Senior Council it would be a little awkward for her to work day in and out with Harry (the sorry tale of workplace romances) so a bit of distance may be order.

Now if only Harry had access to a large fortified building with wards equivalent to Edinburgh in which to work out of with residential facilities, a gym, a boardroom for meetings and a large hall for operations/ training/ function space, he could work from home, a lot of people are doing it now and it is time to drag the White Council kicking and screaming into the world of 20th century employment practices.......hmmmm.

It would also help if Harry had an isolated but secure baby Warden training facility, call it Camp Spooky which doubled up as a supermax prison where he could set up a juvenile wing for young warlocks instead of executing them which as a former young warlock is something he strongly dissapproves of and handily can now practically end.....hmmmmmm.

His use of Demonreach will be widely known after Battle Ground, the Senior Council will have to recognise that he is The Warden, definitive article, not a Warden. The Wardens are named after The Warden, and I suspect Captain of Wardens exists as post when there is no Warden (definitive article). For all we know Warden was a Senior Council post like Merlin, or GateKeeper which lapsed when no one was stupid enough to claim Demonreach as a sanctum. Then along came Harry.  Chandler is a historian, he would know (now isn’t that handy that we just found that out, and he is for once in Chicago)

I would point out that there is a large amount of super warded stone on Demonreach in the ruined lighthouse, only a quarter of which was used to build the cottage, Harry can use the remainder for either building on his castle, or for building something like a bunkhouse for trainees on Demonreach itself, just need Alfred to block wardens from the Islands influence, which Harry has handily realised Alfred can probably do. This would be handy as there are increasing numbers of Wizards in need of training.

I think Harry is going to realise that he has through his choices and circumstance painted himself into a corner with the White Council and not the one he thought he had, instead of being pushed out, he is going to be pushed much further in.

Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: SerScot on July 25, 2020, 11:12:57 PM
Jim is asked “what is the first frivolous thing Harry buys with his gym sock full of diamonds”

Jim’s reply.

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This appears to confirm fan theories following
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If that’s the case:

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Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Mira on July 25, 2020, 11:59:26 PM
If that’s the case:

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  There are happy reasons, little Maggie should be with "family," on Christmas.  The Carpenters are a normal family, with children, she knows them and is comfortable around them, I bet loves them, so does Harry.  Then there are sad reasons possible, all the blood family they have are either dead or locked up. 
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: morriswalters on July 26, 2020, 12:24:30 AM
If that’s the case:

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Have you ever spent Christmas alone?
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Conspiracy Theorist on July 26, 2020, 12:41:41 AM
The castle is also going to require works, holes have been blown in the ceilings and it wasn’t even Harry’s fault, so a full structural assessment, works of repair and a remodelling of the basement to make new quarters for Harry and Maggie would be required, when Chicago has suffered major damage.

Besides do you honestly expect Harry to be living permanently under the same roof as Charity. He has been invited for the holidays, Michael is that nice a guy, he recognises Harry needs cheering up, as does Mab, Molly and Kringle
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Mira on July 26, 2020, 01:23:42 AM
Have you ever spent Christmas alone?

Not alone, but I've spent a couple of Christmases in a grieved state...  I learned the hard way, [well meaning but very WRONG] relations thought I shouldn't do Thanksgiving considering my loss.  It was terrible, so I was determined to try and do Christmas as I always do, it was difficult, yes, but better than not doing it.  As Harry said, he was doing it for little Maggie, the others were also and for him.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: KurtinStGeorge on July 26, 2020, 02:35:11 AM
It seems to me that depending how things go in Battle Ground, Harry might be in a position to get a lot of things settled.  He's going to have the only weapon that can kill a Titan or subdue it until it can be locked up.  Also, consider what happens if Thomas becomes a KotC and saves whoever's left standing on the Senior Council, and probably Etri too.  (I never really thought Thomas would go down this path, but it looks to me like Jim has set it up to happen and soon.)  Finally, there's the possibility that this might be Ebenezer's last fight.  I could see Harry ending up with the Blackstaff. 

Simply rescuing the situation should be enough, but especially if Thomas does what I expect him to do, boy is Harry going to be able to say, "See I told you so."   
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Grifter on July 26, 2020, 04:06:10 AM
I was just thinking how, if it's all just a misunderstanding with Thomas and Etri that will get worked out in Battle Ground, the Svartalves might be really handy in building a facility on Demonreach.  Obviously they couldn't be given free rein on the island, but if there's rubble from the broken lighthouse and house, they might be able to throw together a place in an afternoon.

Then I thought that Harry should be able to do it himself, if he can control Demonreach himself like we saw in PT.  But it'd probably be a better job for the Svartalves.  Then he could have a secure place there real quick (on the outside for visitors).
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Mira on July 26, 2020, 04:57:54 AM
It seems to me that depending how things go in Battle Ground, Harry might be in a position to get a lot of things settled.  He's going to have the only weapon that can kill a Titan or subdue it until it can be locked up.  Also, consider what happens if Thomas becomes a KotC and saves whoever's left standing on the Senior Council, and probably Etri too.  (I never really thought Thomas would go down this path, but it looks to me like Jim has set it up to happen and soon.)  Finally, there's the possibility that this might be Ebenezer's last fight.  I could see Harry ending up with the Blackstaff. 

Simply rescuing the situation should be enough, but especially if Thomas does what I expect him to do, boy is Harry going to be able to say, "See I told you so."   

Yeah, but it will be just ashes in his mouth because his win will also be his loss.  Thomas might eventually end up as KotC, but not in the next book or the next in my opinion.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Conspiracy Theorist on July 26, 2020, 06:09:27 AM
I think Thomas will be back for the wrestling book, as Thomas would be the “hero” in the ring, and Harry would be the “heel”.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Grifter on July 26, 2020, 03:13:20 PM
Well he likely won't be in BG, because that's too quick. And he isn't needed for MM. So the wrestling book would be likely.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: kel0700 on July 26, 2020, 03:57:17 PM
Harry wouldn’t leave Chicago, his family are there his friends are there and Demonreach is there. His trapdoor is there. He loves that trapdoor. More importantly Mab wants him there. He is there at Christmas Eve. More likely he would move a lot of Warden operations to Chicago, it is a much bigger transport hub than Edinburgh, meaning it has more connections with the Never Never allowing for better Warden deployment and the three largest problems in the last few decades have been the Red Court based in South America, the heirs of Kemmler (Chicago) and the Titan attack (also Chicago). Edinburgh not so much unless you count the problems building the tram system. If Luccio is tapped for the Senior Council it would be a little awkward for her to work day in and out with Harry (the sorry tale of workplace romances) so a bit of distance may be order.

Now if only Harry had access to a large fortified building with wards equivalent to Edinburgh in which to work out of with residential facilities, a gym, a boardroom for meetings and a large hall for operations/ training/ function space, he could work from home, a lot of people are doing it now and it is time to drag the White Council kicking and screaming into the world of 20th century employment practices.......hmmmm.

It would also help if Harry had an isolated but secure baby Warden training facility, call it Camp Spooky which doubled up as a supermax prison where he could set up a juvenile wing for young warlocks instead of executing them which as a former young warlock is something he strongly dissapproves of and handily can now practically end.....hmmmmmm.

His use of Demonreach will be widely known after Battle Ground, the Senior Council will have to recognise that he is The Warden, definitive article, not a Warden. The Wardens are named after The Warden, and I suspect Captain of Wardens exists as post when there is no Warden (definitive article). For all we know Warden was a Senior Council post like Merlin, or GateKeeper which lapsed when no one was stupid enough to claim Demonreach as a sanctum. Then along came Harry.  Chandler is a historian, he would know (now isn’t that handy that we just found that out, and he is for once in Chicago)

I would point out that there is a large amount of super warded stone on Demonreach in the ruined lighthouse, only a quarter of which was used to build the cottage, Harry can use the remainder for either building on his castle, or for building something like a bunkhouse for trainees on Demonreach itself, just need Alfred to block wardens from the Islands influence, which Harry has handily realised Alfred can probably do. This would be handy as there are increasing numbers of Wizards in need of training.

I think Harry is going to realise that he has through his choices and circumstance painted himself into a corner with the White Council and not the one he thought he had, instead of being pushed out, he is going to be pushed much further in.

I don't know why u think marcone would just hand over his castle to the white council or why Harry would want to live there.
I don't think Harry loves the trap door just the memory of his old apartment.
Luccio lost most of her power and skill due to being in a younger body, I'd be surprised if she was still eligible for senior council membership.
Luccio required someone to help her with the heavy lifting which is why Morgan was commanding the wardens, Harry could take over that position or be outright captain of the wardens. Depending on whether or not Luccio survives.
Harry was at the carpenters for Christmas because that's his family, Murphy is most likely dead.
We don't know how many of Harry's friends and family make it through battle ground.
Also I don't know how the council would go from dresden is dangerous he needs to be kicked out to let's let dresden move warden operations from Edinburgh the fortress of the White council to Chicago. Most likely as a reward for defeating the titan they would keep him in the council but would want to keep Harry close in case they need to remove him, that's the white councils style.
Edinburgh is also 35 mins from Chicago walking through the never never, so Harry could commute.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Conspiracy Theorist on July 26, 2020, 06:03:39 PM
Marcone won’t hand over the castle, but if he ends up owing Harry a favour in BG, or Mab purchases it for him then yes, Harry could end up owning it. A castle abode of the Winter Knight would help forge a connection in the Never Never to Arctis Tor, and perhaps allow Harry to forge one through the Never Never to the cottage on Demonreach, much nicer than Lea’s Murder Garden. Lea may have a green thumb, but the rest of her hands are red right up to the elbow.

Commute? To a different time zone for the single parent of a school age child? Much easier to have someone like Chandler do a daily courier run with relevant reports.

Luccio still has all her experience and knowledge, so a senior Council position is still likely.

Harry is The Warden, the Senior Council cannot take that away from him and everyone will know (Lara, Listens and Eb know at the moment), their options are have to Harry in the tent p@ssing out, or outside the tent p@ssing in. If the main surviving body of Wardens look to Harry rather than the Merlin, then Harry gets to dictate terms like he did on becoming a Warden.

His terms I think would be along the lines

1. Continues to work out of Chicago;
2. Warlocks are rehabilitated or get the Demonreach Treatment, no executions;
3.Amnesty for all Wizard level talents who have not broken the laws (Mort and Elaine);
4. He continues to work as Winter Knight on behalf of all the Accorded Nations;
5. Better treatment and recognition of the Paranetters;
6. Gets to put up a Basketball goal in his new HQ
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: morriswalters on July 26, 2020, 06:05:14 PM
Harry is not going to move Maggie to Demonreach, it's a supernatural toxic waste dump. Harry doesn't need to own the castle, he just needs to have his digs there. Neither can he be an eternal guest.  Guests like fish start to stink after three days.  The BFS was designed to protect those at risk and it seems to fill the bill on what Harry needs.  And apartment there would give him access to his former workshop.  And winning some brownie points from the Swartelves could get him all the comforts of home.  The basement is protected from the Never Never and he knows the neighborhood.  In any case he has to live somewhere.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: ClintACK on July 26, 2020, 06:15:40 PM
Perhaps Battle Ground is the book where Harry finally gets over his hatred of Marcone -- Harry works on cordial terms with much worse monsters than Marcone all the time. Heck, even the Svartalves are actually pretty monstrous (remember the Svartalves in B is for Bigfoot?) if you're not strong enough to stand up to them.

The Castle isn't precisely Marcone's building, even if he paid for it, it's the BFS headquarters. And Harry could definitely join the BFS in some semi-formal capacity that comes with an apartment and a basement lab. Heck, even if all he does is update and maintain the wards to pay the rent, they'd be nuts not to want him there.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Arjan on July 26, 2020, 06:20:39 PM
Perhaps Battle Ground is the book where Harry finally gets over his hatred of Marcone -- Harry works on cordial terms with much worse monsters than Marcone all the time. Heck, even the Svartalves are actually pretty monstrous (remember the Svartalves in B is for Bigfoot?) if you're not strong enough to stand up to them.

The Castle isn't precisely Marcone's building, even if he paid for it, it's the BFS headquarters. And Harry could definitely join the BFS in some semi-formal capacity that comes with an apartment and a basement lab. Heck, even if all he does is update and maintain the wards to pay the rent, they'd be nuts not to want him there.
They soulgazed. Harry knows exactly what Marcone is. If he gets over his current feelings of Marcone it will tell us nothing good about Harry.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: ClintACK on July 26, 2020, 07:04:58 PM
I'm not expecting him to decide that Marcone's a good guy -- he's not. It's just Harry's reflexive violent threats against Marcone every time they work together that's a bit tired. Way back in Storm Front, it was necessary to make sure Marcone didn't see him as prey. At this point, Harry should be more confident in his power and not need the threats and posturing to hide his fear.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Arjan on July 26, 2020, 07:24:52 PM
I'm not expecting him to decide that Marcone's a good guy -- he's not. It's just Harry's reflexive violent threats against Marcone every time they work together that's a bit tired. Way back in Storm Front, it was necessary to make sure Marcone didn't see him as prey. At this point, Harry should be more confident in his power and not need the threats and posturing to hide his fear.
It is for his own benefit. If you have to work with scum all the time it is good to remember yourself what they are.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Grifter on July 26, 2020, 07:30:39 PM
Yeah, but it gets as tiresome as Lara always being surprised Harry has decent motives.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Arjan on July 26, 2020, 07:48:04 PM
Yeah, but it gets as tiresome as Lara always being surprised Harry has decent motives.
Lara doesn't know Harry as well as we do  :)

We interpret Harry's actions based on that insight in his head we get. Lara looks at the effects his actions have on others and sees someone who can manipulate people quite cleverly. She does not have the Harry has good intentions monologue on her radio.

Besides she wouldn't be alive now if she wasn't a bit paranoid.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: kel0700 on July 26, 2020, 07:53:56 PM
Marcone won’t hand over the castle, but if he ends up owing Harry a favour in BG, or Mab purchases it for him then yes, Harry could end up owning it. A castle abode of the Winter Knight would help forge a connection in the Never Never to Arctis Tor, and perhaps allow Harry to forge one through the Never Never to the cottage on Demonreach, much nicer than Lea’s Murder Garden. Lea may have a green thumb, but the rest of her hands are red right up to the elbow.

Commute? To a different time zone for the single parent of a school age child? Much easier to have someone like Chandler do a daily courier run with relevant reports.

Luccio still has all her experience and knowledge, so a senior Council position is still likely.

Harry is The Warden, the Senior Council cannot take that away from him and everyone will know (Lara, Listens and Eb know at the moment), their options are have to Harry in the tent p@ssing out, or outside the tent p@ssing in. If the main surviving body of Wardens look to Harry rather than the Merlin, then Harry gets to dictate terms like he did on becoming a Warden.

His terms I think would be along the lines

1. Continues to work out of Chicago;
2. Warlocks are rehabilitated or get the Demonreach Treatment, no executions;
3.Amnesty for all Wizard level talents who have not broken the laws (Mort and Elaine);
4. He continues to work as Winter Knight on behalf of all the Accorded Nations;
5. Better treatment and recognition of the Paranetters;
6. Gets to put up a Basketball goal in his new HQ

From the short story even hand its clear that marcone is expecting to kill Harry at some point, I don't know why you believe if marcone did owe Harry a favour, even a huge favour, why marcone would give away his fortress to Harry or why he would sell it or why mab would even want to purchase it. It would put marcone at a huge disadvantage if Harry and marcone ever fought.
Why would mab or Harry want a direct connection between the castle and arctis tor? Mab can travel where ever she wants as fast as she wants and Harry doesn't need a short cut to arctis tor. Also there's no reason for a direct line to the island and Harry wouldn't have the power to do that anyway.

Maggie will be in Bording school, St Marks.
35 mins is nothing.

No its not, the senior council wouldn't even let her run the wardens by herself, they're not going to make her a senior council member when there's hundreds of other wizards who haven't been body switched or had their minds tampered with and who have all their power and skills intact

I never said the council could remove him from being the WARDEN but eb and the gatekeeper have said that the majority of council members know nothing about the island or Harry's position so they could vote him off the council, Harry being the WARDEN doesn't earn him any special previleges with the council.
Lara doesn't know, not really, Harry never explained to her what the island is and it would be a big leap for Lara to jump from the wizard just trapped my brother to that island must contain thousands of evil entities and Harry is the WARDEN of this apparent prison.
Harry never got to dictate anything when he became a warden, in peace talks he said they forced him to join, he said he'd never leave Chicago but they weren't going to move him anyway and he said that luccio refused to give him any work hunting warlocks because she knew his feelings on the matter, she could have forced the issue if she wanted, there wouldn't of been much Harry could do about it.
It wouldn't matter that much if the wardens looked to Harry, Harry would only have the support of the wardens up to a certain point, they for example, wouldn't start a civil war if Harry started making demands of the merlin and he didn't comply, the merlin has God knows how many supporters on the council and he is the most powerful wizard on earth, he'd still be the boss.

Again Harry wouldn't be able to dictate much we've seen how powerful older wizards are compared to younger ones.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Grifter on July 26, 2020, 07:59:23 PM
Lara doesn't know Harry as well as we do  :)

We interpret Harry's actions based on that insight in his head we get. Lara looks at the effects his actions have on others and sees someone who can manipulate people quite cleverly. She does not have the Harry has good intentions monologue on her radio.

Besides she wouldn't be alive now if she wasn't a bit paranoid.
But she's supposed to understand humans. She's been around for centuries, and knew his mother.  She saw his defend Thomas as his brother in Blood Rites, she saw him protect herself in White Night, she saw him protect the innocent in Turn Coat, and she has to know a lot about him from spying and keeping tabs on Thomas's involvement in pretty much every book since Blood Rites.  And yet she's still completely baffled by him.  Her inability to recognize him for what he is any how he acts is a mark against her.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Conspiracy Theorist on July 26, 2020, 08:17:51 PM
Having a safe backdoor to your stronghold is a lesson Harry has painfully learned, taking up residence in the castle would allow him to forge a link to the Winter Knights apartment in Arctis Tor, a different part of the Winter Knight’s apartment allows him to get to Demonreach, something which would otherwise be beyond his current power.

For example the Garderobe/Dumbwaiter accesses the Winter Knights toilet in the Arctis Tor apartment. The Winter Knights bed accesses the place in Demonreach where Harry recuperated from being shot. Harry then has to open a portal in the dumbwaiter, walk from the bathroom to the bedroom and open a portal in the bed to go into the bowels of Demonreach where he keeps his  super weapons. Less than 30 seconds there and back, and at all times he is in (for him) a secure location.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Arjan on July 26, 2020, 08:42:47 PM
But she's supposed to understand humans. She's been around for centuries, and knew his mother.  She saw his defend Thomas as his brother in Blood Rites, she saw him protect herself in White Night, she saw him protect the innocent in Turn Coat, and she has to know a lot about him from spying and keeping tabs on Thomas's involvement in pretty much every book since Blood Rites.  And yet she's still completely baffled by him.  Her inability to recognize him for what he is any how he acts is a mark against her.
She understands lust. She understands parts of the human mind but she does not really understand  some other lings like love. She is evil.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Avernite on July 26, 2020, 09:01:22 PM
She understands lust. She understands parts of the human mind but she does not really understand  some other lings like love. She is evil.
And yet she sort of seems to love Thomas.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Mira on July 26, 2020, 09:05:52 PM
And yet she sort of seems to love Thomas.

Believe it or not, but evil people can love and do.. 
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: BrainFireBob on July 26, 2020, 10:04:12 PM
I'm not expecting him to decide that Marcone's a good guy -- he's not. It's just Harry's reflexive violent threats against Marcone every time they work together that's a bit tired. Way back in Storm Front, it was necessary to make sure Marcone didn't see him as prey. At this point, Harry should be more confident in his power and not need the threats and posturing to hide his fear.

Marcone is his mirror. Harry is also a tiger. He hates Marcone because Marcone accepts himself, and Harry denies himself.

It's actually fairly realistic antipathy.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Arjan on July 27, 2020, 12:34:54 AM
Marcone is his mirror. Harry is also a tiger. He hates Marcone because Marcone accepts himself, and Harry denies himself.
That is what the monsters say to him he should do, stop caring and become one too.
It's actually fairly realistic antipathy.
That is because Harry has a good heart, Morcone has not.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Dina on July 27, 2020, 12:42:05 AM
Jim is asked “what is the first frivolous thing Harry buys with his gym sock full of diamonds”

Jim’s reply.

(click to show/hide)

This appears to confirm fan theories following
(click to show/hide)

I watched it (My favorite part of the interview was Brutus  :)). I thought he meant the Great Hall of Edinburgh, I don't remember if the castle one was named great hall at all. I thought that somehow Harry would be able to be back at his basement but I did not imagine the entire castle would be his. I suspect, though, that Mab can eventually buy the whole castle and gave the basement to Harry as his WK dependencies. I am not sure.
I was also surprised Harry did not buy something frivolous before all that. 
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Bad Alias on July 27, 2020, 05:49:07 PM
Is this a good place to bring up (once again) that the size of Marcone's castle seems to exceed the size of the old house Harry lived under?
The lot of the house I grew up in would definitely be big enough for a small castle or a pretty large tower castle. Castles were a lot smaller than people think. Harry's boarding house was never described with enough specificity for us to know. What were the setbacks, what was the footprint of the boarding house, how many floors does the castle have? We don't really have enough information to say the castle is too big for the lot.

In the old house he got terribly afraid of fire being used against the house and this was borne out. The castle is stone, that won’t happen.
Castles can and did burn down. It would just be a lot harder to burn down than an old wooden structure.

Jim said harry would be getting a new position of authority.
I missed that. Was this in the interview?

Now if only Harry had access to a large fortified building with wards equivalent to Edinburgh in which to work out of with residential facilities, a gym, a boardroom for meetings and a large hall for operations/ training/ function space, he could work from home, a lot of people are doing it now and it is time to drag the White Council kicking and screaming into the world of 20th century employment practices.......hmmmm.
With the roof being broken, are the wards even there anymore? Harry said if his wards were broken, he'd have to start over.

Working from home was a common practice before the 20th century. Definitely from before the industrial revolution.

I don't know why u think marcone would just hand over his castle to the white council or why Harry would want to live there.
Because Marcone dies in BG and Harry has to take over as Baron of Chicago? Totally don't think that's going to happen, but that's one way to get Harry the castle.

To a different time zone for the single parent of a school age child?
What kel0700 said.

Harry is The Warden, the Senior Council cannot take that away from him and everyone will know (Lara, Listens and Eb know at the moment).
The entire Senior Council knows, except maybe Cristos.

From the short story even hand its clear that marcone is expecting to kill Harry at some point.
He set up defenses because he expects Harry to come for him eventually. Assassinating Harry would actually be relatively easy.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Grifter on July 27, 2020, 06:23:21 PM
The lot of the house I grew up in would definitely be big enough for a small castle or a pretty large tower castle. Castles were a lot smaller than people think. Harry's boarding house was never described with enough specificity for us to know. What were the setbacks, what was the footprint of the boarding house, how many floors does the castle have? We don't really have enough information to say the castle is too big for the lot.
We know the boarding house was two stories plus the basement. We know it had an empty gravel parking lot next to it, possibly doubling the lot.  We know the average lot size in Chicago is 250 ft by 1000 feet (thanks internet!).

We know the castle fills the lot size, save for a Harry-stride distance between it and the sidewalk.  We know the castle is four stories plus basement, and has Gargoyles.  We know the first floor has a great room large enough and vaulted enough for a sizeable group of people to mingle.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Bad Alias on July 27, 2020, 06:48:01 PM
I think knowing the average lot size in Chicago is useless. They were probably pretty small before zoning laws mandated them be a certain size. (250 by 1000 feet is huge for a residential lot).

Thanks for the number of stories. I must have forgotten or missed that.

How big the castle is doesn't really answer the question of whether the lot was too small to hold it. My point is mostly that we don't have enough information to tell us that the lot wasn't big enough to hold it either, so we can conclude that it was.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Mira on July 27, 2020, 06:54:44 PM
I think knowing the average lot size in Chicago is useless. They were probably pretty small before zoning laws mandated them be a certain size. (250 by 1000 feet is huge for a residential lot).

Thanks for the number of stories. I must have forgotten or missed that.

How big the castle is doesn't really answer the question of whether the lot was too small to hold it. My point is mostly that we don't have enough information to tell us that the lot wasn't big enough to hold it either, so we can conclude that it was.

What is shocking I think is how tiny the houses are in Chicago, and how expensive they are for the average family..  Not that there aren't big houses, there are, but for the very rich only or for those who have lived there for generations.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Conspiracy Theorist on July 27, 2020, 07:18:51 PM
The Lot is exactly as big as it needs to be for the purposes of the story, and only Eb and Listens know he married Demonreach (as Thomas puts it) through a sanctum invocation, Listens probably the only one who knows he has soulfire as he witnessed it being used against Shag.

Each Stone in the Castle is warded, like those on Demonreach, so it is likely only those destroyed by the eye are gone, the rest survive, and fortunately Harry has compatible stone to hand.

Harry is going to have to expose a lot of secrets to bring down the Titan, about what and who he is which is going to affect how people look at him.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Grifter on July 27, 2020, 07:29:05 PM
I think knowing the average lot size in Chicago is useless. They were probably pretty small before zoning laws mandated them be a certain size. (250 by 1000 feet is huge for a residential lot).

Thanks for the number of stories. I must have forgotten or missed that.

How big the castle is doesn't really answer the question of whether the lot was too small to hold it. My point is mostly that we don't have enough information to tell us that the lot wasn't big enough to hold it either, so we can conclude that it was.
Sorry, my bad, it's actually 25x125 feet.  Don't know where my head was at. That's 3,125 square feet edge to edge, or 6,250 square feet if there were two lots.

A ballroom for a championship event in dancing has to be a minimum of 2,772. So the building would have to be at least two lots for anything else to be on the same floor as the room they were in.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Dina on July 27, 2020, 07:55:46 PM
The Lot is exactly as big as it needs to be for the purposes of the story, and only Eb and Listens know he married Demonreach (as Thomas puts it) through a sanctum invocation,

And the Gatekeeper.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Conspiracy Theorist on July 27, 2020, 09:28:47 PM
Ah yes, quite correct, he isn’t present though, but none of them know he has his super weapon arsenal, they would probably be concerned that the least powerful weapon in his armoury is Excalibur. Eb may have thought he retrieved that, instead he has something an order of magnitude greater at least, now they are going to find that out when he uses them.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: BrainFireBob on July 27, 2020, 09:32:41 PM
That is what the monsters say to him he should do, stop caring and become one too. That is because Harry has a good heart, Morcone has not.

That's the entire point. Harry has a code. So does Marcone. It's even a code Harry respects- nothing, at all, ever, to kids.

Marcone is what Harry would be if he listened to id Harry. And Harry is externalizing his internal struggle on to Marcone. That's good writing, because it's believably human.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Bad Alias on July 28, 2020, 12:46:08 AM
What is shocking I think is how tiny the houses are in Chicago, and how expensive they are for the average family..  Not that there aren't big houses, there are, but for the very rich only or for those who have lived there for generations.
A lot of places are like that. I've seen enough of those home buying and selling shows to know that if I had one of those houses, I'd sell it, move to where I live, buy a bigger house, and retire.
[1]only Eb and Listens know he married Demonreach (as Thomas puts it) through a sanctum invocation.

[2]Each Stone in the Castle is warded, like those on Demonreach, so it is likely only those destroyed by the eye are gone, the rest survive, and fortunately Harry has compatible stone to hand.

[3] Harry is going to have to expose a lot of secrets to bring down the Titan, about what and who he is which is going to affect how people look at him.
1. The Merlin (and the Gatekeeper, as mentioned) know too. See the Eb's journal entry from Turn Coat. It's in Chapter 47. From that I assume all the Senior Council knows.

2. Was that in PT, or is that a theory? I don't remember.

3. Either that or Harry allows the Senior Council to sweep a lot of it under the rug in return for making sure he stays in the Council.

Sorry, my bad, it's actually 25x125 feet.
That makes a lot more sense. Average probably means something like most common in that context. And you're right that it could be a double lot. It could also be an irregular lot or just a big lot. I spend a lot (pun definitely not intended) of time looking at property in my county (and sometimes in other counties). There's plenty of variety.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: SpacedCowboy on July 28, 2020, 01:21:46 AM
The lot of the house I grew up in would definitely be big enough for a small castle or a pretty large tower castle. Castles were a lot smaller than people think.

There are some small castles in Scotland and Ireland that are little more than towers, but most castles I’ve been to (dozens, we sort of have a bunch of them over here in Europe) are way larger than the average lot, like acres large. My parents live in “Castlegate Grove”, One street over is “The Armoury”, From end to end this is about 400 yards, for the armoury and the gate, and West Derby Castle wasn’t a large one.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: morriswalters on July 28, 2020, 01:27:43 AM
What is shocking I think is how tiny the houses are in Chicago, and how expensive they are for the average family..  Not that there aren't big houses, there are, but for the very rich only or for those who have lived there for generations.
Originally they may have been middle class. You seemed to have never lived in a shotgun house, which are quite common, at least in Louisville although they are found in Chicago.  The house may be no wider then 12 feet, with setbacks that would make the lots about 17 feet wide. I lived in houses which were separated by no more than than the walk that ran between the houses.  Variations on a theme, camel back, three or four  rooms down and one up.

A regulation basketball court is 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. Look at 3552 Winchester Ave in Chicago (,-87.6740308,3a,75y,285.74h,83.75t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sjWtw9xphus3gxXE9c6SdIw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en) on street view, this is how I picture Harry's house.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Bad Alias on July 28, 2020, 03:25:13 AM
There are some small castles in Scotland and Ireland that are little more than towers, but most castles I’ve been to (dozens, we sort of have a bunch of them over here in Europe) are way larger than the average lot, like acres large. My parents live in “Castlegate Grove”, One street over is “The Armoury”, From end to end this is about 400 yards, for the armoury and the gate, and West Derby Castle wasn’t a large one.
West Derby Castle is more like 120 yards from end to end. I live in America where we don't have any real castles. My understanding is that most castles were pretty small, especially compared to what we get in fantasy. Most of the tourist castles are the huge stone castles instead of small and/or wooden castles which were much more common. Here's a 20 minute Youtube video about castle rooms that at least talks about what average castles were like.What rooms are inside REAL medieval castles? ( If anyone's got a better source for average castle size, I'd be happy to see it because I can't find anything good.

Marcone's castle is almost certainly a tower castle because we hear nothing about a courtyard and exterior wall.

You seemed to have never lived in a shotgun house...

A regulation basketball court is 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. Look at 3552 Winchester Ave in Chicago (,-87.6740308,3a,75y,285.74h,83.75t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sjWtw9xphus3gxXE9c6SdIw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en) on street view, this is how I picture Harry's house.
My grandfather lived in something pretty reminiscent of a shotgun house. I've kinda always pictured the boarding house like that but isolated because Harry was never worried about the buildings next to it burning down.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Grifter on July 28, 2020, 03:37:11 AM
Originally they may have been middle class. You seemed to have never lived in a shotgun house, which are quite common, at least in Louisville although they are found in Chicago.  The house may be no wider then 12 feet, with setbacks that would make the lots about 17 feet wide. I lived in houses which were separated by no more than than the walk that ran between the houses.  Variations on a theme, camel back, three or four  rooms down and one up.

A regulation basketball court is 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. Look at 3552 Winchester Ave in Chicago (,-87.6740308,3a,75y,285.74h,83.75t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sjWtw9xphus3gxXE9c6SdIw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en) on street view, this is how I picture Harry's house.
Doesn't look like a traditional wood boarding house.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: morriswalters on July 28, 2020, 04:00:21 AM
Close enough for government work.  And if you don't like this one almost every house on the block has a street higher than the bottom floor and the same for the next street over. I've never seen anything like it.  I just love street view.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: SpacedCowboy on July 28, 2020, 04:27:14 AM
West Derby Castle is more like 120 yards from end to end.

No-one actually knows how big West Derby Castle was, all records of its plans have been lost over the last almost a thousand years. We do know that when it was in use ~150 soldiers were quartered there, we know where the main motte was centered (there’s a monument), and it’s about 900 feet from there to “Castlegate Grove” and “The Armoury” as the crow flies. 400 yards (1200 ft) seemed about reasonable on that basis (there’s the other side of the motte, after all).

Whether there’s any historical accuracy in the road naming is up for debate of course. It was a motte and bailey castle, so it’s going to be of a reasonable size, just because the bailey part is separate from the motte. It was described as “dominating the landscape for miles around”, which also lends itself to the thing being reasonably big.

There were around 600 of these motte and bailey castles dotted around the UK, mainly as point-to-point contact and troops barracks. Liverpool also had another castle (a stone one ( down by the river for coastal defence.

My point, castle-size notwithstanding, is that it’s not going to be a “real” castle, it’ll be one of those towers-that-someone-called-a-castle-because-it-sounds-better. There was a strange inversion in naming when real actual castles were named towers (eg: the Tower of London), leading to actual towers being then named castles as the meaning of the word was confused. Etymology is odd.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Conspiracy Theorist on July 28, 2020, 09:41:05 AM
Etymology is indeed odd, there are some really weird insects out there.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Mira on July 28, 2020, 02:04:36 PM
Originally they may have been middle class. You seemed to have never lived in a shotgun house, which are quite common, at least in Louisville although they are found in Chicago.  The house may be no wider then 12 feet, with setbacks that would make the lots about 17 feet wide. I lived in houses which were separated by no more than than the walk that ran between the houses.  Variations on a theme, camel back, three or four  rooms down and one up.

A regulation basketball court is 94 feet long and 50 feet wide. Look at 3552 Winchester Ave in Chicago (,-87.6740308,3a,75y,285.74h,83.75t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sjWtw9xphus3gxXE9c6SdIw!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en) on street view, this is how I picture Harry's house.

I know all about shotgun houses, I also grew up in the Bay Area, in San Francisco many house share a wall or are so close together they may as well, basement, then up two or even three floors. 
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: TrueMonk on July 28, 2020, 10:09:08 PM
My wife and I have our own house and a kid. We still go to my parents and stay overnight for Christmas Eve together with my brother and sister. For me it is not same same great family holiday if we are just three people. There might not be more to it, the Carpenter kids are kind of like siblings to Maggy and Michael and Charity uncle/aunt.

I think especially if a lot of bad stuff has happened there would be even more inclination to gather together for Christmas Eve.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Dina on July 28, 2020, 11:44:20 PM
^exactly so.
And there is another thing. Molly said that she would be back for opening the presents, so obviously she is more or less back in contact with her parents. Perhaps she still wants Harry to be with her in family things.

Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Bad Alias on July 29, 2020, 02:02:24 AM
No-one actually knows how big West Derby Castle was, all records of its plans have been lost over the last almost a thousand years. We do know that when it was in use ~150 soldiers were quartered there, we know where the main motte was centered (there’s a monument), and it’s about 900 feet from there to “Castlegate Grove” and “The Armoury” as the crow flies. 400 yards (1200 ft) seemed about reasonable on that basis (there’s the other side of the motte, after all).


My point, castle-size notwithstanding, is that it’s not going to be a “real” castle, it’ll be one of those towers-that-someone-called-a-castle-because-it-sounds-better. There was a strange inversion in naming when real actual castles were named towers (eg: the Tower of London), leading to actual towers being then named castles as the meaning of the word was confused. Etymology is odd.
My impression is that someone does know how big it was. (At least it's foot print).
Despite the monument's present levelled appearance, the base of the motte, the bailey and enclosing moats at West Derby castle remain reasonably well preserved. (

As best I can tell, a castle is a fortified medieval residence. (Wikipedia, Oxford English Dictionary, the guy whose Youtube video I linked earlier (he's the only one who explicitly says medieval)). I'd say a keep with no walls is a castle, and a keep with walls is a better castle. Just like a wooden castle is a castle and, a stone castle is a better castle.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: SpacedCowboy on July 29, 2020, 04:09:03 AM
Dude, I grew up there. It’s “well preserved” in the sense that there’s a small park with a raised central monument (a little wall about 18” high, circular, about 20’ across, At the center of the park, filled with earth). There are roses on top.

There is no hint of castle, medieval or otherwise, the land is flat (apart from the central bit) and it has houses all around. You’d never tell the difference between it and any other park. When they say “preserved” I can only think they mean in the sense that with ground-penetrating radar they can figure out that something was there...

It’s a 10 minute walk from my parents house (“Castlegate Grove”) to this little park. I know because I walked the dog to and from it twice a day for almost a decade.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Arjan on July 29, 2020, 05:36:04 AM
^exactly so.
And there is another thing. Molly said that she would be back for opening the presents, so obviously she is more or less back in contact with her parents. Perhaps she still wants Harry to be with her in family things.
she might even have had that talk with her father.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Dina on July 29, 2020, 07:19:21 AM
Yes, I think so, but still, it does not mean that she wouldn't feel better with Harry as moral support.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Conspiracy Theorist on July 29, 2020, 08:17:16 AM
I suspect the favour is for Harry to be there when she and Mab talk to her parents.

Harry is therefore in the worst situation in his life, stuck between Mab and Charity.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Dina on July 29, 2020, 08:24:01 AM
Sadly no. Harry offered himself to do that. Molly will ask him to do something much worse, probably for the sake of Winter. Not sure what, but it will be bad.
Title: Re: Dresden Comicon@Home Tidbit for Battle Ground
Post by: Bad Alias on July 29, 2020, 01:13:50 PM
When they say “preserved” I can only think they mean in the sense that with ground-penetrating radar they can figure out that something was there...
I think they mean well preserved in an archaeological sense. They dug some stuff up in 1927 and 56-57.
Within this open area lie the buried remains of the castle which include the western half of the motte, the bailey, a double ditch separating the motte and bailey, the outer ditch flanking the bailey, and remains of an outer rampart. The remainder of the motte and surrounding ditch originally lay to the northeast of the scheduled monument in the area crossed by Parkside Drive and the houses and gardens beyond this.
I missed this part earlier. I wish they were a little more specific than "the houses and gardens beyond this."
Dude, I grew up there.
That's why I figured you might find it interesting.

But your point stands that West Derby Castle was a "small" castle that's much larger than Harry's lot could conceivably be.