
The Dresden Files => DF Spoilers => Topic started by: Yuillegan on May 20, 2020, 07:43:34 AM

Title: Cowl
Post by: Yuillegan on May 20, 2020, 07:43:34 AM
With another Cowl debate, and rehashing of the Simon=Cowl theory, I had to rethink things.

Upon rereading Cowl's scenes I noticed a few things that were interesting.

If we take away the Wizard aspect of his character, we have only a few features to identify him. I have done this to open up the scope of investigation.




So if we discount magic and open it up to include non-magicians as well then there are a few candidates who become more interesting.

1. Nicodemus Archeleone
Features and personality are similar. It falls down when you try an explain why he has never openly used sorcery (when it clearly would have benefited him). However his goals are somewhat in line, and his sidekick (Deidre) says a similar thing to Kumori about his goals. 
2. Gentlemen Johnny Marcone
Much the same as Nicodemus, but the same flaws too. But the mmost difficult reason to reconcile is his association with Mab and Vadderung, which Cowl seems to be against.
3. Arthur Langtry
Langtry has the right features and personality, but goals are completely different. He also has the White Council to serve him. He doesn't want it to end. Not to mention his hatred of Peabody when Peabody is revealed.
4. Cristos
Right features, except perhaps the English. But that's hard to tell at this stage. The goals may well line up. But what's difficult is the personality. He could be a fool, or acting the fool as cover.
5. Father Forthill
The hardest and most interesting candidate. One that most wouldn't see coming. He has the right features, I think. But he also seems a bit working class for Cowl. And he seems to have aided Harry against his best interests, and has had multiple chances to take out Harry or his allies. Still, his status as one of the most trusworthy characters makes him an excellent hidden foe. And it matches up with A Night in the Lonsome October.

And some who make less sense:

1. Simon
Simon's accent is Russian. Beyond that, his writings in the Paranet Papers (admittedly not written by Jim) have him speak in relatively broken English. He also would have learnt it a century ago, and like most Wizards would have been fairly blunt. The way he writes speaks to a fairly cautious, yet blunt and angry wizard. He makes sense as the traitor for his power and knowledge and placement, and in some sense some of his views. But the character of Cowl seems very differnt.

On a separate note, Wizard Montjoy is a character of interest. Aside from his research trip in the heart of the Red Court, Montjoy is also the name of a messenger character in Shakespeare's Henry V. He conveys rather blunt messages from his lord (Charles VI, King of France) to Henry V (King of England). He does it so politely that Henry ends up liking him.
Title: Re: Cowl
Post by: Bad Alias on May 20, 2020, 07:37:25 PM
I have done this to open up the scope of investigation.
  • But his sentences are not all that archaic

  • ...He is also proud enough to feel distain for his peers and former master (Kemmler).
We hardly wanted for suspects.  :)

How many of the older humans speak archaically?

I don't think we know that he was one of Kemmler's apprentices. He may just be another necromancer. He likely wasn't an open supporter of Kemmler. If he was, the only reason I can imagine him hiding his identity is if he and his weaknesses would be known to the Council.
Title: Re: Cowl
Post by: Yuillegan on May 21, 2020, 08:58:30 AM
Quite a few of them, actually.

Eb, Luccio, Morgan, Mai, LtW, Langtry etc. all have various turns of phrase or choices of words that make it clear they learned the language in another time.

Well, in Dead Beat they comment on the fact that Kemmler had a few pet Necromancers (Bob specifically). Then Cowl talks about how all three meet up and praise Kemmler and say "Glory to the master etc" while simultaneously plotting to kill each other. Also the familiarity between all three is unusual for people who had only heard of each other. Which isn't to say they studdied together.

Something interesting to note is that Bob (or whatever he was when Kemmler had him) was bound and made to severe part of himself before Dead Beat. What remained was locked behind itself (which was still very powerful and nasty). I suspect Kemmler wanted his own Archive in reserve, but didn't want to be possessed. The fact that he could change and mutilate and twist the spirit speaks of incredible knowledge at the least. But I think it was Justin who actually bound the spirit. I suspect when he recovered it he was afraid of the being/demon and did what he could to make it more manageable for his current level of skill. Over time he used it to make himself stronger and more knowledgeable - crossing barriers Harry never would. Perhaps he even learnt Kemmler's ability to rend and consume spirits for increased strength (if he were Cowl).

Justin also makes sense for another reason - his manner. Harry describes his diction as being "precise, as always". And he also has a slight yet unplaceable accent (I would guess Russian, but anywhere in Eastern Europe would work). More than that though, Cowl approaches Harry with the air of an unforgiving mentor. What is interesting if Justin had Bob and was Cowl he had the opportunity for years to attempt the Darkhallow. My only guess is he didn't know enough, couldn't handle Evil Bob, and perhaps didn't even know that Bob would know (at the time). And the fact that if Justin were Cowl, Cowl regarded taking power at the Darkhallow as the noble self-sacrifice, almost his duty. Better him than the insane other two.

Another thing about Justin - his hatred for being mediocre. He obviously was damaged by his tutelage under Simon and was probably told he was unremarkable. It wouldn't surprise me if he reached for power to overcome his natural limitations. This lines up with something else - the Sign that the Denarians use. The symbol for power without restraint, without limit. Something Justin and Cowl both seem to desire.
Title: Re: Cowl
Post by: Bad Alias on May 21, 2020, 06:13:06 PM
Something interesting to note is that Bob (or whatever he was when Kemmler had him) was bound and made to severe part of himself before Dead Beat. What remained was locked behind itself (which was still very powerful and nasty).
I always understood Bob's description of what happened as 1) Bob existed, 2) Kemmler twisted him into something Bob didn't like, 3) Kemmler died, and 4) Bob destroyed what he could of the parts of himself that Kemmler twisted. I don't know that portion well enough to remember if that was just my interpretation of something more vague or just a bad interpretation.

And he also has a slight yet unplaceable accent .
It could just have to do with his age. His accent might be unplaceable because it doesn't exist anymore.