
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: bobjob on January 10, 2013, 05:23:51 AM

Title: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: bobjob on January 10, 2013, 05:23:51 AM
First off, back in the saddle again. It's been almost a year since I've posted in here. I've missed the board and the discussion.

Secondly, I'm going to be running a two person campaign with my girlfriend and a mutual friend of ours. Inspired by that prospect, I've sat down and started statting again. I present to you, the Leprechaun. Any comments and critiques are appreciated.

High Concept: Mischievous Wyld Fae Cobbler
Other Aspects: Not My Lucky Charms!
Craftsmanship (+4)
Deceit (+4)
Fists (+3)
Lore (+4)
Presence (+3)
Most other skills default to Mediocre, with a few standouts as Average
Supernatural Sense [-1] Pertains to his pot of gold. A Leprechaun seems to be able to feel the presence of his gold.
Glamours [-2]
Incite Emotion [-2; Greed, At Range]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch [+1] Cold Iron and the like
Wish Granting [Ritual reskin for Fortunamancy, which is a reskin of Entropmancy -2 ]

Total Refresh Cost: -10

Description:  A  human sized fae, the Leipreachán (westernized, Leprechaun) generally looks like an older human male wearing a red coat. Everybody thinks it’s green and they’d only be partly right. Generally considered Wyld Fae, only when aligned with a particular court will they change the color of their coat. Leprechauns also wear very fine leather shoes that never get dirty, regardless of where they’ve been walking.

What We Know:
A particularly vexatious fae, Leprechauns like to trick mortals and will often lead them on chases through the woods giving only the occasional glimpse of their quarry. They will also set up elaborate schemes motivated by their gold and can even throw out a mental whammy to help drive their plots. Leprechauns are also renowned for their cobbling abilities, something that few mortals know. While they are not as fascinated with shoes as Cobs, they can appreciate a good pair of shoes and can even be convinced to repair them on occasion. The spots where Leprechaun’s hide their gold, for some reason, makes the veil between the real world and the NeverNever thin. After a storm, a rainbow will mark the weakened area bringing about the whole “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow” myth. Those with the know-how can enter the NeverNever at that location, although the creatures the Leprechaun has placed to guard the gold won’t be nearly as sporting as the Leprechaun would be.

If captured, the Leprechaun has been known to offer his captor three boons in exchange for his release. The mythology has gotten muddy and calls it three wishes. These boons can be used for good luck. (use as Ritual created Sticky Maneuvers)

Leprechauns can be a little rowdy when drunk. They also prefer to fight with their fists.

Glamours and speed to befit their trickster nature, plus recovery for when things get a little hairy. They can also cause greed in mortals and when captured can alter chance for a price.

Weaknesses: Standard fae weaknesses

*edit: added deceit for Glamours and to befit his trickster nature*
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: Locnil on January 10, 2013, 05:34:08 AM
Looks very nice.

I'm not sure being able to sense your gold requires Supernatural Sense, though.

I like the fact that it has Incite Greed, though I'm uncertain how it relates to the leprechaun myth.

Wish Granting - Nice take on it. Both the mechanics and fluff.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: bobjob on January 10, 2013, 05:38:00 AM
The Supernatural sense was so that he could sense the gold, almost smell it on you (something that by all mortal comprehensions would be impossible.)

The incite greed ability came about by the Crichton leprechaun sighting. Just a fun stab at a slightly embarrassing fluff piece in the news. You should look it up, it was big on youtube for a while.

Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: bobjob on January 10, 2013, 06:39:01 AM
While I'm at it, I present the White King of Rage. I originally called his House Malgus (after a SWTOR villain), but have since changed it. Malgus was more of a placeholder for me until I could come up with a better name.

Lord Niccolň “Nick” Biancardi
High Concept: The Deposed White King of Rage
Trouble: A Coup Divides Us
Other Aspects:  Rage Against The...; Betrayed by Lara Raith, My One True Love; Not Subtle
Alertness: Good (+3)
Athletics: Great (+4)
Conviction: Good (+3)
Discipline: Good (+3)
Deceit: Good (+3)
Endurance: Great (+4)
Fists: Superb (+5)
Intimidation: Superb (+5)
Presence: Good (+3)
Resources: Great (+4)
Stealth: Good (+3)
Weapons: Great (+4)
Lord Biancardi has few skills below Fair.

Infuriate [-1]
Rule with Fear [-1]

Emotional Vampire [-1]
Human Guise [-0]
Incite Emotion (Rage; Lasting Emotion, Potent Emotion, At Range) [-4]
Master Wrathful Domination [-4] (creates a wrathful variant of Renfields overcome by extreme anger. All have the high concept White Hot Rage Monster)
Feeding Dependency [+1]  affecting the following powers:
Supernatural Strength [-4]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch [+0] is True Peace

Total Refresh Cost: -20

Mental: OOOO
Physical: OOOO(OOOO) Armor: 2
Social: OOOO
Hunger: OOOO

A physically impressive man with a full beard and close cropped black hair, Lord Biancardi stands just over six feet tall. He has dark green eyes and he has a look on his face like he is constantly on the verge of ripping someone’s head off, both physically and verbally. He has a scar just under his left eye

What We Know:
Little is known of the White King of Rage. At some point in the past he ruled the White Court. He was deposed by House Raith and the majority of his family was killed. When House Raith moved to America, they found Nick already there and the two have been at odds over this new territory for the past two hundred years. It is strongly believed that Nick is in love with Lara Raith, the shadow leader of the White Court. His love for her has prevented House Raith from gaining any control over him and bringing his House back into the fold by their usual means. His power base is in the southern United States. With his ability to incite crowds to violence and the power to create mindless rage minions, the White Court is afraid that if they move against him he will draw their politics into the spot light, a less than palatable outcome.

*edit: added Deceit skill and aspect Not Subtle*
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 10, 2013, 08:46:33 AM
Hey, bobjob, long time no see.

Seeing Lord Nick there reminds me, some of your stuff is up on the Custom Template thread now. Hope you're not bothered by that.

Anyhoo, statblocks look good.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: Deadmanwalking on January 10, 2013, 10:05:28 AM
Glamours use Deceit or Discipline, neither of which the Leipreachán possesses.

Also, given any history at all with the White Court, Niccolo absolutely requires a pretty hefty Deceit score (at least Good), even if it was never his personal specialty. It's the White Court, after all.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: Locnil on January 10, 2013, 10:19:24 AM
It might be to reflect being from a different era; there's no reason to believe the White Court is as it has always been.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: bobjob on January 10, 2013, 02:08:10 PM
Hey, bobjob, long time no see.

Seeing Lord Nick there reminds me, some of your stuff is up on the Custom Template thread now. Hope you're not bothered by that.

Anyhoo, statblocks look good.

Good to see you too Sancta. I did see the Custom Template thread and I'm honored you would include me. Hopefully you will include the Leprechaun. I had fun writing him up.

Glamours use Deceit or Discipline, neither of which the Leipreachán possesses.

Quite right. I'll fix that.

Also, given any history at all with the White Court, Niccolo absolutely requires a pretty hefty Deceit score (at least Good), even if it was never his personal specialty. It's the White Court, after all.

Locnil had the right of it... this was a different political era for the White Court. Still, he should have a Deceit of at least +3, probably with an Aspect like Not Subtle that can be compelled to futz with that.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: InFerrumVeritas on January 10, 2013, 03:49:22 PM
I would have the gold sense thing simply be an invocation of his High Concept (like White Court crossing into the Nevernever at strip clubs).
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: bobjob on January 10, 2013, 05:02:36 PM
I'm bored at work. I present to you the Prince of Darkness before Ozzy was even conceived... Dracula. I need a little help with the catch on his array of toughness powers. Take a look at the note at the bottom.

Prince Dracula
High Concept: Demonic Rukh of the Black Court
Trouble: Enemies Surround Me
Other Aspects:  Has It In For The White Court; I’ll Be Back; I Will Turn The Hellhound; Survival of the Fittest

Alertness: Good(+3)
Athletics: Fair (+2)
Conviction: Good (+3)
Discipline: Great (+4)
Deceit: Great (+4)
Endurance: Good (+3)
Fists: Superb (+5)
Intimidation: Great (+4)
Presence: Superb (+5)
Resources: Great (+4)
Stealth: Great (+4)
Weapons: Great (+4)

Paranoid? Probably. -1
Subtle Menace -1
The Weight of Reputation -1

Claws [-1] (Teeth and claws)
Echoes of the Beast [-1]
Living Dead [-1]
Incite Emotion [-2] (Lust, At Range)
Spider Walk [-1]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
Catch [+2] (Bram Stoker style weaknesses minus sunlight. Recovery is only affected by Holy)
Physical Immunity [-8]
Catch [+1] (Sunlight)
Blood Drinker [-1]
Feeding Dependency [+1] (affects the following)
Beast Change [-1]
Cloak of Shadows [-1]
Supernatural Strength [-4]
Supernatural Speed [-4]
Domination [-4] (Master)
Gaseous Form [-3]

Total Refresh Cost: -37

Mental: OOO
Physical: OOO(OOOO) Armor: 2
Social: OOOO +1 Minor Consequence
Hunger: OOOO

Because of his unusual upbringing, Dracula is not all corpsified like other Black Court vampires. His demonic regenerative powers have kept his body fresh, having looked like he just died. He is middle aged with dark hair and eyes and pale white skin that looks to have been swarthy at one point in time.  He constantly has a predatory look about him.

What We Know:
The son of Drakul, Dracula was a powerful half-demonic adversary before being turned by the Black Court. Now that he has mastered the dark gift of undeath, he is truly terrifying. He is one of the surviving masters of the court and some speculate that if he is not the current King, he is at least in the running (although the support from other Blamphs may not be strong as his brood tend to have more unusual powers than theirs). His mix of demonic and Black Court abilities makes him a challenge even for the White Council… that is if they were able to find him. The Blackstaff has been searching for signs of Dracula’s survival, the last time having caught the vampire’s scent in Istanbul.

He also would like to turn his father’s former wetworks man, Jared Kincaid, into a slave, half demon half blamph. He attempted to turn him in Istanbul and has been on the lookout for him ever since.

His toughness powers were the hardest part, being more of a layered defense. His Recovery is a holdover from his demonic origins. Since Bram Stoker style weaknesses include a Holy object, that is the catch for the Recovery. The rest of the usual vampire hunter bag of tricks will get past his Toughness only when he is in Sunlight. Like the classical Dracula, Sunlight only weakens him (and in this case, removes his Physical Immunity). This is what I think makes him truly terrifying. I’m just not sure about the cost for the catches. I basically just split up the cost of the catch from the Master Black Court Vampire.

*edit: changed the Aspect: Has It In For The White Council to reflect the correct organization. Also added mortal stunts and changed some skill levels.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: bobjob on January 10, 2013, 05:07:35 PM
I would have the gold sense thing simply be an invocation of his High Concept (like White Court crossing into the Nevernever at strip clubs).

That's not a bad idea. I'll have to give that some thought.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: Locnil on January 10, 2013, 07:07:52 PM
Someone else had already given Dracula a shot, actually, at the Generic NPCs thread. Though yours is more detailed.

My comments, in random order:

Anyway, isn't Master Domination [-5]?

Spider Walk? I don't remember this being part of the original mythos. Though I did watch Van Helsing.

To represent how in the original book Dracula lost his powers in sunlight, but he wasn't otherwise hurt by it. I'd say this would be a great example of a Limitation* - supernatural powers do not function in direct sunlight.

If you don't go that route, though, based on the way you described him I'd say Sunlight would only be a [-0] catch, like the White Court's True Love (Or Hope, or whatever)

I'd say it probably all right to give him Superb-level or higher skills. A few stunts, especially about his reputation would fit.

Regarding the White Council aspect, I should point out that it was the White Court that published the book on him.

What's his Beast Change into?

Incite Lust doesn't seem to fit, really. His seduction as depcited in the books was probably due to high Presence and Rapport, coupled with stunts.

*See the Custom Powers List
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: HumAnnoyd on January 10, 2013, 07:46:42 PM
Interesting.  I had a PC Leprechaun in a game a while back.  Actually he was a con artist with Fae ancestry that was tricked into becoming the guardian of the Pot of Gold while on a drunken bender.  At first the PoG was a mystery.  All the player knew was that the Leprechaun's were guardians of them and that their job was very important and was kept as secret as possible (which explained why Dresden said that didn't actually exist).  Why had the PC been selected by the original guardian to take over his duties was one of the driving mysteries of the game. 

As the story went on it was discovered to be a dimensional nexus of some type that would allow passage anywhere in the Nevernever if mastered.  Somewhat similar to what you decided on.  Sadly we were unable to finish the campaign and I never finished with it.  I had it in the back of my head that the Leprechauns were Seelie and that the PoG could lead to the heart of Summer.  Or something more interesting.  I never fleshed it out further because the game ended.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: bobjob on January 10, 2013, 08:15:51 PM
I've given Dracula a shot in the past, but just like with the Jade Court on the Custom Templates list (one of which is mine), you can never have too many versions (that is until Evil Hat puts out one of their own).

To answer your comments, in specific order

1. Master Domination is -4, at least according to the Master Black Court Vampire template.
2. In the original Dracula novel, Dracula scaled down the side of his castle like a lizard. Jonathan Harker reported it in his letters to Mina.
3. I don't know if he lost his powers or if he was just weaker. He still seemed to be able to do some things (like in the movie). This is just my interpretation of it. My thought on leaving Sunlight at +1 is that it's readily available and everybody knows about it... just not how it will affect him.
4. I thought about stunts and upping some of his skills. I'll have to revisit that.
5. The Wiki I read said White Council. If it is White Court, I'll change it
6. It's Echoes of the Beast, not Beast Change. This is another ability from the Master Black Court Vampire template, and I imagine it comes from their predator instinct. Although Beast Change wouldn't be a bad power, it's been said Dracula can turn into a wolf and a bat.
7. I did this because he was able to draw Lucy outside by supernatural means
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: Deadmanwalking on January 10, 2013, 10:22:00 PM
On #5, he's right, it was the White Court. It's even been implied by Jim to have been Lara Raith specifically.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 10, 2013, 11:13:46 PM
Good to see you too Sancta. I did see the Custom Template thread and I'm honored you would include me. Hopefully you will include the Leprechaun. I had fun writing him up.

I'll add the Leprechaun as soon as you specify which Powers are Musts and which are optional. Unless you intend Leprechaun to be a [-10] Template, in which case I'll just add it as-is.

I suppose I could try to extract the Template from the statblock, but I'd rather not.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: bobjob on January 10, 2013, 11:59:48 PM
I'll add the Leprechaun as soon as you specify which Powers are Musts and which are optional. Unless you intend Leprechaun to be a [-10] Template, in which case I'll just add it as-is.

I suppose I could try to extract the Template from the statblock, but I'd rather not.

Actually, that was wrong assumption on my part. Those are Templates, not creatures of the NeverNever. I didn't intend this to be a PC template, although I could do a Leprechaun Changeling template for it if you'd like.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: bobjob on January 11, 2013, 01:01:29 AM
Leprechaun Changeling
High Concept: Half-Leprechaun Scion
Important Skills: Deceit for both Glamours and Incite Emotion, Conviction and Discipline for Wish Granting
At least one of:
Incite Emotion [-1; Greed, upgrade at range for total of -2]
Glamours [-2]
Supernatural Sense [-1] A Leprechaun seems to be able to feel the presence of gold.
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
The Catch [+1] Cold Iron and the like
Wish Granting [Ritual reskin for Fortunamancy, which is a reskin of Entropmancy -2 ]

Total Refresh Cost: Anywhere from -1 to -10.

Notes: The High Concept can change, as long as there is some mention of the Leprechaun parent... even if the player doesn't know it, something else will. There is no default starting power for the template, you just need to choose one to take the template.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 11, 2013, 04:16:44 AM
Oh, I see. I thought you were going for a playable type of true faerie.

I'll add the Leprechaun Changeling, but first: can one take both Speed and Recovery for a Refresh cost of [-6], can one have a high concept that references their Template other than the provided HC, and are there any other Power options beyond the ones presented here (like Wish Granting and Incite Emotion At Range)?
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: bobjob on January 11, 2013, 05:22:55 AM
Oh, I see. I thought you were going for a playable type of true faerie.

I'll add the Leprechaun Changeling, but first: can one take both Speed and Recovery for a Refresh cost of [-6], can one have a high concept that references their Template other than the provided HC, and are there any other Power options beyond the ones presented here (like Wish Granting and Incite Emotion At Range)?

I wasn't originally going for a playable type of true fairy since they tend to act more according to their nature than a PC would (at least to my interpretation of RAW). Still, if a GM will allow it, who am I to say what is and isn't playable.

My refresh cost is off. That's what I get when trying to do math while cooking dinner. I will fix it with an edit.

As for inherited abilities that they can get, Leprechaun-scions can get the full boat of powers with that last refresh point being their Choice. Once that Choice is made they are true fae and subject to the whims of Faery. I will also add that to the write up.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: bobjob on January 11, 2013, 05:36:20 AM
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 11, 2013, 08:59:19 PM
Aight. Will add that in a few minutes.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: InFerrumVeritas on January 14, 2013, 03:30:56 AM
On the publishing Dracula thing, it's been stated that it was both the White Council and the White Court which published it. 
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: Mrmdubois on January 14, 2013, 03:40:48 AM
Deliberately conflicting reports given to our trusty narrator Dresden, I'm sure.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: mithrandirthewhite on January 14, 2013, 04:12:07 AM
Wouldn't the Leipreachan use a shillelagh?
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: bobjob on January 14, 2013, 04:37:17 AM
Wouldn't the Leipreachan use a shillelagh?

I'm sure he could.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: Locnil on January 14, 2013, 08:07:01 AM
On the publishing Dracula thing, it's been stated that it was both the White Council and the White Court which published it.

The White Council one was eventually corrected as a typo. Check the newest edition of whatever book said Council again. (PG? Not sure.)
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: bobjob on January 23, 2013, 09:38:25 PM
Watching Terminator 2 and decided I'd try my hand at the T-1000... or in my game, a relentless assassin demon summoned by a Chinese sorcerer who specializes in metal as an element. Not really a dynamic enemy, he's only good at hunting and killing. I chose Jiaolong from Chinese mythology since it relates to a water dragon that could change many shapes. It was thought to be the chinese alligator (or any number of things since it could alter forms). I thought I'd borrow the name for the cold personality, the water reference (more for the amorphous form of water since this one is made of liquid metal) and the ability to change physical shapes. He's a killing power house able to hit for +5 with a Weapon:6 and with the entries from the Custom Powers List, can increase that to weapon:10 with a +4 to hit for a Fate Point. Once again, this guy is designed for a higher level game.

Jiaolong Metal Demon
High Concept: Relentless Shape-Changing Hunter Demon

Alertness: +3
Athletics: +4
Deceit: +6
Fists: +5
Endurance: +4
Intimidation: +4
Investigation: +4
Might: +3
Presence: +1

Pin the Tail -1

Amorphous Form [Custom Power List upgraded No Internal Anatomy] -2
Mimic Form -2
Natural Weaponry (Custom Power, Metal blades, Upgrade: Potent Weapon)-2
Special Techniques -1 (from Custom Power List, affects Fists. Special Technique is Brutal Strike)
Inhuman Strength -2
Inhuman Speed -2
Supernatural Toughness -4
Mythic Recovery -6
The Catch +4 (Fire will cut through toughness and recovery, Ice will slow down as block to all actions and recovery equal to attack)
SEMI-ANIMATE -1 (Custom Power's List, reskin of Living Dead)

Refresh Spent: -19
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: bobjob on January 23, 2013, 09:44:21 PM
I should just change the name of this thread to bobjob creates new stuff for his game. I've taken it a long way from the Leprechaun. I just hate creating new threads.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 23, 2013, 09:52:11 PM
Whaddaya mean he's not dynamic? He's got Fantastic Deceit, he's one of the trickiest things in the world.

What does Lesser Immortality do?

Also, Supernatural Martial Arts gives three techniques that can be used with any physical attack/defence skill. Not one technique for one skill.

All that aside, pretty neat.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: bobjob on January 23, 2013, 10:01:11 PM
Lesser Immortality is from the DFRPG Resource Wiki from your signature.

Lesser Immortality [-0]
Description: You are less mortal than others, and you can exist without the need for food or drink, though they can still be enjoyable.
Effects: No Need for Sustenance. You do not need to eat or drink and do not excrete wastes. If you possess ‘Hunger Dependency’ you must still satisfy it as normal.

Perhaps I made his Deceit a little too high. It's mostly for the disguise skill, although it is very good at lying and "roleplaying" when in his shifted form.

Special Techniques is also from the Resource Wiki.

Special Techniques [-varies]
Description: Supernatural martial arts moves, more or less. A staple of any decent fighting manga.
Skills Affected: Fists, Weapons, Guns
Effect: Special Techniques. When you take this power, choose fists, weapons, or guns. Then pick a number of techniques from the technique list equal to the number of refresh points you spent on this power. Whenever you make an attack with the chosen skill, you may spend a fate point to add the effects of one of your chosen techniques to the attack.

Technique List
Long Range Strike. The range of this attack is increased by 2 zones. (This works for melee attacks).
Armor Piercing Strike. This attack ignores all of the target’s armor.
Area Strike. This attack hits everyone in the target zone (except yourself).
Rapid Strike. You can make a number of attacks up to your skill with one action. Each attack suffers a penalty equal to the number of extra attacks made.
Brutal Strike. The attack suffers a -1 penalty but inflicts 5 extra stress.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: Sanctaphrax on January 23, 2013, 10:12:12 PM
Oh, damn, the wiki.

Haven't updated that thing in ages...

Never mind, I was talking about the stuff from the list.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: bobjob on January 23, 2013, 10:13:33 PM
You should update it. I love the wiki.
Title: Re: New fae: the Leipreachán
Post by: bobjob on January 23, 2013, 11:43:28 PM
Edited the Jiaolong, removing Lesser Immortality and adding Semi-Animate and Natural Weaponry