
McAnally's (The Community Pub) => Author Craft => Topic started by: Winter_Knight on December 08, 2012, 09:27:54 PM

Title: MS Word
Post by: Winter_Knight on December 08, 2012, 09:27:54 PM
Does it ever really piss you off? LOL Right now I have a quad gap in my MS (Manuscript) I can't fix and it randomly changes settings on me, including having set my freaking spell checker to UK English. Which I've changed TWICE!! (First time it was French!! LMAO)
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: LizW65 on December 09, 2012, 02:04:29 PM
The only thing about it that bothers me is that it creates uneven bottom margins at the end of a page. I'm sure there's a very easy fix for this, but I haven't discovered it.

As for your settings randomly changing, I have no idea. Virus, maybe?
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh on December 09, 2012, 04:50:19 PM
MS Word wants to be a text formatter and a word processor at the same time, which is I think the root of most of what's wrong with it.  This is why I actually write things in emacs and only import them into Word when dealing with people who want Word documents.
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: Winter_Knight on December 10, 2012, 10:09:58 PM
The only thing about it that bothers me is that it creates uneven bottom margins at the end of a page. I'm sure there's a very easy fix for this, but I haven't discovered it.

As for your settings randomly changing, I have no idea. Virus, maybe?

I have to admit; this would not terribly surprise me. XD I'm quite cavalier about protection in cyberspace, unfortunately. :/
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: THE_ANGRY_GAMER on December 16, 2012, 04:49:16 PM
Word is quite an unstable program for novel-length stuff, actually - numerous people have said that it tends to crash/corrupt files after a certain wordcount, and splitting into different files removes the utility of find/replace and other stuff.
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: LizW65 on December 16, 2012, 11:12:13 PM
What's the top wordcount? I've gone well over 120K with no problem. Granted, I use my writing laptop as basically a glorified typewriter and don't take it online at all so viruses an so on are not an issue; when I need to upload files I use a flash drive and move them from one computer to another.
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: Quantus on December 18, 2012, 07:23:59 PM
The only thing about it that bothers me is that it creates uneven bottom margins at the end of a page. I'm sure there's a very easy fix for this, but I haven't discovered it.
I think what you are talking about is the "Widow/Orphan" control, which makes sure that there are no single paragraph lines at the top or bottom of a page.  It can be found in the "Line and Page Breaks" tab of the "Line Spacing Options" Window.
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: THE_ANGRY_GAMER on December 18, 2012, 07:51:00 PM
What's the top wordcount? I've gone well over 120K with no problem. Granted, I use my writing laptop as basically a glorified typewriter and don't take it online at all so viruses an so on are not an issue; when I need to upload files I use a flash drive and move them from one computer to another.

Hmm. I've never done anything that long in Word, so my knowledge comes second-hand. Its just what I've heard. I use Scrivener instead.
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: Winter_Knight on December 20, 2012, 08:09:27 AM
I think what you are talking about is the "Widow/Orphan" control, which makes sure that there are no single paragraph lines at the top or bottom of a page.  It can be found in the "Line and Page Breaks" tab of the "Line Spacing Options" Window.

GOD! I. Hate. That. Shit!

Most agents/editors will shoot you if you keep that on. Some ask that you do however (why the hell you would is beyond me), so always check preferences.
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: LizW65 on December 20, 2012, 02:48:02 PM
Thanks, I didn't know about the widow/orphan thing, and will definitely disable it!
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: Winter_Knight on December 29, 2012, 07:32:16 AM
Also, I have to keep auto-save feature on, because my comp's a POS and suddenly freezes/crashes. I LOVE the way it works. >_> You know, type two words 'Auto-Recovery is saving Word File', type two more, 'Auto-Recovery is...' and so on. It may not be an issue on a faster/newer comp, but it REALLY screws with my writing when it does that crap. >_> Just added that, LOL
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: phoenixjustice on January 02, 2013, 06:14:33 AM
I usually just use WordPad. :P
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: Mote on January 04, 2013, 09:52:44 AM
Asides from a few formatting frustrations, (usually caused by me messing something up or trying to change something after the fact,) Word has never given me much trouble, though admittedly, my version of Word is now officially 13 years old. I've also had 120K word long documents saved on it without any crashes, corruption or general hijinks.

I'm not entirely sure howWord got such an apparently hideous reputation, as most of the things I see complained about aren't things I've had issues with. Could be some versions are more stable than others.
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: LizW65 on January 10, 2013, 06:59:17 PM
I'm not entirely sure howWord got such an apparently hideous reputation
Neither am I; as I mentioned upthread my issues with it have been pretty trivial. Maybe it's one of those "anything popular must be bad" things.
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: Ulfgeir on January 10, 2013, 09:10:49 PM
Neither am I; as I mentioned upthread my issues with it have been pretty trivial. Maybe it's one of those "anything popular must be bad" things.

Personally, I like it up until the 2003-version. I have worked for Microsoft, and I absolutely HATE the UI in the 2007/2010-versions (can't find the stuff I need). Not to mention the stupid docx-format. What was right in 2010-version was that it had the ability to make PDF's built-in, even though you could get the same function with freeware like CutePDF. And yes the previous Microsoft attempt to make something pdf-equivalent is the most asinine piece of crap I have ever experienced.
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh on January 10, 2013, 09:39:52 PM
I'm not entirely sure howWord got such an apparently hideous reputation, as most of the things I see complained about aren't things I've had issues with.

Because it's a pig to work with if you were trained on using a text editor first and a format-for-printing program second; it drives me crazy to disable all the ways it will try to "fix" all my first drafts when I do not at that point care, for example, about the widows and orphans thing because I am likely going to be changing the text enough to alter that anyway.
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: Nadeem6 on January 10, 2013, 11:08:04 PM
What programs do you all like if MS word isn't worthwhile.  And what format to editors prefer to have documents sent as?
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: trboturtle on January 11, 2013, 03:08:12 AM
I use Wordperfect, and have done so for years. Very rarely have problems with it.....

Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh on January 11, 2013, 10:36:24 PM
What programs do you all like if MS word isn't worthwhile.

I use emacs for handling text, novels and professional both.  Used to use Protext for a while, when I worked primarily in DOS.

  And what format to editors prefer to have documents sent as?

Editors i have dealt with want the damn thing printed out, and so long as the font and spacing and page numbering and headers and so forth are in the specified formats, sfaict could not care less what program you use to get it that way.
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: meg_evonne on January 18, 2013, 01:27:35 AM
Neither am I; as I mentioned upthread my issues with it have been pretty trivial. Maybe it's one of those "anything popular must be bad" things.
Same for me. The only problems I have is that it will do things that I don't know about, nor know how to use. Often I find myself doing something that takes forever while I mutter to myself, "I know it can do this, but I don't know how to make it do it!"  I love find function, replace function, and tracking. What I'd love to learn is how to compare two documents and have it show me the differences. I know it can do it, but...  Well, it just gives me a headache.  I'd also like to search out grammar errors; like click a button and have it scroll to them automatically. I'm sure it can do it, but I haven't figured out how.

I was thrilled to have discovered how to use page break, and there can't be anything easier to do. It only took me ten blankety-blank years to learn it. I'm old enough to automatically drop two spaces in after a period. Thankfully, I've worked my way out of it, but I was inordinately proud when I figured out that I could search for double blanks.

AND if you are sweet enough to try to teach me, don't go too far our of your way. I also can't seem to learn anything unless I stumble across it on my own. OTOH, if you know how to turn off the grammar underlining for contractions, such as I'm or they'd or hadn't, that would be freaking awesome.
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: Nadeem6 on February 05, 2013, 02:04:05 AM
Thank you all for the responses, i appreciate them.  I will start looking into the software's suggested.
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: Shecky on February 05, 2013, 03:05:58 AM
I know Penguin uses Word in-house and with its freelancers.
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: blgarver on February 13, 2013, 08:28:21 PM
Hmm. I've never done anything that long in Word, so my knowledge comes second-hand. Its just what I've heard. I use Scrivener instead.

I've just discovered Scrivener!  I have always used Word.  I'm no expert at Word, but mostly I like it for writing prose.  I hate it for handling any kind of images, though.  People still try to do that, for some reason.

I'm intrigued by Scrivener's organizational focus, though.  I'm in the trial period right now, but I think I'm sold on it.  They'll have my money at the end of the trial period.
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: Ren on March 09, 2013, 03:26:03 PM
Going to have to give Scrivener a try....I'm 12 Chapters in and with a large cast and events plus my poor memory I'm floundering trying to keep organized...8P
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: THE_ANGRY_GAMER on March 09, 2013, 11:57:04 PM
Recently, I've found Scrivener slightly lacking as a word processor - I find I'm more creative and writing is easier when I'm using word. So I just write stuff in word and copy-paste into Scrivener. Seems to be working fine, and gives me a better idea of scene length and pacing than just using Scrivener.
Title: Re: MS Word
Post by: The Deposed King on March 10, 2013, 01:56:04 AM
I've found with the free microsoft word 2007 that around 130k it says the document is too long and it stops red underlining misspelled words but that's the only thing I'm aware of.

I started out with Works Word Processor also by microsoft cause it wouldn't green underline all the things I was doing wrong.  Then as i got better switched over to word.  But I never would have improved using word.  Just a personal little tick i guess.

the Deposed King