
The Site => Site Suggestions & Support => Topic started by: cenwolfgirl on February 18, 2012, 09:56:20 PM

Title: text to speak on the kindal
Post by: cenwolfgirl on February 18, 2012, 09:56:20 PM
okay i think i should exsplaine so things first
1. i have sevral servire visual impearments
2. on a bad day the largest font on the kindal can be hard to read
3. i love the DF books but
some of the books from the DF sireas and all of the codex Alera sireas the text to speak softwear is disabled
for me this can make life slitly dificulte
so i was wondering if there was a reason or if anyone had any idea why this was
or am i the only one who actualy is effected by this?
it works for whight knight and dead beat but not for turn coat
also if any one knows witch books it is enabled for that would be good to?

i do not wnat to cours trubal it is just a question and i do not mean to be anoying but i would like to know

thanks :)
Title: Re: text to speak on the kindal
Post by: Dina on February 18, 2012, 11:48:03 PM
Hi CWG: I've just checked and my kindle does read Ghost Story. I don't know if it has something to do qwith the fact that it was bought when it was released (actually, before, as it was preordered). Is your GS new?
Title: Re: text to speak on the kindal
Post by: cenwolfgirl on February 19, 2012, 07:51:22 AM
i dom't have GS but it is the more resent books that do not hve it enabled yes i sm going to chec but i think it may be that it was chamged resemtly so that you could npt get text to speak enabled  :(
Title: Re: text to speak on the kindal
Post by: Dina on February 19, 2012, 07:57:20 AM
GS is the most recent DF book.
Title: Re: text to speak on the kindal
Post by: cenwolfgirl on February 19, 2012, 08:10:54 AM
not what i meant i mean if you buy them resently then you will not be able to have text to speak enabled as if it was changed at some point
Title: Re: text to speak on the kindal
Post by: Dina on February 19, 2012, 08:12:44 AM
Ah, right, that it what I suggested in my other post. I hope someone can tell you.
Title: Re: text to speak on the kindal
Post by: cenwolfgirl on February 19, 2012, 08:17:41 AM
Ah, right, that it what I suggested in my other post. I hope someone can tell you.
me to it would be nice to have an ansser  :)
thank you dina for your help and for suggesting this
Title: Re: text to speak on the kindal
Post by: laura118b on February 20, 2012, 05:14:42 AM
I've seen other people have the same problem with other books as well.  I've read that if you try contacting Amazon about it, and can show as per a doctor that you have problems, they can turn it on even if the book normally won't work with it.  Try Amazon, it's not like it will hurt anything. :)
Title: Re: text to speak on the kindal
Post by: DragonEyes on February 20, 2012, 12:14:27 PM

I have every copy on Kindle and they all have text to speech enabled in the U.S. Also, I just checked them on the website and they all show to be TTS enabled. Unless you aren't in the states, I'm pretty sure Amazon will help you get it figured out. I've had great experiences with them, costumer service wise.

Nvm, I just read your profile. I don't know what the status is in England. I just checked and only Small Favor is marked as TTS not enabled. You should be able to get the others to work.
Title: Re: text to speak on the kindal
Post by: cenwolfgirl on February 20, 2012, 04:35:47 PM
hum i think i will try amizon
i have not tryed to see excatly witch ones do and witch ones dont mut last time i checked fool moon did not work and my copy of turn coat dose not have it but i will try speaking to amizon and check the rest
thanks for your posts and information