
McAnally's (The Community Pub) => Author Craft => Topic started by: KevinEvans on September 27, 2011, 05:56:37 AM

Title: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: KevinEvans on September 27, 2011, 05:56:37 AM
It is that time of year again, time to start plotting. Or at least to shake out those pants you fly in. Grin

This year we not only have to contend with LosCon, but Elder Scrolls V comes out on 11-11-11.

It like they are all out to get me.......

Have fun,
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: Enjorous on September 27, 2011, 06:09:09 PM
*sounds warning claxon*

Guess its time to start planning something...
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: Snowleopard on September 27, 2011, 09:09:57 PM
Oooo Gah...Ooooo Gah....Ooooo Gah!
Warning Klaxon.

Or if you prefer....
Spins in circles waving arms wildly...Danger...Danger...Danger Will Robinson!!!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: Enjorous on September 27, 2011, 09:36:40 PM
Both are very relevant. Though I must give it to lost in space.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: LizW65 on September 27, 2011, 09:38:08 PM
I think I'm going to work on the manuscript I failed to finish for NaNo Summer Camp.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: MrWiggles on September 27, 2011, 11:15:22 PM
I love the idea of national writing month, but why does it have to be in November? November is a crowded is a crowded month already.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: Kali on September 28, 2011, 02:26:12 AM
This year, I'm gonna be a rebel and put 50k on a novel in progress.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh on September 28, 2011, 05:35:26 PM
I love the idea of national writing month, but why does it have to be in November? November is a crowded is a crowded month already.

I've always thought it was a lousy month for it too, fwiw.  Autumn is a downer.

I will be spending the next couple of months, hopefully, chewing my way through the last of the line-edits on The Thing I Should Be Working On and sending it back, doing a quick polish on the first volume of The Thing I Want To Be Working On and seeing to sending it off, and finishing the second volume of that, which was about two-thirds done when the line-edits came in as a priority interrupt.   This probably won't come anywhere near 50kwords new, but with luck it will leave a 130kword novel and a 100kword novel in fighting trim at the other end.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: Darkshore on September 28, 2011, 08:16:37 PM
I think I'll be cheating as well. I've got around 10 or 15k of a novel in progress already and I dare not start another project for NaNoWriMo.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: Aminar on September 29, 2011, 03:10:43 AM
I will be unable to participate.  It's hunting season(In WI and MI where my family owns land)  Daisho Con(Which I am on the board of directors for and we have Scott Lynch and Pat Rothfuss coming again) and Thanksgiving.  That said, in October I'm doing a trio of short stories in hopes I can get said authors to take a look at them.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: Enjorous on September 29, 2011, 06:39:16 PM
This year, I'm gonna be a rebel and put 50k on a novel in progress.


(I'm doing the same thing ;) )
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: Aminar on September 29, 2011, 06:52:16 PM
I just realized that I can get kids I work with to do this.  That could be a ton of fun...  If I do it right.  otherwise it will be hell.  But still.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: More.Than.A.Mechanic on October 05, 2011, 03:20:26 PM
I'll have time to do Nanowrimo this year.. yesssss...

though I have no idea what'll write.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: Enjorous on October 05, 2011, 03:36:13 PM
You still have 20some days to figure it out :D
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: trboturtle on October 10, 2011, 06:01:57 PM
I thinking of doing NaNoWriMo this year. I see it as an interesting exercise. ANy advice?

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: Kali on October 10, 2011, 06:07:14 PM
My only advice is not to care about the quality of what you're putting down. Just get it down. You can chop, correct, explain, and shift things around later to your heart's content, but if it has to be the right words in just the right order, you'll have trouble with NaNo.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: KevinEvans on October 12, 2011, 08:54:19 AM
The NaNo site has been reset!

Go forth and have fun.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: Kali on November 02, 2011, 07:03:39 AM
Who's still in, and how you do on Day 1?

I did not, in fact, work on the WIP.  I had three ideas, and didn't decide until I sat down to write on Nov. 1 which one I was doing.  3k in after Day 1, and just happy to have a little buffer.  I organized a write-in and had about 7 people there, which was awesome. I'm also starting to plan a lock-in write-in for the last Friday in the month.  I'll hafta talk to a couple of local libraries to see if they'll allow it there. If not, there are some friends-of-friends I can talk to about hosting it at their places of business.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: Lanodantheon on November 02, 2011, 03:10:11 PM
I'm in again this year. Day 1: 1805 including a 1000 word rush at midnight at a write-in in Redmond attended by 160 people, all of which got over 1000 words in 2 hours.

My novel last year fell apart because I ran out of creative steam. This year I have the whole thing outlined so I can jump around and at the very least I will get 50,000 words even if they are not in chronological order.

My story this year is technically a Science Fantasy Adventure called Support Your Local Dungeon Crawler!  Gunslinging Rangers, Magic-Users with Wi-Fi access, a mute Magi-Tech bipedal-Tank Pilot and a Mercenary Cleric who says the 3 things you never want to hear a Cleric the same chapter.  ;D 
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: Darkshore on November 02, 2011, 09:29:14 PM
I'm in again this year. Day 1: 1805 including a 1000 word rush at midnight at a write-in in Redmond attended by 160 people, all of which got over 1000 words in 2 hours.

My novel last year fell apart because I ran out of creative steam. This year I have the whole thing outlined so I can jump around and at the very least I will get 50,000 words even if they are not in chronological order.

My story this year is technically a Science Fantasy Adventure called Support Your Local Dungeon Crawler!  Gunslinging Rangers, Magic-Users with Wi-Fi access, a mute Magi-Tech bipedal-Tank Pilot and a Mercenary Cleric who says the 3 things you never want to hear a Cleric the same chapter.  ;D

Very interesting concept you've got there. I'm currently sitting at around 3000 words, but with all this stress from college I don't know if I'll get much done.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: trboturtle on November 03, 2011, 12:31:14 AM
Me -- 4,339 words so far. But I'm also juggling short stories that will actually pay if I can convive the editor to buy them....

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: KevinEvans on November 06, 2011, 10:06:31 AM
Three hours into day six, am at 10215, but I write late and sleep all day. Grin

I am running about two days behind, the flu virus this year is intestinal, and unpleasant. The symptoms are a lot like radiation poisoning, (don't ask...) but I think I am past it just weak from no food....

Now off to change a belt in an air handler, one of my little ones, plenum is less than 600 square feet.

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: Kali on November 06, 2011, 03:08:59 PM
I had a more pulmonary-related version of the flu this year, during NYCC.  Completely frickin' miserable last days of the con, didn't get to do anything I had planned to do on Monday before flying home, and let's discuss the fun of flying with the flu.  Upside: don't need the flu shot now. :/

I hit 12,021 yesterday and stopped there.  It was a nice palindrome, as the exxie pointed out (after which we paused for a brief debate over 'palindromically' vs. 'palindromatically').  I had absolutely no plans to try for the 15k Sunday thing that's all over the NaNo boards, but now I'm thinking it's more than do-able.  A 3k day is easy enough, especially on a weekend.

Mostly I'm trying to build up a buffer because next weekend I'll have a friend in town, and I haven't seen her in about a year.  We've been friends for more than 2/3rds of our lives now, and while I might get a few words down here and there when I'm awake and she's asleep, I have no plans to keep up my wordcount.  There will be much eating of the local foodstuffs and consumption of coffee while staring out at the waves on the beach!
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: trboturtle on November 06, 2011, 06:41:35 PM
9,229 words so far....need to pick up the pace a bit more, I  want to take a shot of really adding to that total today. On the short story front, two with the work group, rewriting a third and started a fourth....what fun!  ;D

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: KevinEvans on November 14, 2011, 10:00:10 AM

Slogging on day, 13 / 14, I work across midnight.

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: KevinEvans on November 22, 2011, 11:26:46 AM
Day 22,

44195 so far.

The movie buff AI built a "Hot rod" it even makes coffee.
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: Lanodantheon on November 22, 2011, 04:28:22 PM
Really behind, 21,432 words as of this morning.

But I have the week off. I also am determined to get this book done even after NaNo. The world's too strong, the Magic systems are too cool for me to let go, the narrator is an a**h*** and the characters haven't suffered enough.

So far my Gunslinging Ranger has used a spirit cow in a gunfight; a Net-diving Black Mage as gotten herself shot with rubber bullets; I got to write about a Dungeon Crawler Musical and I got to use a one-liner I've wanted to use for almost a decade.

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: trboturtle on November 22, 2011, 07:10:30 PM
35,117 words as of this morning -- I seemed to complicating the plot in large chunks of writing.....

Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: Enjorous on November 22, 2011, 07:48:31 PM
I'm at 32k right now. I need to catch up soon. Hopefully black Friday :D
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: KevinEvans on December 04, 2011, 08:08:00 AM
Well, I made it to 50K + but am only a bit less than half done. it took 25 days, validating on the 26th.

Still clicking away,
Title: Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
Post by: trboturtle on December 04, 2011, 05:36:14 PM
I topped out at 41,919 words -- It came down to weither the NaNoWriMo, or finishing up a story for a Battlecorps anthology (And putting a few $$ into my pocket). The Battlecorps story won out....
