
McAnally's (The Community Pub) => Author Craft => Topic started by: prophet224 on September 23, 2010, 04:21:02 PM

Title: Notes from recent writer's sessions
Post by: prophet224 on September 23, 2010, 04:21:02 PM
Hi all!

Meant to post this a while back. Went to DragonCon, it was awesome, and by the way when did Jim cut his hair? Threw a bunch of people off! :D

Anyway, spent a lot of time on the writer's and sci-fi lit tracks, so I thought I would post my notes.

The ones listed with "Session <Roman Numeral>" are from Michael Stackpole's sessions. The others are varied, and I've tried to include the names of the panelists in each document.

Regardless, even if not everything is useful, there are a few good pieces of info strewn about. Hope the notes are helpful!

(Please forgive the clutter - this is just a junk home page for other things I'm doing. Document links are in the center of the page.) (
Title: Re: Notes from recent writer's sessions
Post by: jeno on September 23, 2010, 06:13:40 PM
Awesome, thank you!

One of these days I need to get myself over to a con.  :D
Title: Re: Notes from recent writer's sessions
Post by: prophet224 on September 23, 2010, 07:43:52 PM
I had tried to get to BaltiCon this past year, but it didn't work out. I'm right here in Maryland, so it would have been close.

Then as I looked into DragonCon more, I just did it, and thankfully the wife was very supportive. I'm very glad to have gone and am looking forward to doing it again next year. Only right this time:

Do get a hotel room in advance
Do get a hotel room in one of the event hotels
Don't get advance tickets (4.5 hours in line Thursday night to pick up advance tix - <5 minutes to buy it there)
Don't stay out by the airport so you have to take a shuttle then a subway to the event. <G>

Gotta say, between the writing seminars, the author panels, and the publisher panels, it was awesome! Got to hear Jim talk about a number of things, got my picture with John Ringo, and got my DFRPG book signed by Fred Hicks. Super coolness!
Title: Re: Notes from recent writer's sessions
Post by: Starbeam on September 23, 2010, 08:11:58 PM
Awesome, thank you!

One of these days I need to get myself over to a con.  :D
Remember to look into what kinda con before going, though, especially if you want one more focused on writing related.  DragonCon's one of the odd ones where it's both media but very strong with writing.  AC Crispin has done a writing workshop for several years, which is one reason I'd like to go.  Other cons focus more on media and less on books/writing, like San Diego ComicCon.  A lot depends on the area you're in.  I've found a small con near me that Patricia Briggs goes to, it looks like every year, so I've met her, and this past year, her editor Anne Sowards, was there, too.  Small is also good because it's not a huge crush of people, and you can get more of a chance to actually talk to people.
Title: Re: Notes from recent writer's sessions
Post by: jeno on September 23, 2010, 08:24:14 PM
Other cons focus more on media and less on books/writing, like San Diego ComicCon. 

Yeah, while I'd love to go to ComiCon one of these days, I wouldn't be going there for writing.  :D

I heard WorldCon is great for genre writers.
Title: Re: Notes from recent writer's sessions
Post by: Kali on September 23, 2010, 08:27:10 PM
LunaCon is generally good for writers, but you get a very heavy... um... con-going population.  The stereotypes show up.  They don't bathe, they look like they have a religious prohibition against combs or toothbrushes.  I dunno what that is, I really don't, but I guess as long as they stay downwind, we'll get along fine.
Title: Re: Notes from recent writer's sessions
Post by: Starbeam on September 23, 2010, 09:27:05 PM
Yeah, while I'd love to go to ComiCon one of these days, I wouldn't be going there for writing.  :D

I heard WorldCon is great for genre writers.
Oh yeah, WorldCon is supposed to be all about it.  That's where they do the Hugo awards.  Unfortunately, being WorldCon, that can make it really difficult to get to.  One just past was in Australia.  Although next year is Reno, and 2012 is Chicago.  For now, though, I'm sticking with more local because that means drivable, and cheaper that way.  So for me there's Boskone, NYCC, ConBust(where I met Patricia Briggs), and a few others that are earlier in the year.
Title: Re: Notes from recent writer's sessions
Post by: jeno on September 23, 2010, 09:51:30 PM
This is why I hate living at the end of a peninsula. Either something is happening right in the city or it's hours and hours and hours away. There is no middle ground.
Title: Re: Notes from recent writer's sessions
Post by: the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh on September 24, 2010, 10:14:26 PM
Oh yeah, WorldCon is supposed to be all about it.  That's where they do the Hugo awards.  Unfortunately, being WorldCon, that can make it really difficult to get to.  One just past was in Australia.  Although next year is Reno, and 2012 is Chicago.  For now, though, I'm sticking with more local because that means drivable, and cheaper that way.  So for me there's Boskone, NYCC, ConBust(where I met Patricia Briggs), and a few others that are earlier in the year.

I <I>might</i> be at Boskone next year, depending on work. Probably not Reno, but very likely Chicago.

Worldcons are useful, and great for meeting widely scattered members of my tribe, but I favour smaller conventions like Readercon, and next year my top priority is the Fourth Street Fantasy Convention.
Title: Re: Notes from recent writer's sessions
Post by: KevinEvans on September 26, 2010, 04:45:40 AM
My wife and I do six to eight cons a year,
(We each had our own panel at NASFIC this year grin) We find them very valuable for networking and sales. My recommendation is to pick events that will help you.

For example, last year.

Life the Universe and everything Provo, Ut BYU, Feb
one of the best writing symposiums in the country, Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells and Howard Taylor almost always there, past GoH have included Orson Scot Card and Dave Farland. BTW it is free, Grin.

Superstars writing seminar, Pasadena March, nothing about writing as an art, just the business end. Contracts agents, rights, promotion strategies, and stuff. Not Free, but worth it. (2011 will be in Jan in SLC for about half the cost of 2010)

Conduit, SLC, May   Great con many Big name Authors, good writing track.

Nasfic, Raleigh NC Aug, 1632 mini con track editors and publishers, and we were guests... placed two novels for review, made connections etc.

Bubonacon NM Aug, our local con, many local BNA, good writing track.

ABIF, Oct not a con Grin, we play Balloons for a week (crewing for a German team, unlimited free bier) Freshens out look and revitalizes our idea fund.

LosCon LA Ca, Nov, Good writing track, Editor friend attends, and some of the Ed board for our primary market. networking and contacts. Also past cons have generated sales for us.

While it is important to get value for ypou money, it is also important to have fun.  And to present yourself well. The industry is small, and your reputation can make ot break you, I know at least two authors whose big break came because they were dependable, some one told some one else, and boom Superstar....

Last but not least, all of the events can be written off as business expenses. (well except for playing balloons Grin)

Title: Re: Notes from recent writer's sessions
Post by: prophet224 on September 27, 2010, 02:47:54 AM
Wow! Thanks for all of the news on cons... I am excited to get going to more and continue both learning and networking. Any more suggestions are welcome!