
The Dresden Files => DFRPG => Topic started by: Icefang01 on September 08, 2010, 10:53:22 PM

Title: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Icefang01 on September 08, 2010, 10:53:22 PM
So, I'm trying to flesh out a game that I'll hopefully be starting in a month or so. Since I'm close by I decided to use New Orleans. A few nice points, a) The City of New Orleans website has .pdf's of the separate areas of the city road maps. b) I see a lot of tongue-in-cheek jokes involving the White Court and Anne Rice Vampire books c) I figure that the French Quarter would give a lot of ammo involving the White Court and hedge wizards (maybe even some fae). I was planning to do this modern-day, post- Hurricane Katrina and I figure that the anger, sadness, and corruption around that time would give some interesting directions.

My point here is, does anyone else have any ideas pertaining to New Orleans and the Dresdenverse?
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Becq on September 09, 2010, 12:33:44 AM
Seems as though shrimp and oil ought to be significant factors...   :P
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Chlorofiend on September 09, 2010, 03:32:07 AM
Seems as though shrimp and oil ought to be significant factors...   :P

The shrimp not so much now, because of the oil.
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Icefang01 on September 09, 2010, 04:53:13 AM
Yeah...thanks.  :-\  The oil may lie on the current events mundane category unless perhaps it's driving some monstrous predators out of the lowlands and into the outskirts of town.

I already had the notion that a ghoul clan could have moved into some of the Lower 9th Ward that is still falling apart. There are plenty areas that could be seen as more mundane such as Metarie. I was just picking the collective RPG brains on here.
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Lukas the Dead on September 09, 2010, 06:22:46 PM
My point here is, does anyone else have any ideas pertaining to New Orleans and the Dresdenverse?

Having lived most of my life in Baton Rouge, New Orleans was one of the places I looked at as a setting.

The Ursuline Convent could be a useful location if you need a religious location near the French Quarter that isn't St. Louis Cathedral.  Cafe Du Monde would be a good open air neutral ground. I'm sure you know the local stereotype of the westbank which you can play up. The Audubon zoo & park would be a good place for the summer court or wild fae. Saint Louis Cemetery #1 (,-90.071057&spn=0.003304,0.004823&t=h&z=18) houses the tomb of Marie Laveau ( Jackson Square always has a number for psychics and fortune tellers around it, along with local artist.

One of my ideas was a street performer turned necromancer using tap ( shoes ( (those are made with beer cans) to control his zombies.  There is one of Napoleon's Death Mask ( in The Cabildo. Oh, and remember that The Cabildo is from when Spain controlled the Louisiana territory (

If you are up for some traveling around the state. The Myrtles Plantation is a 2 hour drive for a famous "haunted" location, Rosedown Plantation is nearby if you want something a little bigger and not so close to the road but still easy to access. Also, Venice (2 hours the other way and where River Road ends) is nicknamed "The End of the World."

Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Lirielle on September 10, 2010, 10:26:10 PM
I recently started running one in New Orleans as well, and I'm using a lot of things regarding ghosts/hauntings (tons of stories to draw on!), the occult culture to give the players more freedom, and Bourbon street to give the White Court a foothold. I know at least one of the players reads these so I can't go into too much detail, but I've greatly enjoyed the White Court angle so far.
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Icefang01 on September 12, 2010, 07:12:08 PM
Yeah, it was a slam dunk that the White Court would be in control of Bourbon street and most of the French Quarter. You have the bars, the strip clubs, the leather shops, the sex-toy shops. The haunting aspect was also a big thing. The haunting aspect is a good one, especially with the fallour from Katrina. There were a great deal of people wholly unaccounted for and with that much trauma, I could see the veil becoming thin in certain areas. Ghoul clans could form up fairly easily in poorer areas as well.

One aspect that I like is that there is a lot of unclaimed swapy areas out there. Watch "Down By Law" to get an idea of how much you could use. That movie also uses less desirable areas of New Orleans as a backdrop.
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: jeno on September 12, 2010, 11:21:49 PM
I lived in the Garden District for college. A Dresden-verse New Orleans appeals to me. :D

How about the Neutral Ground as an actual neutral ground? Instead of one bar like Mac's as an accorded safe place, the entire strip of land that's the neutral ground can be it. Might be able to do something interesting with the street cars in that case, too.

And of course, there are the courts of the crew parades during Mardi Gras season. Maybe they're Wildfae courts in disguise?
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Icefang01 on September 13, 2010, 02:53:36 AM
Neat idea, but you'd still want a meeting place as neutral grounds. Perhaps even Jackson Square could work as it's public, not really tied to any religious aspects (unless you're a follower of Stonewall Jackson), and is on the outskirts of the French Quarter. I still like the idea of Cafe Du Monde though.

As far as Mardi Gras parades, it's definitely a good place for Wildfae to hide in plain sight, but I think mundane people praising old gods and ways by celebrating is a good thing. It's like they do it without even realizing it and profess that it's for the Lenten season. Bacchus would be proud.

These are all reasons that I really like New Orleans as a backdrop since it has sooo much as far as story ideas. It's actually so hard to not get too intricate with areas. I'm simply making NPC's right now. I don't want to do too much until the characters are created.
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: jeno on September 13, 2010, 07:04:10 AM
Cafe Du Monde is a huge (mortal) tourist attraction, though. Would people in the supernatural community really be able to talk business there?

(you could use the street cars themselves as meeting places. XD pick a time to meet, get on that street car. would make punctuality a really important asset for working in New Orleans, that's for sure.)
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Lorillomar on September 14, 2010, 08:59:46 PM
We're starting a campaign here in Baton Rouge, set all around us in BR.  I wish I was more familiar with N.O. so that I could help with your setting, but if you want to compare notes sometime I would be happy to.
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Icefang01 on September 14, 2010, 11:14:47 PM
Cafe Du Monde is a huge (mortal) tourist attraction, though. Would people in the supernatural community really be able to talk business there?

(you could use the street cars themselves as meeting places. XD pick a time to meet, get on that street car. would make punctuality a really important asset for working in New Orleans, that's for sure.)

Yeah, true. As much as I wanted to try something else, I may just use an out of the way tavern, maybe some place that most mundanes would shy away from. Streetcars are a cool idea, but with people getting on and off as well as a bumpy ride, it wouldn't work to meet. I really can't wait to play around with St. Louis #1,2, & 3 cemeteries. They're extremely dangerous due to the twisty pathways and muggers hiding around there, but could offer some great opportunities..maybe some Black Court?
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Lukas the Dead on September 15, 2010, 03:57:40 AM
Cafe Du Monde is a huge (mortal) tourist attraction, though. Would people in the supernatural community really be able to talk business there?

Sure, it's loud, and most supernaturals aren't going to pull something before so many mortals. Plus, have you ever talked video games and gotten crazy looks from non-gamers? I remember talking about owning n00bs in WoW at wafflehouse at 2am with friends and most people worked really hard to ignore us when it wasn't too loud from all the people sobering up from drinking. Also, between the vampire fans and the psychics from around Jackson Square, there isn't much that isn't going to be heard, written off, and forgotten.

That's all to say, it could work when folks want a public meeting space. However, I see your point that if that's the bargaining space, there should also be a relaxation space that's more low-key.
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Icefang01 on September 15, 2010, 01:22:00 PM
Yeah, I could believe that all sorts of supernaturals frequent Cafe Du Monde. You ever seen it at 4am?
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Leatherneck on September 16, 2010, 07:16:45 PM
Yeah, it was a slam dunk that the White Court would be in control of Bourbon street and most of the French Quarter. You have the bars, the strip clubs, the leather shops, the sex-toy shops.

My group picked NO as well.  But for the White Court I think Skavis (despair) will work fine.  They are fairly new to the city, since Katrina.  One city theme is Corruption and Decadance, and I have the Skavis vampires feeding on the dispare created by corruption.  Also, I have a Face for Burbon Street that could eventually be removed, opening the area for Raith family.  He evected them from NO during Katrina.  So if the players chase him off, they the Raith will come back in force and they can replace one problem with another.
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Icefang01 on September 18, 2010, 12:58:33 PM
Good idea. A power vacuum works well like that. I'm trying to work on a ghoul clan that can frequent the still devastated areas in the lower-ninth. I may toy with a bit of Black Court as well. I'm trying to find a way to toy with Voodoo and Hoodoo as all magic is built on your faith in it, be it divine (Michael, Forthill) or simply arcane (Harry, White Council).
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: wolfiejinn on September 26, 2010, 11:14:05 PM
Well, if this is an online game, I'm willing to participate!  A DFRPG in Nawlins sound just like something I'd adore (I'm also a Sookie Stackhouse vampire fan so I'm all over it).  Been a long time since I was in New Orleans, over 15 years, and it was my senior trip in high school so I don't think I'd be much help.  Drop me a line if it's online and you need a player.  I just picked up the game books, I'm new to the Fate system, so I've been trying to create a were-form character from scratch (twitch).  Not sure how I'm doing. LOL

Were-leopard appaloosa in Louisiana?  That'd blow yer mind. LOL

Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: ladyrane on October 01, 2010, 11:34:22 PM
There is an online Dresden game set in New Orleans.  Check it out:  It is a MUSH; you will need to familiarize yourself with the way those are played (if you don't already know) and download a client called SimpleMU* (if you don't already have it) to connect.
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Auronculari on October 20, 2010, 01:09:57 PM
I live in Baton Rouge, and I've just been voluntold to run a game set in New Orleans. Some of my quick notes on the setting are...

* Neutral ground: Jean Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop. It's one of the oldest buildings in New Orleans, and for a long time was run independent of the local powers because of Jean Lafitte's influence (he was a local privateer big-wig back in the day). It's also small, crowded, dark, musty, and thematically perfect for a hole-in-the-wall meeting place. Practically, you might have to invent a side room or second floor to segregate the supernaturals from the normal patrons, but that wouldn't be too hard.

* St. Louis Cathedral: I've been in there a few times, and I think it would be more interesting to have it be holy ground but not be controlled by anyone. A place of rest and temporary refuge, but not true safety.

* Garden district: This is a good place to have some sort of stabilizing, positive influence. This area is very near to some bad areas but is actually rather nice, leading nicely to a setup where something is protecting it against the corrupting influence of its surroundings.

* French quarter: I want this area to be *full* of stuff. You have neutral ground at Lafitte's, surrounded by White Court holdings, holy ground at St. Louis, graveyards infested with ghosts and/or necromancers, and tons of tourists just to make things interesting.

* Farther afield: Outside of the Quarter and the Garden district you have the Superdome (which I think should definitely be haunted or corrupt in some way after what happened there during Katrina), the remnants of Charity Hospital, and the CBD, which are all ideal settings to play into the overall theme of corruption.

* Antagonists: I've been working a few angles on developing antagonists. The Black Court (maybe even Mavra) may be trying to establish a foothold
(click to show/hide)
, while Ghouls are in the ruined areas of the Lower 9th and New Orleans East, possibly some Kemmler disciples and other dark sorcerers/wizards hiding in the shadows. The more ubiquitous, theme-level antagonists would include the White Court (primarily in the Quarter) and ghosts. I am intentionally avoiding the fae, because they don't suit the themes I'm going for, but I can see how they might fit into some games. Instead, the spirit world will be more strongly populated with ghosts and other spirits (especially Lwa), because I think they suit NOLA's character better.

* Allies: It would be foolish to ignore New Orleans's connection to Voodoo. Setting up the voodoo community as evil or corrupt is too obvious, though, and I thought it might be a bit flat. Instead, I'm going to turn the Voodoo cultural center and the current high priestess into New Orleans's version of Father Forthill - a strong, faith-based practitioner and servant to the Lwa. She can also be one of the links in the Paranet, holding the supernatural community together. The PCs will round out this category; I don't want there to be too many allies, or the game wont be as overtly corrupt as I'm shooting for.

I'm still working the details right now. Still though, I hope this helps. :)
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Maltese Falcon on October 20, 2010, 11:23:49 PM
So, I'm trying to flesh out a game that I'll hopefully be starting in a month or so. Since I'm close by I decided to use New Orleans. A few nice points, a) The City of New Orleans website has .pdf's of the separate areas of the city road maps

I know it's off topic but I am writing a book based in New Awlins and even though my family is from there I am home bound now and can't really walk the streets.
What is that website you are talking about it could help me with the book.

Plus I think I will have my groups City based there too just because I love the city so much.
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Maltese Falcon on October 20, 2010, 11:26:27 PM
Oh as for ideas on your game.

Use the Bayou and surrounding areas.
There are lots of legends you could tap into as having never never connections.
The Fae, or even some Loa.
Plus you could have things that live in the cities of the dead famous to that city.
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: eberg on October 21, 2010, 03:56:37 PM
* Neutral ground: Jean Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop. It's one of the oldest buildings in New Orleans, and for a long time was run independent of the local powers because of Jean Lafitte's influence (he was a local privateer big-wig back in the day). It's also small, crowded, dark, musty, and thematically perfect for a hole-in-the-wall meeting place. Practically, you might have to invent a side room or second floor to segregate the supernaturals from the normal patrons, but that wouldn't be too hard.
Beat me to it! Consider me as seconding Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop as a great neutral ground choice.
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Maltese Falcon on October 23, 2010, 12:10:47 AM
* Neutral ground: Jean Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop. It's one of the oldest buildings in New Orleans, and for a long time was run independent of the local powers because of Jean Lafitte's influence (he was a local privateer big-wig back in the day). It's also small, crowded, dark, musty, and thematically perfect for a hole-in-the-wall meeting place. Practically, you might have to invent a side room or second floor to segregate the supernaturals from the normal patrons, but that wouldn't be too hard.

Great place to go to, but I would never go there IRL, all the tourists go there, the 2x nightly vampire tour as well as the ghosts tours use it as a watering hole mid tour.
Kinda ruins the vibe.

In game it's easy to rewrite something as workable because in game you can say it's outta the way and no one goes there.
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: Ren on October 26, 2010, 06:35:21 PM
N'awlins is almost too obvious a choice for a DFRPG game to be set in. Sooo much that can be done there. I don't live there but I've been there plenty of times in the last 8 years, including after Katrina, simply because I have so much family in the general area (Bay St. Louis and Lake Charles). Voudoun should relaly be the primary source of magic in the area, as such you could have a constant power struggle between the Vampire Courts and the Local Vouduon Priest's for control of the City.
With all that goes on there I'd think that most of the French Quarter could be considetred Neutral Ground for everyone's sake, but that could get boring if people keep running in there to lose bad guys. geez the flavor of the quarter alone can change from one building to the next; high end hotels mixed with decaying old houses, fake voudou shops, bars, strip clubs, and tons of legends and lore plus tons of live music that might attract a Fae or two.
The only thing you'd really be misisng supernaturally-speaking would be were-wolves, but where there are swamps, there are were-gators...8)
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: MWKilduff on October 27, 2010, 12:42:03 AM
Were-rats (huge harbor and water town)
Were-panthers (myth of the swamp cats)
Honey Island Swamp Monster
Think about all of the cool historically active characters such as:
Marie Paris Laveau (queen of voodoo)
Jean Lafitte (pirate that was an active participant in wars of his time not to mention his treasure)
I really could go on for a very long time.  However, I have people in my games that read this and they may come back to my game at some point.  I have lots of notes I am willing to share.  Just email me and I will be happy to share.
Title: Re: Dresden Files RPG in New Orleans
Post by: kenposan on October 23, 2011, 10:25:16 PM
I want do do a game in New Orleans as well. Anyone here willing to share their city guides to help me out?